Friday, September 20, 2013

Reason Smile!

There is so much for me to smile about this morning!  

First, a funny from last night, we had quite a storm with lots of rain.  Suzy needed to go so I grabbed a towel and waited for her to return.  I whistled and called but she did not.  I started to worry really started to get worried.  Jack braved the elements and ventured out in search of Suzy and returned without her.  He found her safe and sound in her kennel.  Oops!  She must have peaked her head out the dog door, changed her mind and high tailed it to the kennel before I got to the door.  (I felt a bit of guilt for yelling at him for leaving his socks on the couch before he went outside... and not offering him a towel on his return.)  Jack is such a good man!  :-)

I read a couple of my favorite blogs - one being muddypawsblog.  She is a friend from church that moved to Minnesota a little over a year ago.  If you have time go back and read her previous posts.  I am certain you will get a good chuckle out of them.  :-)

Today is my day off.  :-D

I have a laundry list of to-do's and first was writing.  It's therapeutic for me.  It grounds me.  :-)

Tonight is the Homecoming and the band will have their first performance.  Yeah!  :-)  

I found this... Excellent advice for everyone!  Simple yet powerful, be kind!  :-)

I saw this... What an amazing brother!  It made me cry.  :-)

I watched Robin Roberts celebrate her first birthday since her bone marrow transplant.  AND Braden got good news in Philly, his neuroblastoma remains in remission so he is just fighting mds! Hope is alive!  Prayers continue.  :-)

Tomorrow is the Homecoming dance!  I plan on taking LOTS of pictures!  LOTS!  :-)

Jake isn't going to the dance but has plans with friends.  :-)

Here are a few pictures from our week:

Yellow happiness :-)
Come swing with me!

There's not better feeling
 like driving home from the dog park
with your head out the window
and your ears flapping
Doggy happiness!

This is as close to the bon fire as I was "allowed"
The kids both had fun.
Ugly sweater day
taking it head on..
even if we couldn't convince him to embrace the big collar
he buttoned the top button. 
ha ha!

In the next three week I think I will get a year (or two's) worth of pictures of Annie.  I am so excited!  :-)


Time to get to the next item on my list!  


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