Saturday, September 28, 2013


It's official. 
Jake is 16!  

He wanted a low key day. But I just couldn't let it go without doing something... 16 is a BIG deal!  So, Tuesday night after band rehearsal Annie and I went to the school and decorated Jake's band locker.  I should have taken a picture - but the opportunity was missed.  Thankfully he has a large locker - well, it does contain a tuba after all.  It was empty (ok, that's not true - he had two large water bottles, one extra large water bottle, some shoes, a hat box, a couple jackets, a shirt and a couple pairs of socks - which I put in the balloon bag and brought home).  All the contra's were sitting on the floor.  I filled it with 16 balloons, a happy birthday sign and Annie made a large #1 on one door and a #6 on the other.  

Jake had band rehearsal at 7 a.m. on his birthday, so I expected a call, but I didn't get one.  I found out later he had asked his friend, Emily, and she ratted us out.  She had been in the director's office when I asked permission.

I just asked and he still has balloons in his locker - two days later.  :-)

After school the kids had orthodontist appointments.  I gave Jake the option when we made the appointment and he said it was fine.  As it turns out he got the best birthday present there... he's getting his braces off in three weeks!  As you can imagine, he is so excited!!  He got spoiled for coming in on his birthday too, he got a chocolate tooth and a $5 Starbucks gift card!  

How nice is that?  

After their appointments Jake made plans with friends to spend some time at the skate park. There's nothing like spending time with friends riding skateboards for a teenager.  He requested burgers (on a real bun), grilled asparagus, chips, and ice cream cake.

He called three times to push dinner back.  He was having too much fun.  I felt bad having to tell him no, the last time he called. 

We had friends over for cake.

Annie lit the candles

Jake taming the blaze.


Fun with candles got a little scary.
"it's a family tradition"
I don't think we'd ever played it at home...
always at my folks.

Shatto Birthday Cake Milk
to celebrate their 10th birthday
"It was a little weird"

Thursday night was football night.  It was broadcast on Metro Sports Thursday night game of the week.  That meant we got to enjoy the game live and watched it later to hear the band.  They sounded amazing!

8th grade night
8th graders are in red shirts and jeans.

Half time show.
They are really coming along!

And a quick pic of Annie
I blinked and she grew up.
Makes me a little sad.

It's late and tomorrow is going to be a LONG day.  Please pray for our safe travel.


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