Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tid bits

Tonight, I will share a couple tid bits that touched me in some way...

Loved this!

It made me cry, so you might want to grab a kleenex.

Hated this...


Please keep Jake in your prayers.  He's struggling in band - same boy, same situation (the boys is just playing a different instrument).  There's been no change.  Well, he might be saying the right things to the directors and adviser's but you know what they say... actions speak louder than words.  Unfortunately, Jake's unhappiness/frustration in band is carrying over into his life and school.  Add to that, he is struggling with a teacher that made an example out of him and humiliated Jake in front of the whole class today.  :-( UGH!  He shared his experience with Annie, Jack and I - separately.  And asked Jack and I NOT to make a thing out of it.  "I only have him for one semester.  I need to know how to deal with this type of person in life."  God protect him.  Jack had been impressed with his teacher at back to school night, but I'm guessing he's a very good salesman.  Again, please keep Jake in your prayers.

It's Thursday!  Yay!  Which means it's my FRIDAY!!!  Woo Hoo!  Tomorrow is Jack's birthday!  I will be making white cake with butter cream frosting.  Yum!


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