Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's the little things...

I have heard the phrase, everything you ever needed to know you learned in Kindergarten...  but I guess that was when I was little.  It seems like we are teaching more and more life skills in pre-school.  Be nice.  Listen.  Use your words first, not your hands. Try.  Be creative, make a mess, it's ok. Wait.  It's always fun when it's your turn to bring snacks. We are all friends, we need to take care of each other.  If someone extends their hand, hold it.  And the list goes on and on.  As you can imagine, we do lots of practicing.  LOTS! 

Don't get me wrong, we talk about colors and letters and shapes, but in different ways.  Sit on the circle.  Who's name starts with the same sound as jump?  "Janet!"  Who's wearing a red shirt?  It's fun to watch the students discover the world around them.   No matter what, it's still a challenge.  Some little people test us; our patience, our limits, our strength, but we are all there for the right reason.  And for some, we are the only consistent routine in their day.  Some days we don't understand how these little people can be so out of control and disrespectful.  I can't go into that one.  It's a personal hot button.  Routines are not optional for little minds.  Bedtimes are needed.  Sleep is required.  (Ok, I said I didn't want to go into it and I did, a bit.  Deep sigh.  It makes me sad and angry and confused.)      

Another deep sigh...

Last night I took the kids to the OP Arboretum to take pictures for their photography classes.  It was a beautiful evening, though a bit hot and sticky.  If you'll remember, the last time I took them out Annie didn't have a camera. Well, this time Jake quickly discovered he had rolled the film backwards - yes, he rolls his own film.  It's a learning process, right?  So, he was limited to one roll of film that he had found in the garage, that expired in 2005.  !  ? (Ok, I'm a little ashamed/embarrassed in the fact that we had expired film in our garage but it happened.  Lol!)  He wasted no time in taking his roll.  Annie took her time. Her assignment is perspective, so the normal point and shoot was not an option. Here are a couple of her shots.

These are some of my favorites.

Another part of Annie's assignment is taking self portraits.  I think that's the hardest part for her.  It hurts my heart because she is such a beautiful girl, but normal teenage insecurities make it difficult for her to take pictures she likes.  Poor thing.

Tonight, we went to the BVW Performing Arts Showcase. the band, orchestras, choirs, improv troupe (Annie's friend, Arden, is the only freshman added to the troupe this year), and other clubs performed.  It was fantastic.  The band performed their whole show music - and the director gave a happy yell at the end because they finished clean for the first time. At the end the band returned to play the school alma mater and fight song.  I am very excited to see their show.
He was NOT in the mood to get his picture taken.
(what you can't see if the kid next to him with a BIG grin on his face.)
And after the performances he scurried out to change his clothes.
I LOVE their new uniforms, definitely sharp looking!

He said the new uniforms feel like pajamas with a jacket.
Ha ha!

I'm going to start ending each post with something I'm grateful or thankful for... today I am thankful for music.  Whether it's a silly preschool song that gets stuck in my head or beautiful music performed by a band or orchestra, nothing soothes my soul like music.  I hope you heard at least one tune today that lifted your spirits and made you smile.  


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