Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's my duty

This morning was the first annual Bike Rodeo at church.  I had signed the kids and I up to help. About a week ago I learned about a bridal shower brunch for Lauren but gave regrets.  Later, Annie and I were chatting about it and she was shocked.  "But Mom, I have to go!  I'm in the wedding.  It's my duty to go."  :-)  I let Sue know we had a change in plans and sent an email to the event coordinator apologizing for my error.

We were glad we went this morning.  Sue had a fun game, kind of a "how well do you know the groom" thing for Lauren (the bride).  The questions were a variety of random facts, ie:  If he could have a super power what would it be?  What's his dream car?  Job?  What street did he live on in high school?  How old was he when he had his first kiss?  For every question that Lauren got wrong she had to put a piece of gum in her mouth.  I was surprised she only got 8 questions right out of 20!  That's 12 pieces of gum she had in her mouth.  Annie was in charge of gum - giving Lauren a variety of flavors.  Gross but hilarious!

We shared wedding stories or advice.  I went first and made the three soon-to-be brides in the room all a little anxious and sweaty.  Lol.  And I left out a  few details.  I didn't think they could handle it all.  My advice was to make the best of it - if things go wrong the day of your wedding, laugh it off.  You're making a memory, good, bad or indifferent it's all in the way you look at it and remember it.  I could have crumbled into a puddle of tears the day of my wedding - Oh wait!  I was a sobby puddle that day but not because of one or five or more hick ups during your special day.  Even with all that went wrong the day of our wedding I look back and smile.  It was my day... not perfect but special none the less.  I can tell my story and laugh.  

We got home to find Jack painting!  Painting?  Yes!  Painting.  I was so excited to see this...
Come swing with me!

Jack and I ran some errands while Annie was studying with friends, at Starbucks.  (Seriously.) Then we picked Jake up from a friends house.  He'd been there since last night.  The boys Mom walked out to tell us how much she appreciated Jake's help with the yard today.  "He worked harder than my son!"  :-)  

Jake had a great week.  He has really stepped up and worked hard.  All his grades and attitude have improved drastically.  Thank you for praying for him.  

Annie's school related anxiety has seemed to subside a bit as well.  We had a chat about keeping her focus on the goal, rather than every assignment like Jake.  I wanted to make sure that she felt supported on her own merit.  It's not fair to treat the kids the exact same when they have different learning styles and study processes.  

Tonight Jack and I got to spend some time at the dog park with Suzy.  She was over the moon excited.   
I hadn't been in quite a while and loved these little flowers.

So beautiful!

Our tour guide, just a bit cranky with a few dogs.
She was mostly very well behaved.

On the way home
Super Dog!
She was so happy.

(My pictures were taken with my phone...
they're not nearly as good as Annie's.)

It was the perfect way to end the day!

Today, I am grateful for our trusty, sneaky, sometimes cranky pup.  Suzy really is our third child.  I love her so much, from her quirky smile to her snoring in the night.  She is a faithful companion and friend.  And I thank God for her everyday. 


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