Thursday, August 29, 2013

One of those days

Is it possible to look at this picture and not smile?
I don't think so.

I didn't take this picture.
A friend posted it on Pinterest and I thought it was magical.
It made me take a deep breath, smile and relax.

I love daisy's!

Thursday is my Friday... and this week I couldn't be happier.  I really try to be as nice and helpful to the bus drivers as I possibly can.  This morning, I asked a bus driver to pull forward in front of the crosswalk to make room for more cars.  I was kind.  And I was told, "you can tell me whatever you want but I'll never remember it, I'm a sub!"  Ok, now repeat that in your head and use a LOT of attitude.  That's pretty close to what I heard.  !?  What the heck?  How would you respond to that?  I giggled to myself and thought, well, at least she's honest.   

After that encounter - somewhere between the front door and 9:00 (about 20 minutes) I dubbed myself the potty person - we don't usually have a potty person but I just had a feeling.  I don't know what it was about our day, but we had one tinkle accident on the rug, one stinky accident in the ball pit (thankfully it was contained to his big boy pants), one stinky diaper, and one stinky on the potty.  When I took the stinky on the potty boy to the bathroom we were joined by a friend.  The tag-along finished quickly and I left stinky alone in the bathroom (I told him "I will be right back.  Stay here.") while I helped tag-along wash his hands and get safely back to class.  I returned to see a full moon - stinky was standing outside the stall with his hands holding tightly to his ankles waiting for me to wipe his bottom.  I really wanted to laugh.  It was so hard to contain, but I managed, but oh my, what a sight!  I'm so thankful no one else entered the boys bathroom ahead of me.  I can honestly say, I have never walked in on that before. :-)

Disclaimer:  Ok, I don't want to offend anyone with this next part, but it's too funny not to share, so please keep an open mind.  We have a new student in the morning class.  He speaks Spanish and English.  He is a little brother, so his family added "ito" to the end of his name. For whatever reason, it's been tricky for me, and everyone else, to remember.  Yesterday, my friend that teaches 1st grade next door asked me if his name was Horacio, "because you never hear that name anymore."  That is not his name.  Then, we heard someone call him something that sounded like Doritos, again not his name.  And today in a very crowded hallway, I called him Mojito ~ which, if you're not aware, is a rum drink.  We were all laughing.  I have never had such a hard time remembering a name!  Oh My Goodness! 

What a crazy day at school!  Did I mention I was glad it's my Friday?

And so so happy that I get four days off?  

Just because.  

It's hard to believe we've only been in school two weeks and two days.  

I keep repeating, "I love my job!"  "I love my co-workers."  "I love these crazy kids."  

I do.

It was just one of those days.

Jack has been busy fixing up the kids car.  He changed the oil last night - it was 2.5 quarts low.  Took it in and had the manual transmission fluid changed tonight - it was a quart or two low.  He has ordered new parts and pieces and plans to replace the oxygen sensor - which will hopefully get rid of the check engine light.  Once the pieces and parts come in we want to get it all cleaned up on the inside.  We are planning on getting the tags tomorrow, I didn't realize until this evening that tomorrow is the last day of the month and I am hoping and praying it doesn't turn into an all day affair.  

Both kids are taking photography classes.  Jake's is old school Photography I.  He is using a film camera and will get to learn all the ins and outs of developing images from negatives.  He has even learned how to roll his own film.  He gets to use school owned equipment.  Annie is taking Digital Imaging.  She will learn how to use a DSLR (digital single-lense reflex) camera. I have a DSLR which she will use and just take the memory card to school - not the whole camera.  I am hoping to learn a few things through them this semester and I have to admit I'm more than a little excited!

A spoof on Star Wars.
Old school and new age film.
Funny stuff!

Jake got in my car tonight and was shocked to hear the Alternative Rock station playing on the radio and me whistling along.  I think in his mind, it was all kinds of wrong.  Annie prefers this station and is sneaky about changing stations without my knowledge.  I guess somewhere along the way her music has seeped into my brain.  And maybe I just don't pay that close of attention anymore.  Which is not a bad thing, really.  There are a few artists and songs I don't like, but not many.  It's been fun to see the kids bond over music.  Sometimes its like they're talking a foreign language, talking about various groups and people.  Maybe every parent goes through this, I'm guessing they do. And I'm guess this is just part of the "oh, just wait" that other Mom's always warn you about.  ;-)

All of a sudden I have a flash in my memory of a movie clip from Finding Nemo.  Marlin (the Dad) is getting instructions from Crush (the little sea turtle) and Marlin says "Look, you're really cute but I can't understand what you're saying."  

I've thought that a lot lately, at home AND at school.  Lol!  :-)  

I love that movie!


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