Thursday, August 1, 2013

to Denver and back...

Monday morning Jack took Annie and I to the airport.  It was cloudy with light rain but visibility wasn't bad. We got to the airport without any trouble.  I checked the flight status - on time!  I had to check my bag... no biggie. We got through security and noticed a LOT of people waiting.  We found two seats, and sat down.  Annie put her sweatshirt on as soon as we walked in.  My sweater was in our luggage... I didn't think we'd we waiting too long.  I didn't think so anyway.  I called Sarah and she said it was sunny and beautiful in Castle Rock. We waited.  Brr!  I tried to snuggle with Annie but she shut me down. 
All snug and warm.

I soon realized there was a delay - fog in Denver.  ?  None of the flights to Denver had left.  None.  ?  There was a gentleman sitting next to me and I was beginning to think I was going to need to make friends, but they started combining flights and I had to go stand in line.  As it turned out they combined four morning flights - our plane was packed!  There was someone sitting in Annie's seat so I gave her mine.  And walked back to get a flight attendant.  He got things figured out - the guy was upgraded to 1st class (kind of a pun in this little plane if you ask me... lol!)  I sat directly in front of Annie.  It's a good thing I don't have claustrophobia.  I looked out the window, I was under a wing, between a propeller and the wheel.  
My view.

I love adventure.  :-)  They told us we were "racing" the 6 a.m. flight to see who would get to Denver first.  Come on, let's go!  A gentleman sat down next to me.  He asked me to nudging him if he falls asleep and snores too loud or leans over on me.  I laughed.  I asked if he'd seen this funny video... Awkward flight.  (double click it, Dad).  He had and we both laughed.  I'm not one who typically chit chats with strangers on planes but we talked almost the entire flight.  He is happily married and lives in KC, works for Union Pacific, has four kids, his youngest son is a junior at Rockhurst High School, he lives not far from where Jack's folks lived in south KC, he's a retired Sergeant in the Army and did three tours in Afghanistan, he is the great grandson of a Baptist preacher and his grandfather, dad and uncles were all deacons, his parents died within hours of each other when he was 16.  Seriously, we talked almost the whole time.  It was crazy!  He said he usually sleeps on flights and rarely talks.  I think we both learned we need to take the time to put ourselves out there, make connections and share our faith more freely.  It was a great start to this trip.

I never did hear which flight got to Denver first.  Bummer.  Oh well.  

We found our bag and called Sarah.  There was a lot of construction around the airport but we only had to wait a few minutes.  Every time I see her we hug and I think, gosh, how lucky and I to have her in my life!  I just love her so much!  We drove home, making a quick stop for food (Annie was hungry).  We arrived to find an excited Addy.  "Mama and Poppy are going to Seattle tomorrow!"  The girls went outside and Sarah and I ran some errands; the library, the grocery store and the community garden.  They fill a cooler often and donate the food to a food bank. 
Sarah's beautiful garden.
She's a gardener!

Sarah added lettuce the cooler.

I noticed she had some carrots ready.
They're dwarf carrots.
Addy had one for dinner (a couple times).
I did too.

We came home to find Annie having fun playing with Addy and the neighbor girls, Riley and Gracie.  Jill, Sarah's neighbor came over after a while and Sarah and I sat out on the porch with her and visited while the girls played.  At one point Annie snuck inside for a little break. I'm not sure exactly what was said but Addy heard me say teenager time.  She promptly went inside, downstairs and loudly whispered to Annie, "it's teenager time!"  Annie came upstairs and asked me what I said about "teenager time".  Oh my!  I was busted by a 3 year old!  We all got a good laugh out of it.  And teenager time is now a real thing in our house.  :-)

We had dinner together and spent the evening enjoying time together.  Sarah made a great list of very helpful Addy info - her schedule and such.  It was an early evening.

Matt, Sarah and I were up early and out the door at 5:11 a.m.  Matt drove and the trip to the airport was... exciting.  Construction and annoying drivers put several people in "the club".  I hope I made the drive a little easier (Sarah sat quietly in the backseat but I'm pretty sure she knows what I'm talking about.).  Their flight to Seattle was early and I wanted a dry run at the drive since there was a lot of construction.  They made it to their gate with no time to spare and I made it home without any problems to find two sleeping girls.

Addy slept in until 8:20!  She came down with a BIG smile and reminded me, "Mama and Poppy are in Seattle!"  
Good Morning!

I was a little worried I wasn't going to get her to school in time but once she was up it was smooth sailing.  Annie and I walked Addy in and I asked several times if she knew where she was going.  She tugged on my hand and lead me on.  I asked silly questions and got giggles in response.  There is a barn mural painted on one wall with handles... I pulled on them and ask, "is your class in here?"  Addy giggled, "no..."   :-)  

Annie and I spent the morning exploring downtown Castle Rock.  

Castle Rock Music
Very cool.
Vinyl records and CD's
no cassettes

Checking out the Emporium

I loved these glasses!
Annie, not so much.

I did get these cute shoes.

Annie laughed at this...
but she wouldn't go in.

We picked up Addy at 1:00 and went home to play before her nap.  We made a list because we were going to have a sleepover party!  And naps are so much better when you have something to look forward to waking up to.
- make pizza
- play a game
- make popcorn
- watch a show
- dance in our pj's
- make up a story
we also added - pillow fight!

At nap time I told her a story about Sassy Bug (her bed buddy) and her dog, Jack.  I told her they were best friends and went on all kinds of adventures together.  She listened with wide eyes and a big smile. I think she likes the idea that Sassy and Jack are friends.  Addy doesn't usually get stories at nap time.  (I hope I didn't start something.)  After the story was done she was an angel, rolled over and went right to sleep.  I watched her for a bit from the monitor downstairs and never saw her move.

When she woke up we had lots of fun..
Pool time!

the water was cold,
and she knew exactly how to warm up...
on the warm patio.

Annie and Jack needed some
teenager time...
I think they were both asleep.

So, Addy and I went out and played with chalk.
We drew faces...

made a rainbow...

Addy decided to follow it...

then raced back to tag the flag...

drawing is so fun!

Then it was ~~~
sleepover party time!!!

Addy helped make pizza's
she spread the sauce on english muffins

and helped with the cheese
"ready for the oven."

Although she really like helping make them, 
they looked funny,
she didn't even try a single bite.
That's ok, she had a peanut butter sandwich, instead.

Time to DANCE!

and twirl!

This girl loves to twirl!

and fall down giggling

Belle and the Beast joined us for one song.


"I got you Mimi!"

"I got you, Annie!"
Lots of giggles!


We made up a story about Princess Annabelle 
that lived in a castle on top of the rock
(Annie didn't get Castle... Rock, until today.)
Tee hee!

Sleepover parties are so much fun!

We got Addy to bed right on time.  Annie read her a long story and we said prayers.  She was very sleepy.  I rubbed her back and she was asleep before I left.  What a great day!  

Addy woke up at 7:30 on the dot.  She wakes up so happy!  She announced, "Mama and Poppy are still in Seattle" and gave me a big hug.  I got lots of hugs and snuggles before school.  She started eating a waffle and set it down on her couch... Winnie helped herself.  I asked Addy if she wanted another waffle and she said very convincingly, "my Mama only lets me have one."  Hmm, ok then!  Before I could speak she said she wanted oatmeal.  Ok.  No problem.  She helped me make it and took two big spoonful bites of the dry mix.  ?  "YUM!"  I added the water and mixed it up.  
She ate five bites
and said she was done.

Annie and I made a run to Target, then to the outlet shops while Addy was at school.  I found a couple sweaters and a blouse.  Annie found socks, a candle and some lip balm.  We went to several shoe stores without success and a couple perfume stores but left empty handed.  Annie is looking for a new scent.  :-)  What do high school girls smell like?  (Oh dear, I hope she laughs at that someday when she reads this!)   

We picked her up from school and got to play for a little while.  

Addy played croquet
using a magic wand as her mallet
and a headband for a wicket.
That's what I call resourceful!!

All too soon it was nap time.  Addy slept for two hours.  Well, actually OVER two hours.  I didn't want to wake her but my time was running out.  So... I got a cup of chocolates and I turned on some of her favorite music... loud, louder, a little louder.  I took a seat at the bottom of the stairs and waited. I wish I had taken a video.  She walked out of her room with a BIG SMILE and curious eyes... did a sleepy little dance down the stairs... and happily took my treat.

All too soon Grandma Charley arrived to take Addy home for the night because our flight was early.  :-(  Oh how I hate goodbyes.  I didn't see a single tear from Addy the whole time and now I had to keep mine in check, but it was hard work.

I offered to take Annie out to dinner.  She wanted to make pizza again.  So, we did.

I tidied up.

And started to pack.

I was shocked when I walked into this...
Annie and Jack cuddled up
on Matt and Sarah's bed!
Excuse me?

I made her bed on the couch.  I didn't want to strip the bed downstairs early in the morning. AND...

What the heck?
Winnie looks like she is trying to be invisible.
Ha ha!

We were on the road by 5:22 this morning.  We didn't have any traffic, construction or parking problems.  We only had to wait about 25 minutes at our gate.

We were on another small plane.
I love adventures.

I don't know why I love walking out on the tarmack
and walking up the stairs but I do.

We had a wonderful trip!  I told Sarah I would happily do it again, anytime.  And I will wrestle her Mom for the opportunity.  ;-)  

Matt and Sarah had a great trip to Seattle, too.  They found their car and made it home safely.  :-)  Yesterday was their 10th Anniversary.  10 year.  Wow!  I am so proud of them.  They are amazing parents and are raising an amazing/hilarious/fabulous/wonderful/sweet little girl!   They are some of my favorite people in this world!  I would do anything for them.  
I love going on adventures... but I LOVE to come home.  I missed my boys.  And I think they missed us, too!

Oh, and tonight I saw the turkey... I think she's grown.
taller, not fatter.

Sweet dreams! 


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