Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Homecoming and band

Annie was asked to Homecoming this morning by a friend.  She hasn't shared the specifics, yet.  She said he asked her in French - and I ruined that moment because I said, "but you are taking Latin!?"  An obvious error on my part because now she won't share anything else.  :-(  Darn it!

Jake is wanting to ask 'someone' to go out that night but not to the dance.  Dinner and video games!  ?  He and Annie were talking in code but when she said a name -- he said no and left it at that.  Annie and I played the guessing game, receiving only a "no" response or were flat out ignored.  Bummer!

We were chatting about other things - their day, homework, talking teachers - asking for information, help, whatever.   Then I threw in "so what's her name?" 
Jake smiled and said, "wouldn't you like to know!"  :-)  
"Hey, a mom's gotta try, right?" :-D


Other stuff...

Jake really likes the new band directors but has been having a bit of trouble with another student.  And it has significantly changed his attitude about band and taken the fun out of it. (I can't remember if or how much I've written about it, so if I'm repeating myself, forgive me.)  There is a freshman, who is also playing contra (tuba).  He's bit of a wild card. He's been in school with Annie since kindergarten.  Actually, he went to our church and I remember teaching him in Sunday School, even back then he was hard to handle.  He's disrespectful.  He doesn't know the value of anything.  And even as a little boy he was a master manipulator.  He is making band anything but fun for Jake.  Last Thursday night during rehearsal on the field, the boy intentionally tripped Jake and caused him to fall to the ground with his instrument in hand.  Jake was angry, probably angrier than he's ever been in his life and he took a swing at this boy.  He did not connect.  He punched the air right in front of his face.  The boy screamed.  No words were exchanged.  Jake was done.  Unfortunately none of the adults saw what happened because no one said anything.  As Jack stood watching at the end with several other Dads, Jake walked by and a girl ran up to him and practically begged him to do something about the situation.

Jake had band early Friday morning.  He didn't say it, but I could tell he didn't want to go. But he did.  I got all my information second hand, I had been gone the night before and Jack filled me in.  I had been trying since the beginning of band camp to give Jake suggestions and tips on how to deal with the situation.  Jack hadn't seen Jake fall but he had watched part of practice and knew how tight the boys were in formation.  And he said the other boy stuck out like a sore thumb.  He was reckless on the field.  Now it wasn't a matter of "my kid is having problems" and escalated to just plain unsafe, in my opinion.  For whatever reason, I am not someone who can call teacher unless it's absolutely necessary and we had reached that level. I did not call the new band director, I called Jake's instructor - who is also the low brass adviser in marching band.  I was open and honest and shared my experiences with his boy.  I said I did not feel Jake was safe.  It was a hard conversation.  Jack had to tell me to pull it together a couple times.  I am horrible at confrontation in any form.  Thankfully Mr. Banks was candid and honest with me.  He was also feeling frustrated because he had gotten the boys contra repaired before band started and it was already in horrible shape.  The bell looked like smooshed aluminum foil from being dropped so much.  He had witnessed enough to know the boy was not honest and sincere.  I was trying to find my inner Mama lion - protector.  I was not gossipy.  I was focused and real and that's all I can be.

Jake had band early yesterday morning but they worked on game music, not show stuff.  

Jake had lessons last night.  Mr. Banks came out for a chat while Jake put his instrument away.  He wanted to make sure Jake was feeling good about "stuff".  I was honest and said it was a little too early to tell, which made him laugh.  He asked if the director had talked to Jake.  - I hated to say not that I was aware of.  He laughed again.  I was full of useful information.  ;-)  No matter, I felt good about the gesture and know Jake felt his support.

Today, Jake came home from school and announced the boy would now be playing baritone. I don't want to say I'm happy - because that might be rude - but I am relieved to know something was done.  Maybe this boy will learn that actions do have consequences.  I sure hope so!  

Wow, that was a long story.  


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