Sunday, August 25, 2013

Looking good!

Today, I was up early and walked in the 11th annual Head for the Cure 5k.  My friend Sarah lost her dad to brain cancer many years ago and formed a team the very first year.  The team has grown every year and we had 52 people supporting Sarah and her family.  We were Team Sauce and Sarah designed a t-shirt with some of her Dad's favorite things on it - dogs, ribs (bbq) and golf.  

Cottonwood Point Elementary Ladies
front: Sarah in the middle and Alysia
back: Jill, Amy, me, Katie, Marena
(I don't know where Mary and Kim were.)

It was a hot, humid morning but full of laughter and dancing for us. Mary was our trainer trying to convince us that walking felt even better after a little jog.  Ha! Katie, Kim and I were not convinced.  :-)

I did not make it to church.  I was hot and sweaty and I would have been late.  So, I went home.  But I missed it.  Jake told me the youth directors husband will be home on Labor Day - "he's in America!"  What a joy indeed!  May God watch over Wes and bring him the rest of the way home safely.

Jack did a bit more work on the door today.  It still needs trim on the inside but it looks amazing.  He did a great job - especially after realizing our builder did not do a good job.  :-( It will be interesting to see how much we save on our heating and cooling bills.

We got a new door bell button/cover, too.  The old was was showing it's age.  This afternoon Jack changed it out while I took a little nap.  Every once in a while he noticed Suzy would bark but he didn't know why.  All he knew was when it was time to take the kids to youth group I was in a mood.  The new door is amazing.  It really reduces sounds.  So much so that every time he rang the doorbell he didn't hear it.  !?  Which made taking a nap almost impossible.  I thought he was doing it on purpose and it annoyed me.  Well, in true house project fashion, the doorbell wires are short - really short and he had to use needle nose pliers just to get a hold of them.  There must have been a short because every time he got a hold of the wires the doorbell would ring but he couldn't hear it so he had no idea.  Well, that's what he's telling me.  I'm not convinced.  (I'm thinking... Hello!?  Suzy doesn't bark without being provoked!)  Oh well, I'm over it.  Sort of.  ;-)
Tonight, we were surprised to see it lit up!
It may seem small and insignificant
but we were kind of excited about it.

Jake met up with friends and got some exercise.  They have really been having fun skateboarding.  I am so proud of Jake wearing a helmet, sunscreen and staying hydrated, especially in this heat!

Jack is exhausted and sore.  We are both so relieved to get to enjoy our evenings this week. It seems like we were making runs to look for cars almost every night for the past three plus weeks.  We may have found the deal on the car - and gotten the friends and family discount on the door but Jack definitely put in LOTs of sweat equity on both.  

One the way home from youth group I said something about Jake's car and quickly corrected myself and said "your car" - waving my arms around toward the backseat.  Annie said, "you can call it Jake's car.  It's like my own personal taxi!"  :-) What a great perspective!    


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