Saturday, August 10, 2013

Busy Saturday

It was a busy day but I can't say I got much accomplished.  We were up early.  Jake had band practice from 9-12.  Jack and I hit the road again... searching.  Today's adventure was fruitful but I can't share exactly what, YET.  Have patience.  Soon, I promise.

We came back home and I did some laundry, made cupcakes, took a nap, took Annie to get her haircut - then home and returned to get my hair cut.  

At Annie's haircut:
She always chats nonstop with Natalie.
"OH MY GOODNESS, I didn't realize my birthday is just one week away!"
"Mom, have you even started shopping for me yet?"
"I have a list at home but if anyone needs suggestions... well, I have a list at home."

Her friend, Grace, talked her into long bangs.
"Did you know in England bangs are called fringe?"

She likes her hair with "poof"!
And she loves her bangs!

We went out to dinner.  It was nice because we couldn't remember the last time we went out just the four of us.  
Jake was mad I interrupted his game.
I had to post this because it's just so awful.
Tee hee!

He cracked himself - and the rest of us up.
What a funny man-child!
(I can't call him a boy.   And he's not quite a man, yet.)

Annie wanted to order from the kids menu.  But after some investigation we noticed you have to be 12 or under and Annie said, "my hair is WAY too sassy!"  Silly girl!  I guess she no longer thinks she could pass for a 12 year old.  :-)  I guess that's a good thing.

After dinner we drove around a bit.  There is a new store coming to Town Center that Annie was really (and I mean REALLY) excited about.  It's called Tilly's.  It's a surf and skate shop. "They have super cool clothes!  Kate bought me a shirt from there once.  Jake you're gonna love it!"  Aww!  

The kids are in the basement spending quality time together watching a movie.  Jack and I are on our computers... Jack is shopping for Annie's birthday present.  ;-)

I'm off to frost cupcakes.  

I hope you're Saturday night is just as sweet.


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