Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to school; for me anyway.

I went back to work today.  Well, yesterday I had a meeting in the afternoon but it was just an hour.  Since I have moved to full-time status I quality for benefits - so I had to suffer through the benefits portion of the new hire orientation.  My mind was full of information. I'm not sure what I'm going to do but thankfully I have Jack to help me make those decisions.

Today, we had a building meeting this morning and para training in the afternoon - covering confidentiality, blood borne pathogens and mandated reporting.  The blood borne path video was a bit gory for me.  Ugh.  And the mandated reporting (when/where/how we report child abuse or neglect) was awful.  We had to listen to an actual 911 call.  I know it's out there.  But it was so painful to listen to... :-(  I don't know if I would ever feel prepared to make that call but at least I know the process to go through.

Annie had a productive day and almost has her room clean and purged.  Yeah!  She met friends this afternoon and I got her to take a picture for me.
How stinking cute is she?

Jake enjoyed a day off.  He slept in and had a lazy day.  I took this a few minutes ago...
When he was little he liked to hang out on the landing.
He's sitting in the dark playing his Nintendo DS3.
How cute is that?

Jack and I took a little drive today... 

If felt a bit like over the river and through the woods.  But we came home empty handed. BUT it's always fun to spend time with Jack!

Our new front door was delivered today.  I am so excited!  It probably won't get installed until next weekend, which is fine.  Did I say I was excited?  I am.  We are.  I won't show you a picture so you will appreciate the big reveal.  Yay!

Finally, a couple videos:

We watched this this afternoon...  Wright's Law  - at some point I would LOVE for my kids to have a teacher like Mr. Wright!

Sarah shared it on her blog.  I have wonderful memories of this movie and it is one of my all-time favorites!  Rainbow Connection

One last thing... stealing from a friends, preschool director, "Every child has gifts, they just open them at different times. It's going to be a great school year!"  Just plain good stuff!  I couldn't agree more.


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