Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hit the ground running

Just a few pictures to bring you up to speed on life around here...

Monday was the band picnic and preview.  Lots of fun!

Tubas look strong!
I'm looking forward to the show.
(Jake is in the middle with his shirt un-tucked and wearing black socks.) 

Annie at the bus stop.
No picture was allowed before freshman orientation.

After school...
so pretty!
She was in a crazy, hilarious mood.
We went to the grocery store and laughed so much!
She danced with a coconut.
And practiced bounding (BIG skipping) through the dairy section.
Too funny!

And this morning.
This was the first picture...
Ba ha ha ha ha!

Ok, that's better!
Two amazing kids!
Fun loving, generous and thoughtful, most of the time anyway.

Then, they were off...

and this is how close to the bus I was allowed.
You can just barely see it through the trees at the next stop.
ha ha!

(*Sorry, I'm having technical difficulties getting my pictures to download.
I will add pictures tomorrow as soon as I can.)

I touched base with the Annie, when she was still on the bus.  I could tell she was frazzled. She was trying to switch her schedule and realized she didn't do it correctly.  I can only imagine how overwhelming that was - every student wanting to change their schedule in a hall way with the counselors - tables and a huge sheet of paper on the wall with all available classes divided into sections.  In my head it spans 20 feet or more.  Annie stressed HUGE.  I commented about organized chaos and she tried to explain that it was very organized - just too many people - very loud... sounds miserable to me.

Jake and I went through his schedule class by class.  What do you think of the teacher?  Do you know anyone in the class?  Who'd you sit by?  And so on...  He seems pretty happy and is already talking about what he wants to take his junior year.  !  ?  (seriously!  lol!)

I survived my first day.  We only had students during a morning / afternoon meeting that lasted about an hour - although the afternoon parents weren't in any hurry to leave.  We enjoyed catching up with them as much as they with us, but we had lots to do and not a lot of time to do it.  It was so good to see those faces!  It is crazy to think when we met some of these families our students siblings were tiny babies and now they are almost 3 and ready to join our class.  What a true joy and blessing to watch them all grow.  I am very thankful to be working Monday - Thursday.  And I'm looking forward to a quiet Friday - driving carpool at 6:30 a.m., cleaning house, making cupcakes, wrapping presents and doing a bit of returning (you know, the opposite of shopping)!  ;-)


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