Saturday, August 17, 2013

How can she be FOURTEEN!?

Happy Birthday to Annie! 
Today, she is 14 years old.  
Yes, 14!  

I took the ringing phone in to wake her with a birthday song from Leenie.  There's no better way to wake up but with a song.  :-)  Little did I realize she actually got up after the call and went downstairs.  I was still laying in bed and got a text from Annie asking where everyone was.  Oh dear!  The birthday girl is downstairs and I am not!  I quickly dressed and came down and gave her a big birthday hug and kiss.  As requested I made mini-cinnamon rolls...

As good as ever!

She opened one box...
It was her favorite cookies - frosted animal crackers.

Then she opened the second present...
another box of frosted animal crackers?

No way!
There must be something else in this box...

You're right, this one had a prize in the bottom.
A new iPod Touch with 4x as much memory as the one she has with a cracked screen.
She was beyond shocked - surprised - excited -
Over joyed!

Annie meet friends for lunch at Jose Peppers.  

Annie and I went to Lauren's bridal shower in the afternoon.
Lauren was so sweet and had a tiara waiting for the birthday girl.
Seriously, how sweet is that?

I just can't help but smile at this picture.
"Mom, I really don't want this much attention."

Annie was surprised with not one but two cupcakes.
One from her friend, Arden.
And the other was dropped off by our sweet friend, Miss Dorothy.
What a surprise!

14 cupcakes!
And friends came over tonight for movies, music, pizza and laughter.
Maddy, Eric, Annie, Jenny and Arden.
What better way to spend your birthday evening?

Annie was asked to babysit tonight, but she declined.  Jake graciously offered to take her place, so I am up waiting to go get him.  (And he didn't realize he'd have to pass up an opportunity to spend the evening with his friends - that was tough but he survived).  Friends from church were in a bind and their little boys were very excited to spend their evening with a boy!  

Fourteen and a freshman in high school... it does seem crazy.  Crazy and so exciting.  I could make a list of adjectives to describe her but it would be never ending.  She is so much more than I ever could have imagined.  She is a blessing!  For her, I wish the moon.  And I can't wait to see what the next year holds.  


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