Sunday, July 28, 2013


Sundays are again my favorite day of the week.  

I just love spending my mornings with our church family.  We started a new study in Sunday School - a study by Lee Strobel about the creation of faith.  It's fascinating.  Our new pastor and his wife joined us this morning giving us honest feedback and insight.  I loved it.  As I pondered it all I couldn't help thinking about the saying "stay on the straight and narrow". I'm not sure why, but I don't think I'll ever use that term again.  It's so... not what life is.  Life is not straight and narrow.  Ever.  (Ok, I'm not sure how I made the giant leap from faith to straight and narrow but stay with me...)  Life is anything but straight and narrow.  It can be down right hard at times - even if you're heading in the right direction.  It can be bumpy it has highs and lows. Our class agreed that life is about relationships.  When our roads are anything but straight and narrow it's our relationships that keep us going.  Keep us heading in the right direction.  Keep us from giving in to our uncertainty and doubt.  I suppose that's where faith comes in.  Our relationship with God is based on faith.  I am so grateful for the relationships I have.  The people that I know the real me.  And accept me despite my flaws. And aren't afraid to tell me when I'm being foolish or down right ridiculous.

Our pastor finished his series on Recalculating and preached about being welcoming.  Inviting friends to come and see for themselves what our church is all about.  :-)  He used a phrase I had never heard before - he was introduced to it when they lived in North Carolina. When friends would part they would say "come go home with me." - I think we'd say come home with me.  It made me stop and think.  What an awesome saying.  I do get caught up in my house having to be just so when people come to visit.  We all do.  I think back to the dinner we have two weeks ago.  I wrote about it.  I was never stressed out.  I didn't get all the things crossed of my to-do list, and it was a great evening!  Our friends came over for fellowship - not to look in my cabinets or see if I'd dusted.  It was about our relationship.  :-)  We need to do that more often.  It was freeing.  It was honest and real and  it was awesome!

We had a lazy afternoon.  I didn't start laundry until after we got home from the band ice cream social. I may be up late.  Lol!  Isn't that always the way the night before a trip?  Not to worry.  Everything that needs to get done will.  I have no doubt.  

Our first band event was great.  I am VERY impressed with the new director.  She commanded the room - with discretion and grace.  At one point there was some chatter in the back of the room and she waited patiently then asked for respect.  :-)  Jake is already in bed because band camp starts tomorrow.  :-)

As promised, here's a picture of my new secretary.  It has a cool story.  The man I bought it from (on craigslist) had gotten it from his neighbor.  She had received it as a gift from her father who was in the military stationed in Europe.  He purchased the secretary overseas and sent it to her.  It's unique.

Not the best picture but it gives you the basic idea.
Jack hated to admit today that he liked it.

I have posted a picture or two of the turkey next door.  It's getting really big.  I have to tell you, I was afraid last night when I got out of the car and it came toward me.  I glanced down to make sure I wasn't wearing my sparkly shoes.  It loves anything sparkly.  I was safe.  Mike came over to my rescue.  I had to take a picture.  He told me all about Gobbles bumps - when she's calm all the bumps on her face and neck are light pink but when she's afraid or mad they get crimson red.  How crazy!  He stood there petting his turkey and I could have sworn it purred.  (I have no words... it's just... no... words.)  To each his own, right?
Mike and Gobbles
Its feet are HUGE!
ok, enough.  I have another load of laundry and need to pack.  Annie and I are flying to the mountains tomorrow.  Yeah!  I'm not taking my computer, so I'll catch you up on the fun when I return.  


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