Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ready for school

Tuesday the kids had orthodontist appointments - at 8:30 a.m.  I was told that was "mean and wrong in the summer time"  Jake is supposed to be getting his braces off soon.  So far, soon is undefined.  But it's something to look forward to.  Annie is patiently waiting for her teeth to come in that were pulled two years ago.   (no pictures were allowed)

Yesterday morning at 9:00 a.m., Annie had her physical.  She is now 5' 2".  She's grown two inches this summer!  She's only an inch behind me now.  She weighs just over 100 pounds.  We all chuckled at that because she is bigger than Jack was when he was a freshman, wrestling in the 89 and under.  And he tells us he didn't have to worry about making weight... ;-)  (I didn't even try to take a picture.)

Jake had his physical this morning at 9:20.  He's 5' 9 1/2" tall and I'm pretty sure he's going through a growth spurt.  My little boy now towers over me.  :-(  He had to get the second of his Hep A shots.  The nurse asked him three times to relax.  Jake was tense through the shot and I'm sure he's going to have a big bruise.  She looked at me and gave the tiniest of smiles and said, "I tried."  I shrugged and smiled back.  Crazy teenage.

I snuck in this picture.
I kept thinking about when he and Annie were little 
and I'd make a tandem appointment.  
They would sit next to each other on the table...
I don't have any pictures of that - only in my mind.
It was sweet.

I don't know why they hang a mirror right over the chair in the exam rooms... but kids spent most of their time in the room staring at themselves.  Annie was more subtle, she played with her hair or smiled.  Jake was bold - he was a goof ball.  He was hilarious.  I couldn't watch him.  The nurse thought my reaction was hilarious.  I can only imagine the things she hears and sees - and it was clear we entertained her.  

Now we're done.  I am thankful for my two very healthy kids.  No more early mornings until band camp starts in a week and a half.    

I spent the evening with Sue (Aunt Sue).  We went to a craft class making lace cards - it was my belated birthday present.  It was so much fun to play with glitter!  I'm probably going to be pulling it out of my purse for months, since my purse was sitting on the floor under me. Here is what we made...

Our work space...

Sue working the glitter...

close up...
lace over sticker paper and covered with glitter.

Cute, aren't they?
(I can't turn it - sorry.)

Thanks, Sue!  I had a fun night.

Three weeks until school starts.  Sue goes back to work on Monday.  I'm not ready yet. 
Sue's not ready either.


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