Friday, July 19, 2013

A quick trip

We went to Topeka this morning.  

There were several reasons for our visit; of course we always like to check on my folks.  And Jake has wanted to help with the yard.  As soon as we got there Dad took Jake to the donut shop.  Jake said, "Grandpa was telling me stories about when he was in high school.  It was during World War II and he got all his information from magazines he read during study hall."  I think that made a big impression of my boy.  It is very hard to imagine, isn't it? When they got back Jake mowed the hill - his Grandpa had already mowed the rest earlier in the week.  Annie and I played a few rounds of Boggle and a game of Rummikub with Mom.  I can't believe we forgot to bring over Mom's garden seat.  I didn't even think about it until we were walking to their front door and Jake mentioned it.  Next time!  Next week.  

I left a gift for a special little girl that will be making her big debut sometime this weekend. D.J. and Melissa will soon be driving to Topeka.  Melissa is being induced tonight.  Hopefully, baby Sophie will be making her big debut tomorrow.  I hate to miss it but we will venture over to visit them next week.  Jake really wants to get to Manhattan before band camp starts.  I pray everything goes smoothly and they will soon be holding their sweet baby girl.  
And the final reason for our trip was to pick up a phone.  I posted this on Facebook, July 10th. Hey friends - if anyone has an old AT&T iPhone that is sitting around not being used, please contact me. We have missionary friends in Tanzania that could use it and would really appreciate it. Thanks!  I had a friend from elementary school graciously donate a phone.  She was happy to get rid of it and happy to send it to someone that truly needs it.  I have to say, I love the power of Facebook when it comes to stuff like this!       

My folks took us to a new restaurant - it's called the Kanza Cafe and it's on the grounds of the Topeka State Hospital that closed in 1997.  It is run by the school district and gives students in the New Step program (18-21 years old) a great learning environment.  We were all pleased with our dishes.  They are open for breakfast and lunch.  If you're interested in more information:
My lunch dates.

Jake drove us home.  He did great - and there were some crazy drivers out there today.  It's good experience.   
It's a beautiful summer day in Kansas!
(Sorry about the reflection of my hand.)

This is for you, Jack.
We got passed by a big smoker.

Annie had a birthday party this afternoon.  Even with the best plans sometime things don't go as expected.  We replaced the typewriter ribbon and it didn't work.  Oh NO!  She went to the party - well the first part is at the bowling alley - without a gift.  I worked on it for about an hour and I'm stumped.  Jack is coming home a little early and hopefully he'll have better luck.  I'm supposed to pick her up at 5.  I am hoping with a fixed machine.  

Jake didn't stay home long.  He is out skateboarding with friends.  I am so happy to have him out and about.  Hopefully today he'll return without needing more band-aids.  We may need to buy stock in that company soon.  ;-)    (I'm kidding!)
I hope you have a wonderful Friday!


Update:  I was able to fix the typewriter - all by myself.  :-)  I ended up finding the manual on-line and taking it apart many times - 5 times.  Thankfully the final time I must have done something different and it worked!  Woo Hoo!  It worked!  I wrapped it up and Annie was so excited, and relieved.  

Jack and I went out for Happy Hour and got some yummy appetizers.  Then we got Jake and his friend Hunter a pizza at Jake's favorite place, Mafia Mike's Southside Pizza.  

AND the biggest news of the day... I got a 2nd job.  Starting September 6th for 8 weeks I will be working with my friend Marena at Bringing Therapy Home on Friday mornings.  I've been helping her the last few Tuesday afternoons with therapy groups.  She is amazing and I am thrilled to be a part of her team.  If you're curious, here's her website:

Ok, busy day.  Happy Friday!

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