Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Content and Hopeful

Yesterday was a good day, a productive day.  We went to church and had brunch celebrating a successful week of VBS.  We ventured upstairs to a packed sanctuary where the children sang and we heard an great message filled with hope.  We (our family) are very hopeful.  Our new pastor, HoJo (yes, that's what he wants us to call him), is filled with hope.  He's a very caring man that has already won over our family.  He already knows Jake and Annie.  Enough said.  :-)
The VBS kids sang some songs during church.
Jake was asked to help out.

The afternoon was full of cleaning and tidying the house.  It's true ya know, many hands make quick work.  :-)  I love that verse.

After that I took the kids to Lawrence to a concert.  It was Jake's first "real" concert.  

Granada Theater
The perfect venue!

The concert was general admission, 
so we got there an hour and a half early.
We had plenty of wait time.
Annie rested.

I was thankful we had a spot in the shade.

The buses were parked right next to the theater,
right in front of where we were sitting.

 It kinda felt like we were stalking the bands
watching people go in and out.

But the people watching was pretty good.

Lots to see.


More waiting.
Annie got a little cat nap.

Finally we were up and moving!

Into the hot sun.

We the Kings came out to play catch and chat with fans.

This is their lead singer, Travis Clark.

It was fun to watch.

More band-mates came out to watch and play.

"It's all fun and games until someone throws the ball on a roof.
Then it's game over!"

All minors were marked - on both hands.

We were inside in no time.

Earplugs - check!

Three bands performed before the band we came to see ~ Keep it Cute, Breathe Carolina, and The Ready Set.  They were... eeh.  One was screamo - ick.  They were all LOUD!  I started out next to Jake and Annie, I danced a little and Annie asked me not to.  (:-{  So, I found my way to the side with the other parents wearing earplugs.  No biggie.  

Finally, it was time for We the Kings.

Jake is the one wearing his hat backwards.
He finally got into it - dancing and jumping around.
He absolutely loved We the Kings!
Here he's taking a video.
Annie moved down to the floor in front of Jake.
I went up and got this picture of her dancing!
She had so much fun!

After the 2nd encore they ended with confetti cannons.

It was pretty cool.

I am now a fan of We the Kings.

I am so thankful I got to enjoy this with the kids!


Today, we were all up early.  We had a big day planned.  I picked up Layla, at 9:30, then picked up Annie's friend, Jenna, from church.  We planned on going to Deanna Rose Farmstead, have a picnic lunch, go to the pool, and home for a little down time.  Here we are at the pool...
"Look a me!  I'm swimming!"

Annie and Jenna

Jake was feeling a little off - 
tired and his ear hurt of the loud music last night.
He didn't stay long.
He went home and took a nap.

Layla put her face in the water
 - a big deal - 
not once, not twice but three times!

We had our picnic lunch at the pool.

"I'm not on my tippy toes.  I'm just walking!"
She was so excited.

Then came home and the big girls both fell asleep.

Layla did not.

She watched a show, Angelina Ballerina.
She LOVES that show!

We didn't make it to the farm.


Layla was sad, but only for a little while.

Instead, we got ready for a dinner party.  We invited three families to join us, along with Steve and Layla for dinner.  (In case you don't know, Steve and Layla are visiting from Tanzania, Steve and his wife Jen, are Missionaries.  They have lived there for two years now - previously he was the kids Youth Director, at church.  He currently teaches 5th grade at HOPAC.  Jen and their son, Gavin, stayed home since there wasn't financing available to bring everyone home. The purpose of his visit is to reconnect with supporters and hopefully find some additional support.  If you are interested or able to give financial help, please let me know.  It is greatly needed.)  

It's been a long time since I've fixed dinner for 17 people.   I did not get stressed out - even though it was planned only four days ago.  I was aware of what I had to do.  I didn't get everything on my list checked off, but that's ok.  I did not get the floor mopped, but I don't think anyone noticed or cared.  My main concern was seating - I really wanted everyone seated together.  We borrow tables from church and brought out all the chairs in the house and set up the tables in the backyard -toward the back where it flattens out and is nice and shady.  And we had the deck table and chairs ready, if needed, but we didn't.  

16 friends
(one hadn't arrived yet)

A wonderful evening of fellowship.

I am so blessed to have these people in my life!

The kids played catch.

The adults visited.

Layla had fun on the neighbors swing set.

The older kids playing in both yards.

When the bugs became an issue we moved up to the deck and the kids went inside.  We sat and visited past 10:30 - late for a Monday night.  

But I must remember this...

I forgot to take a picture of the food.

Steve had wished he'd taken a picture of the plate of meat.
He says their beef requires 100 chews before you swallow.

Jack fixed brisket and burnt ends.

I fixed a green salad, Asian cole slaw, baked beans, jello and had fruit, a veggie tray and bread, with brownies, ice cream and caramel or chocolate sauce for dessert.

So, here are our leftovers - jello, fruit, veggies, baked beans and ONLY 3 pieces of brisket.

It really was a perfect evening!

And hearing our friends say, "See you on Sunday" made it even better!

This may not sound like a big thing to you, 
but Jack and I were the only ones still attending, 
and we only went to Sunday School.  

Last Sunday was the first time in a year (or more) that we all worshiped together.

It is a big deal!


I am content and filled with hope.


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