Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A week and a half is too long...

I got the giggles tonight when I opened my blog and saw Jack's frozen dance party.  Shame on me for not posting since then.  I can't say it's been busy but I haven't made time to write. I've missed it.  It is cathartic.  When I write I block everything else out and focus.  It's my time of reflection.  

A lot has happened in the last week and a half!  The kids went on a Mission Trip.  They didn't go anywhere but staying at the Hollis Renewal Center in KCK.  They canvased a neighborhood near the 435 and Bannister Road offering to do lawn work the following Tuesday.  They rode the bus from that area to the Speedway where drivers picked them up and took them to Hollis Center.  Annie told me they were on three different buses and had to walk.. well, she wasn't sure how far they walked between bus stops, but it took three hours to get from point A to point B.  The youth were asked to start conversations, make connections, experience life from a different perspective.  If you didn't have a car, this could be a daily experience.  Jake loved taking the bus.  One day they took a walking tour of downtown KC from a from a former homeless person - places they would go, etc.  They happened on a gentleman that encouraged them to go into a pantry that provides three meals a day for anyone in need.  The kitchen is run by a woman named Erica - not too long ago she was successful in corporate America but didn't feel fulfilled.  She gave it up and has worked in the kitchen full time ever since.  The purpose of the tour was to give the kids more perspective.  Another cool thing they did was called immersion.  After they toured the CFCA offices (Christian Foundation for Children and Aging) they were broken into families from one of three countries - then from the moment they woke up (4 a.m. for some) to the moment they went to bed they ate, drank and worked like their person.  Jake ate only a cup of black beans and two corn tortillas.  He will never eat black beans or corn tortillas ever again.  At the end of the experience they were given an envelope containing a picture of their person.  It was powerful.  Some kids cried.  All the families have children that are getting an education with CFCA sponsorship.  (If you'd like more information about the organization, go to CFCA.  One morning they went gleaning (on a farm in the middle of KCK) and harvested 351 pounds of cabbage, kale and turnips.  After they were finished they delivered the food to several pantries - and as only fate would have it - one just happened to be the run by Erica. They pulled weeds and did several chores around the Hollis Center.  And the trip ended with a trip to Harvesters.  I got a call at 11 p.m. Friday night - Annie wasn't feeling well.  I made the ride out and got her.  She had a headache, stomach ache, was very tired and a little dehydrated.  She missed the immersion.  :-(  But she returned Sunday morning recharged and ready.  The kids both thought it was a bummer that they didn't get to participate in everything because they had class Monday and Tuesday mornings and several other youth had to come and go, too.  BUT all it all, it was a great experience and gave everyone a new perspective.  It's was a journey!  (Personally, I think the immersion was more powerful than the 30 hour Famine the youth have done for years.)    

Passing time playing Ninja and making friends at a bus stop.

Playing chess on the terrace at the Main Library - 
downtown KCMO.  While walking the Sojourner's Circle

Here is where all the meals were cooked during immersion.

Walking the Labyrinth.

J14 Ranch in the middle of KCK.

Gleaning yielded a 351 pounds harvest. 

The trip finished with a big group at Harvesters.

Jack survived his first Lenexa BBQ.  He was exhausted.  He was the only person that spent the night in the booth.  His brisket and burnt ends finished 82nd (with "bad" brisket according to Jack) - ribs was 111th and pork (that he hadn't planned on) came in 179th out of 183 entries.  Not bad for his first competition.  Brian did sausage - which tied for 2nd.  :-)  

At the first cooks meeting...

going over the rules...

at the party...

lots of food...

the meat was delicious...

Jack and Brian

We spent Sunday (the 22nd) taking a road trip with my parents.  We were bound for Wamego, Kansas.  Our destination was D.J. and Melissa's baby shower.  We were ahead of schedule and Jack was in need of ice tea, so we took the scenic route.  We almost hit a large wild turkey.  We went on a little road that became smaller, then the gravel turned to dirt and turned into the road less traveled.  It was a little wider than a goat path.  We turned a corner and drove past a family - the parents working in the garden and children playing in the yard. We waved.  They waved... and scratched their heads.  HA!  My parents "discussed" what road we should  be on.  Thankfully we had Darla, our trusty GPS with us.  We had her voice turned off but saw and ignored many, many requests to turn around.  Giggles.  We finally made it to the road that Dad said we should have taken in the first place - Darla still directing us back to the interstate and ignored.  We finally made it to Jack's ice tea depot - McDonald's.  Then the challenge was to find the party destination - that was changed due to rain.  We drove right past it the first time, but Mom spied it the second time past.  It was great to see D.J. and Melissa so excited and spoiled.  One game in particular was hysterical - D.J. was blindfolded and Melissa fed him baby food.  He had to keep eating each until he could identify it.  There must have been 8 or 10 jars.  Yes, it was mean but SOOO funny to watch!  Deej's favorite was applesauce (which is appropriate) and the worst were ham and turkey, "the texture was just awful!"  Baby Sophie is due July 25th but Melissa is now on bed rest and getting non-stress tests twice a week.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed she decides to make her arrival on July 6th (my Dad's 86th birthday).  We shall see!

The road less traveled...

the scenic route...

over the river...

and through the plains.

Hand chair... Dad had to try it out.

D.J. and Melissa
excited to meet Baby Sophie!

It was a busy week.  Lots of driving.  I went to Topeka on Tuesday to be with my parents and sister as my Mom had surgery.  She had a breast biopsy done.  She had several inconclusive mammograms.  The procedure was uneventful and the doctor gave us no indication one way or the other when he met with us after he had finished.  Mom had to walk and potty before we could leave.  She was bright eyed when we finally made our way back to her room.  She drank a coke and two cups of water in no time.  She was up and walking and Marlene cheered as she stood waiting outside the bathroom.  :-)  As Mom was waiting to go a teenage walked by and waved.  She waved back.  He lifted his shirt to reveal two bandaids and announced, "I had my appendix taken out."  Mom smiled.  I looked at Marlene and said, "please don't let her show him her incision!" several times.  She did not.  :-)  She has done pretty well but still no results.

I've waited too long and nothing else in particular sticks out during the week until Friday I scheduled a pick up from the National Children's Cancer Society.  I had some motivation and made some piles but procrastinated until Thursday night when I turned into a tornado of purge.  I moved 24 bags out in front of the garage door Friday morning before 7 a.m.  The truck arrived at 7:15 a.m. 

Saturday morning was large item pick up for our area.  Jack put out several things - a wheel barrel with a broken wheel, an old lawn mower, some wood that disappeared almost immediately.  There was a steady line of trucks with trailers perusing the hood until late into the night.  Jack suggested a ginormous chair that sits on my side of the bed - at first I objected but it made it's way out to the curb before we went to bed.  I have to admit I'm glad it's gone.   

Saturday - when the four of us ventured over to Topeka to do some chores for my parents. Jake mowed the lawn.  Jack trimmed trees, cleaned gutters, helped with a plumbing issue and everything else that was asked of him.  I helped in the yard, vacuumed, dusted, made lunch and dinner and played a few hands of cards.  Annie made cookies and helped out where she could.  Mom was feeling down - like she should be up helping and doing.  Her word was worthless but I reminded her that her job right now is to rest, heal and practice patience.       

Sunday we started back with our regular worship routine.  Sunday school and worship.  It calmed my spirit.  I've been out of sorts lately and I think a big part of that has been the disconnect with our church family.  Our new pastor will start next weekend - and the week following will be filled with Vacation Bible School fun.  I'm in charge of crafts again this year. I'm excited.  In fact I spent most of the afternoon planning out which ones we're going to do.  

Yesterday, I took Annie and two friends to Worlds of Fun.  Finally, we were going!  We arrived and the girls went one way and I people watched.  I thought I could go sit at Oceans of Fun and read but it wasn't warm enough - I realize that sounds ridiculous but it was only 78 degrees.  I did read a few chapters - in a comfy chair under an umbrella - then realized I was sitting in a smoking section when a Grandma came and sat next to me and lit up with her 3 or 4 year old grandson on her lap.  :-(  I left quickly.  I saw some shows and rode a few rides.  I've entered a new phase.  I was a little apprehensive at first but by the end of the visit I had a great time.  
It looked so inviting... 
I didn't realize it was a designated smoking section.

Jake worked yesterday or he would have joined us.  He spent the rest of the day with a friend and spent the night there.  They spent today together, too.  He's seen Monsters University and Man of Steel in the last 24 hours and he said Monsters U was better.  :-)  I guess Annie and I will be seeing it before it comes out on video.  

Annie is fish sitting until next week.  Pet sitting a chicken and a fish at a friends house.  And tomorrow we will add a cat to the pet sitting duties.  I see lots of running around in my future since none of the friends live in the neighborhood.  :-)  That's ok.  I love that she's helping friends.  

I got to spend a couple hours with two of my favorite ladies this afternoon.  Mary and Marena are doing Bringing Therapy Home play groups and needed a couple extra hands.  I sat with a sweet little one with Down's Syndrome.  I don't know what I've missed more - dancing or singing.  ;-)    

I hope you had time to sing and dance today, too!


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