Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dad! (posted 10 days late)

This was from July 6th

(I can't believe I never got this posted!)  

Today is my Dad's 86th Birthday.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

All that were able gathered to together to celebrate!  

Our whole immediate family was there, along with spouses and some kids. 

Mom had decided we would have a picnic at Forest Park Assembly Grounds 
(I think now it's call Forest Park Conference and Retreat Center) in Topeka.  

I don't have a lot of memories there
 - but Dad sure does!  

I could sit and listen to his stories all day long.  

The birthday boy.

He is so darn cute!

Gosh, I love this guy so very much!

trying to keep the candles lit.

This is what happens when I ask Mom to smile.

She's gonna LOVE that I included this one...

My brothers, Bob and Scott.

D.J. and Melissa

Patiently waiting for Baby Sophie's arrival.

We were really hoping she'd share Dad's birthday. but it was not to be.

time for dessert ~
Annie, D.J. and Dave

Christopher and Jack
just chatting.

then, time for croquet.

We played teams the second game.

Christopher and Jake (won)

Heidi and Annie (came in second)

Scott and I (stink at croquet)
we never finished.

Marlene had convinced us to play defense - 
little did she know I was really good at hitting my ball 
so it would completely jump over my intended target.

Oh for the love... I was terrible.

But, so was Scott.

It should be noted, I can't even remember the last time I played.

However, it was fun and I would like to invest in a set.


Jake and Annie would love that.

Stepping back in time.

A hidden gem.

Forest Park, the perfect location for our celebration!


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