Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The first time

Last night Jack and I went to an All Star game party.  Their son is Annie's age and he was out of town.  Just us.  No kids.  It was kinda weird.  There were a few kids there - other kids. But none of ours.  She thought it felt weird, too.  I'm sure this will be the first of many nights like this.  I only watched a little bit of the game.  Several other couples from our Sunday School class were there.  One couple had been at our house the night before.  I had pangs of guilt for not inviting more people, but thankfully those pangs passed like a gas pain.  I apologize if that offended anyone.  I only watched a little bit - maybe one at bat - that's it.  I chatted most of the time.  :-)  We had to leave before the game was over to pick up Annie at a friends house.  

We got home and relaxed.  It was nice.  Jake called at 10:00 asking if he could spend the night at a friends house.  Of course that meant we needed to come and get him to retrieve his stuff and take him back over. He offered to ride his skateboard - even saying he had a flashlight.  While I appreciated his offer I was nervous, since he's been a little bit accident prone and the lighting on our streets is dim.  If he would have said he was going to walk home I would have been ok with that...  but there was third friend there that was going right past our house on his way home and back and his Mom offered to bring Jake.  Once I heard that the answer was easy.  Sure!  He got home at 10:45 this morning.  Exhausted.  

I was fast asleep before 11:00.  I slept hard until 7:45.  Woo Hoo!  It was a good, hard sleep.  I don't think I dreamed.  I don't think I moved.  It was amazing!  I was the first time in too long!

Annie had a doctor's appointment this morning.  Just a well visit.  I was a little nervous she might need shots but I was wrong.  Annie was relieved.  She is now 5'2" tall!  She's gonna pass me up soon because she's definitely not done growing.  :-)  She was thrilled.  She's a very healthy girl.  No concerns what so ever.  

Jake worked this afternoon.  I dropped him off and come back to get a few things done around the house. The backdoor was open for Suzy.  I kept hearing weird sounds about every 5 minutes for a half an hour.  I couldn't really identify them.  The last one was loud and there was no doubt - thunder.  No lightning, just big boomers.  The sun was shining through it all - hard and fast and then it was over.  

I didn't have time to get the candles or tablecloth in.
I grab the towels and got soaked.
The raindrops were huge!

On my way back to get Jake I stopped by a little store looking for a piggy bank for baby Sophie.  I had asked Melissa a few days ago if there was anything she still wanted before Sophie's arrival and she gave me a short list.  I was so excited and found the perfect one.  I picked out a card and headed to the counter.  I'm guessing the cashier was in her last 50's.  She had a sweet smile.  She said something that caught me off guard... I blinked not sure I heard her correctly.  She repeated herself.  "Oh this is just adorable, will it be fore your first granddaughter?"  I smiled and blinked.  I slept great last night!  I look good today.  I fixed my hair and put on makeup, today.  ?  Finally I muttered, "Grandchild?  Umm, no."  I looked up and her eyebrows were almost touching her hairline.  She blurted out, "Well then, who's it for?"  I managed a weak smile and said, "my great niece."  She said, "well, isn't that special" and she sounded just like the church lady character from SNL.  This lady is a trip!  "Yes!  It is!"  I didn't laugh until I walked out.   I was so happy I was walking out smiling and not crying.  I'm trying to forget she thought I was a Grandma.  But it's hard.  The words are still swirling around in my head.  (:-/  It was the first time anyone had ever asked me that.  

A day of first.  Some I will remember.  One I hope to forget.  :-)  Isn't that always the way?


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