Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vacation Bible School

My apologies for not posting... it's been another crazy busy week.  It's Vacation Bible School at church and I'm providing rides for several in need.  Jenna, a very good friend of Annie's.  And Elizabeth, our youth director.  Elizabeth had an accident on a 4-wheeler on July 4th and suffered bumps, bruises and a concussion.  She still isn't allowed to drive.  Jenna and Elizabeth live in opposite directions from the church.  It was been fun chatting, singing and dancing during our rides but it's made for some late evenings.  Yesterday morning Elizabeth had an 8:40 doctors appointment - so I left at 7:30 a.m.  I got home with enough time time eat lunch and then leave again to get Jenna.  (Elizabeth stayed home yesterday for an afternoon of much needed rest.)  I hope it doesn't sound like I'm complaining, because I really am not.  Last night the Anderson family invited us over for dinner with Steve Wickham and his daughter Layla, who are visiting from Tanzania.  Their family is serving as missionaries.  Steve's wife, Jen, and son, Gavin are holding down the fort while Steve and Layla are here in the states for a month reconnecting and finding new supporters.  Their costs are increasing and are currently $700 short each month.  I pray they story is heard by the right people that can lend a hand.  They are a truly amazing family.  

Tonight we didn't eat dinner until after 8:00 p.m. and Annie had an 8:15 hair appointment, so she ate cold pizza and I gobbled down a plate on my way out the door.  (deep sigh!)  Oh, I have proof Annie is in fact getting taller.  She is taller than our stylist!  Natalie is a tiny little thing and Annie has a good inch or two on her now.  "Oh my goodness, it's only been a couple months and she's a teenager!  Holy cow!"  Of course Natalie's comment made Annie stand even taller and truly grin a big toothy grin.  (We don't see many of those because she's so self conscience of her braces and gaps.)  It was adorable.

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!  It has been a fun week.  It has.  Jake has helped the new pastor with recreation.  And run the a/v equipment during the introduction and wrap up.  He does such a good job! Annie has the snack ladies wondering why they were asked to help.  Since we arrive 45 minutes before everyone else in the kitchen Annie usually has most of their job done before they show up.  :-)  The only thing she has shy'd away from is speaking to the group and praying, but that's not a problem.  

Ok, I have rambled more than I expected.  What else is new.

I will post a new picture of Annie soon.  Her hair looked so long and beautiful tonight.  

Sleep tight!


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