Saturday, September 28, 2013


It's official. 
Jake is 16!  

He wanted a low key day. But I just couldn't let it go without doing something... 16 is a BIG deal!  So, Tuesday night after band rehearsal Annie and I went to the school and decorated Jake's band locker.  I should have taken a picture - but the opportunity was missed.  Thankfully he has a large locker - well, it does contain a tuba after all.  It was empty (ok, that's not true - he had two large water bottles, one extra large water bottle, some shoes, a hat box, a couple jackets, a shirt and a couple pairs of socks - which I put in the balloon bag and brought home).  All the contra's were sitting on the floor.  I filled it with 16 balloons, a happy birthday sign and Annie made a large #1 on one door and a #6 on the other.  

Jake had band rehearsal at 7 a.m. on his birthday, so I expected a call, but I didn't get one.  I found out later he had asked his friend, Emily, and she ratted us out.  She had been in the director's office when I asked permission.

I just asked and he still has balloons in his locker - two days later.  :-)

After school the kids had orthodontist appointments.  I gave Jake the option when we made the appointment and he said it was fine.  As it turns out he got the best birthday present there... he's getting his braces off in three weeks!  As you can imagine, he is so excited!!  He got spoiled for coming in on his birthday too, he got a chocolate tooth and a $5 Starbucks gift card!  

How nice is that?  

After their appointments Jake made plans with friends to spend some time at the skate park. There's nothing like spending time with friends riding skateboards for a teenager.  He requested burgers (on a real bun), grilled asparagus, chips, and ice cream cake.

He called three times to push dinner back.  He was having too much fun.  I felt bad having to tell him no, the last time he called. 

We had friends over for cake.

Annie lit the candles

Jake taming the blaze.


Fun with candles got a little scary.
"it's a family tradition"
I don't think we'd ever played it at home...
always at my folks.

Shatto Birthday Cake Milk
to celebrate their 10th birthday
"It was a little weird"

Thursday night was football night.  It was broadcast on Metro Sports Thursday night game of the week.  That meant we got to enjoy the game live and watched it later to hear the band.  They sounded amazing!

8th grade night
8th graders are in red shirts and jeans.

Half time show.
They are really coming along!

And a quick pic of Annie
I blinked and she grew up.
Makes me a little sad.

It's late and tomorrow is going to be a LONG day.  Please pray for our safe travel.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

"I'm so glad I went"

Friday night was the first home football game - and Homecoming.  I got these pictures before the game of the Red and Silver Brigade.  They did great.

As they take the field
looking SUPER sharp in their new uniforms
4 drum majors - in black
(Jake is the second tuba back)

West "W"
for the Star Spangled Banner

Jake, looking stoic.

(It's crazy, but I see in this picture is D.J.)

The new directors
Mrs. Cheryl Kimball and Mr. Joe Steuvers
(passing in front of Jake)

waiting for the football team to take the field,
standing at attention.
They played the school fight song as the team took the field.

And Annie...
Hanging out with friends in the student section
during the football game.
I'm not use to that, yet.

my camera battery died.

The band did a nice job at half time - during the Homecoming Queen and court coronation.  It was music from last years show and brought back good memories.  The band played throughout the whole game, which is new.  Jack and I loved it!  And they performed their show after the football game, we won 35-14.  It was really neat because the football team all took a knee in the end zone and watched the band.  Then when the band was done the players made a path, so the band could walk past them and they clapped until the last band member passed by.  It was impressive!

Annie had fun at the game and 
said, "I'm so glad I went."

And last night was Homecoming!  

"MOM!  No pictures!"


Almost done!

Dressed and ready - posing with her Dad.

"Can we make this quick?"

Um, no.

Perfect make up - done by Annie
What a sweet face!

Beautiful hair!
Great shoes
(Although most of her friends wore flats)
Annie wore them to dinner then took them off as soon as they got to the dance.
"That's what everyone did, Mom.
You check your purse and your shoes!"

Posing with friends
from the top:
Sydney, Izaya, Noah, Ella, Eric, Annie, Rachel, Macrea and Arden

Annie and Eric

Ella, Annie and Arden

Then "Let's make Annie feel awkward!"

Well, they all looked a little awkward.

They had dinner at a local Italian restaurant and arrived "casually late" to the dance.  Annie said, she had a great time.  "Way better than middle school dances!"  After the dance their group went to Noah's house where they watched a movie.  

I spent the evening enjoying Lauren's Bachelorette Party.  We danced and laughed and had a great time.  :-)  I was in charge of picking up kids, so I departed at 1:00 a.m.  And yes, I thought several times on my drive home, 'I'm so glad I went!'

I got 4 very sleepy kids delivered to their homes, safe and sound.  And I heard those words again, "I am so glad I went!"  I just have to say, I love hearing those words from my somewhat introverted girl.  I want her to embrace these opportunities.  :-)

Jake did not go to the Homecoming dance... instead he met friends at the movies.  And yes, there was a girl.  ;-)  I asked why he didn't ask her to Homecoming and he said simply, "it's not her thing."  However, he did have a lot of questions for Annie today.  How was it? Did you really have fun?  It was cute watching the interaction.

It was a fun weekend, but I think we're all tired.  

Have a wonderful week!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Reason Smile!

There is so much for me to smile about this morning!  

First, a funny from last night, we had quite a storm with lots of rain.  Suzy needed to go so I grabbed a towel and waited for her to return.  I whistled and called but she did not.  I started to worry really started to get worried.  Jack braved the elements and ventured out in search of Suzy and returned without her.  He found her safe and sound in her kennel.  Oops!  She must have peaked her head out the dog door, changed her mind and high tailed it to the kennel before I got to the door.  (I felt a bit of guilt for yelling at him for leaving his socks on the couch before he went outside... and not offering him a towel on his return.)  Jack is such a good man!  :-)

I read a couple of my favorite blogs - one being muddypawsblog.  She is a friend from church that moved to Minnesota a little over a year ago.  If you have time go back and read her previous posts.  I am certain you will get a good chuckle out of them.  :-)

Today is my day off.  :-D

I have a laundry list of to-do's and first was writing.  It's therapeutic for me.  It grounds me.  :-)

Tonight is the Homecoming and the band will have their first performance.  Yeah!  :-)  

I found this... Excellent advice for everyone!  Simple yet powerful, be kind!  :-)

I saw this... What an amazing brother!  It made me cry.  :-)

I watched Robin Roberts celebrate her first birthday since her bone marrow transplant.  AND Braden got good news in Philly, his neuroblastoma remains in remission so he is just fighting mds! Hope is alive!  Prayers continue.  :-)

Tomorrow is the Homecoming dance!  I plan on taking LOTS of pictures!  LOTS!  :-)

Jake isn't going to the dance but has plans with friends.  :-)

Here are a few pictures from our week:

Yellow happiness :-)
Come swing with me!

There's not better feeling
 like driving home from the dog park
with your head out the window
and your ears flapping
Doggy happiness!

This is as close to the bon fire as I was "allowed"
The kids both had fun.
Ugly sweater day
taking it head on..
even if we couldn't convince him to embrace the big collar
he buttoned the top button. 
ha ha!

In the next three week I think I will get a year (or two's) worth of pictures of Annie.  I am so excited!  :-)


Time to get to the next item on my list!  


Thursday, September 19, 2013


not literally


but i'm keeping my head above water

and i'm making a little progress

  well, i'm going forward anyway


it was a long day

i'm sleepy

here are a few nuggets

homecoming week

kids participation has been sparse

bon fire was a hit

"the band was great!" from her

"it was a cult fire!"  lots of chanting

(i don't know what that means)

he wore an ugly sweater today

it was HOT and muggy day - miserable in a sweater

tomorrow is the first football game

i think we're both excited

I will write soon


Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's my duty

This morning was the first annual Bike Rodeo at church.  I had signed the kids and I up to help. About a week ago I learned about a bridal shower brunch for Lauren but gave regrets.  Later, Annie and I were chatting about it and she was shocked.  "But Mom, I have to go!  I'm in the wedding.  It's my duty to go."  :-)  I let Sue know we had a change in plans and sent an email to the event coordinator apologizing for my error.

We were glad we went this morning.  Sue had a fun game, kind of a "how well do you know the groom" thing for Lauren (the bride).  The questions were a variety of random facts, ie:  If he could have a super power what would it be?  What's his dream car?  Job?  What street did he live on in high school?  How old was he when he had his first kiss?  For every question that Lauren got wrong she had to put a piece of gum in her mouth.  I was surprised she only got 8 questions right out of 20!  That's 12 pieces of gum she had in her mouth.  Annie was in charge of gum - giving Lauren a variety of flavors.  Gross but hilarious!

We shared wedding stories or advice.  I went first and made the three soon-to-be brides in the room all a little anxious and sweaty.  Lol.  And I left out a  few details.  I didn't think they could handle it all.  My advice was to make the best of it - if things go wrong the day of your wedding, laugh it off.  You're making a memory, good, bad or indifferent it's all in the way you look at it and remember it.  I could have crumbled into a puddle of tears the day of my wedding - Oh wait!  I was a sobby puddle that day but not because of one or five or more hick ups during your special day.  Even with all that went wrong the day of our wedding I look back and smile.  It was my day... not perfect but special none the less.  I can tell my story and laugh.  

We got home to find Jack painting!  Painting?  Yes!  Painting.  I was so excited to see this...
Come swing with me!

Jack and I ran some errands while Annie was studying with friends, at Starbucks.  (Seriously.) Then we picked Jake up from a friends house.  He'd been there since last night.  The boys Mom walked out to tell us how much she appreciated Jake's help with the yard today.  "He worked harder than my son!"  :-)  

Jake had a great week.  He has really stepped up and worked hard.  All his grades and attitude have improved drastically.  Thank you for praying for him.  

Annie's school related anxiety has seemed to subside a bit as well.  We had a chat about keeping her focus on the goal, rather than every assignment like Jake.  I wanted to make sure that she felt supported on her own merit.  It's not fair to treat the kids the exact same when they have different learning styles and study processes.  

Tonight Jack and I got to spend some time at the dog park with Suzy.  She was over the moon excited.   
I hadn't been in quite a while and loved these little flowers.

So beautiful!

Our tour guide, just a bit cranky with a few dogs.
She was mostly very well behaved.

On the way home
Super Dog!
She was so happy.

(My pictures were taken with my phone...
they're not nearly as good as Annie's.)

It was the perfect way to end the day!

Today, I am grateful for our trusty, sneaky, sometimes cranky pup.  Suzy really is our third child.  I love her so much, from her quirky smile to her snoring in the night.  She is a faithful companion and friend.  And I thank God for her everyday. 


Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's the little things...

I have heard the phrase, everything you ever needed to know you learned in Kindergarten...  but I guess that was when I was little.  It seems like we are teaching more and more life skills in pre-school.  Be nice.  Listen.  Use your words first, not your hands. Try.  Be creative, make a mess, it's ok. Wait.  It's always fun when it's your turn to bring snacks. We are all friends, we need to take care of each other.  If someone extends their hand, hold it.  And the list goes on and on.  As you can imagine, we do lots of practicing.  LOTS! 

Don't get me wrong, we talk about colors and letters and shapes, but in different ways.  Sit on the circle.  Who's name starts with the same sound as jump?  "Janet!"  Who's wearing a red shirt?  It's fun to watch the students discover the world around them.   No matter what, it's still a challenge.  Some little people test us; our patience, our limits, our strength, but we are all there for the right reason.  And for some, we are the only consistent routine in their day.  Some days we don't understand how these little people can be so out of control and disrespectful.  I can't go into that one.  It's a personal hot button.  Routines are not optional for little minds.  Bedtimes are needed.  Sleep is required.  (Ok, I said I didn't want to go into it and I did, a bit.  Deep sigh.  It makes me sad and angry and confused.)      

Another deep sigh...

Last night I took the kids to the OP Arboretum to take pictures for their photography classes.  It was a beautiful evening, though a bit hot and sticky.  If you'll remember, the last time I took them out Annie didn't have a camera. Well, this time Jake quickly discovered he had rolled the film backwards - yes, he rolls his own film.  It's a learning process, right?  So, he was limited to one roll of film that he had found in the garage, that expired in 2005.  !  ? (Ok, I'm a little ashamed/embarrassed in the fact that we had expired film in our garage but it happened.  Lol!)  He wasted no time in taking his roll.  Annie took her time. Her assignment is perspective, so the normal point and shoot was not an option. Here are a couple of her shots.

These are some of my favorites.

Another part of Annie's assignment is taking self portraits.  I think that's the hardest part for her.  It hurts my heart because she is such a beautiful girl, but normal teenage insecurities make it difficult for her to take pictures she likes.  Poor thing.

Tonight, we went to the BVW Performing Arts Showcase. the band, orchestras, choirs, improv troupe (Annie's friend, Arden, is the only freshman added to the troupe this year), and other clubs performed.  It was fantastic.  The band performed their whole show music - and the director gave a happy yell at the end because they finished clean for the first time. At the end the band returned to play the school alma mater and fight song.  I am very excited to see their show.
He was NOT in the mood to get his picture taken.
(what you can't see if the kid next to him with a BIG grin on his face.)
And after the performances he scurried out to change his clothes.
I LOVE their new uniforms, definitely sharp looking!

He said the new uniforms feel like pajamas with a jacket.
Ha ha!

I'm going to start ending each post with something I'm grateful or thankful for... today I am thankful for music.  Whether it's a silly preschool song that gets stuck in my head or beautiful music performed by a band or orchestra, nothing soothes my soul like music.  I hope you heard at least one tune today that lifted your spirits and made you smile.  


Sunday, September 8, 2013

A day to be grateful

This morning my folks drove over and joined us for worship.  I snuck out of Sunday School early to join them in the Narthex.  We visited and before long it was full and loud with people.  It was wonderful - not just because my folks were there but because of all the people.  The sermon gave me time to reflect on being a Preachers Kid.  Moving... new house, new space, where will I find MY place.  We always seems to move on or around my birthday.  Once we celebrated with an angel food cake at a rest stop between Hiawatha and Topeka.  I think that may have been with one of the moving vans had a flat or wrecked and some of our stuff was damaged. I'm not sure about that though.  The sermon focus was beyond the walls... what kind of Christian am I outside of church?  When do I build walls between myself and someone else?  Why?  He showed many pictures of churches with big wide open spaces and few walls.  It was fascinating! After the sermon several people joined the church and there were two baptisms.  It seemed so intimate.  Max was baptized.  He's 7, I think.  Jake and Annie have babysat for him and his little brother.  Max wanted to be baptized by immersion, instead Pastor Howard used water from the River Jordan he had gotten in 2000 on a trip to the Holy Land.  After the baptisms we sang a song. I don't recall ever hearing this song before, or if I had it must have been before I had kids.  I don't know if it was phrase about 'being with you before you were born' or 'when you die' - paraphrasing because I can't remember the title or the exact words - but it really touched my heart.  I cried out of only one eye for the first little bit but before long I was a faucet.  I looked at Jake and Annie and cried harder.  I looked around at my church family in a full sanctuary.  I looked at a large choir looking back at me.  I am so grateful for each and every person there.  I remember sitting in church a year ago in tears because people were leaving.  I didn't know if or how it would ever feel complete again, but it does.  Thank you God and Pastor Howard for bringing us back together.  

Heading home.

I didn't realize the sun was so bright.

But I love this picture.

It was so nice to have them visit.

Tomorrow is September 9th.  9-9.  I have told you about a little boy named Braden.  I've written about him a time or two.  On July 8th they received news that he was again fighting cANCER.  No one expected him to see his 9th birthday.  Tomorrow, 9-9 is Braden's 9th birthday!  Join me in taking a detour to the park for a walk, a quick stop for ice cream or something unplanned and fun to help Braden celebrate his special day and say a prayer for him.  What a blessing!  And as his Mama always says, TAKE THAT cANCER!  (she refuses to capitalize it)


(I realize I was a bit all over the place tonight.  I hope you can connect the dots of my thought patterns and ramblings.)

Friday, September 6, 2013


We enjoyed an evening together.
The kids thought since it's Dads birthday...
one picture.

Ok, it's not the best but hey, I'm not complaining!

This evening we took a field trip to Blue Springs, Missouri.  The car ride there was quiet. Jake played his video game for a little while.  Then took a nap while Annie played the game.  They were both tired and a little grumpy.

Our destination
Plowboys are a BBQ team that Jack follows.
The have won several competitions
and just opened a restaurant last Tuesday.

Knowing it would be busy - we left early.

No, sadly they didn't have an early bird special.
(sorry old man)

Birthday dinner at 4:50 p.m.
ha ha ha!

Jumbo burnt end sandwich with fries for Jack.

The jumbo used the same bun as a regular sandwich but lots more meat.

We all had a burnt end sandwich.
Annie wanted ribs but we'd have to wait 30 minutes.
She was too hungry to wait, so chose burnt ends.


I would not recommend the sweet potato fries, though.
Bummer.  I love sweet potato fries.

Regular Fries?  Yes.

Pit beans?  Yes.


Jack exchanged several messages with Todd, the owner, after our meal.  I think we'd go again if it wasn't quite so far away.  I don't know what all they discussed but Jack gave him an honest review of our likes and dislikes.

Can you see the smiley face in Jake's root beer?

(I didn't see my phones reflection until now.  Oops!)

Jake got re-energized with caffeine.
Annie just needed food.

There was lots of laughter at our table.

I must be tired because I can't recall anything specific,
but I do remember hearing Jack belly laugh several times.
It's one of my favorite sounds.

After dinner we took a trip to Independence Center.

The kids laughed and talked the whole way there.
(another one of my favorite sounds)

Annie needed to go to Hot Topic
to get birthday gifts for her friends.

Jack was so confused before we left home when Annie mentioned
getting band merch (merchandise) for her friends.
He thought she was talking about marching band.
"No Dad, Rock band!"
Ha ha! 

The kids walked out ahead of us at the mall.
Talking and laughing and walking together.
A rare sighting.
It warmed my heart.

"We love this mall!"

I still have a bit of guilt - just a bit
that I didn't tell my kids there were malls
in KC until they were 5th grade.
I had them convinced the closest one was in Denver.

On our way home the kids and Jack were being silly.
Lots of potty humor. 
I asked several times for the topic to be nixed.
I repeated myself a third time 
and Jack made some crack about me being the adult.
(I rolled my eyes)
Annie quickly responded, "it's her duty." 
~ all three of them laughed.
"Duty!  Get it Mom?"
More laughter.
(another eye roll from me)
"I'm so punny!"
Ok, that one got me, and I joined the laughter.


Several hours after our meal we enjoyed cake at home.
White cake with butter cream frosting
no sprinkles, please
exactly what he wanted.

Happy Birthday, Jack!

I am glad you had so much to laugh about today.
Even if some was at my expense.

And no, I will never leave the house again wearing matching outfits with Jack.
Tonight it was an accident - green tops and khaki shorts.
It was awkward and gave me anxiety.
