Sunday, July 28, 2013


Sundays are again my favorite day of the week.  

I just love spending my mornings with our church family.  We started a new study in Sunday School - a study by Lee Strobel about the creation of faith.  It's fascinating.  Our new pastor and his wife joined us this morning giving us honest feedback and insight.  I loved it.  As I pondered it all I couldn't help thinking about the saying "stay on the straight and narrow". I'm not sure why, but I don't think I'll ever use that term again.  It's so... not what life is.  Life is not straight and narrow.  Ever.  (Ok, I'm not sure how I made the giant leap from faith to straight and narrow but stay with me...)  Life is anything but straight and narrow.  It can be down right hard at times - even if you're heading in the right direction.  It can be bumpy it has highs and lows. Our class agreed that life is about relationships.  When our roads are anything but straight and narrow it's our relationships that keep us going.  Keep us heading in the right direction.  Keep us from giving in to our uncertainty and doubt.  I suppose that's where faith comes in.  Our relationship with God is based on faith.  I am so grateful for the relationships I have.  The people that I know the real me.  And accept me despite my flaws. And aren't afraid to tell me when I'm being foolish or down right ridiculous.

Our pastor finished his series on Recalculating and preached about being welcoming.  Inviting friends to come and see for themselves what our church is all about.  :-)  He used a phrase I had never heard before - he was introduced to it when they lived in North Carolina. When friends would part they would say "come go home with me." - I think we'd say come home with me.  It made me stop and think.  What an awesome saying.  I do get caught up in my house having to be just so when people come to visit.  We all do.  I think back to the dinner we have two weeks ago.  I wrote about it.  I was never stressed out.  I didn't get all the things crossed of my to-do list, and it was a great evening!  Our friends came over for fellowship - not to look in my cabinets or see if I'd dusted.  It was about our relationship.  :-)  We need to do that more often.  It was freeing.  It was honest and real and  it was awesome!

We had a lazy afternoon.  I didn't start laundry until after we got home from the band ice cream social. I may be up late.  Lol!  Isn't that always the way the night before a trip?  Not to worry.  Everything that needs to get done will.  I have no doubt.  

Our first band event was great.  I am VERY impressed with the new director.  She commanded the room - with discretion and grace.  At one point there was some chatter in the back of the room and she waited patiently then asked for respect.  :-)  Jake is already in bed because band camp starts tomorrow.  :-)

As promised, here's a picture of my new secretary.  It has a cool story.  The man I bought it from (on craigslist) had gotten it from his neighbor.  She had received it as a gift from her father who was in the military stationed in Europe.  He purchased the secretary overseas and sent it to her.  It's unique.

Not the best picture but it gives you the basic idea.
Jack hated to admit today that he liked it.

I have posted a picture or two of the turkey next door.  It's getting really big.  I have to tell you, I was afraid last night when I got out of the car and it came toward me.  I glanced down to make sure I wasn't wearing my sparkly shoes.  It loves anything sparkly.  I was safe.  Mike came over to my rescue.  I had to take a picture.  He told me all about Gobbles bumps - when she's calm all the bumps on her face and neck are light pink but when she's afraid or mad they get crimson red.  How crazy!  He stood there petting his turkey and I could have sworn it purred.  (I have no words... it's just... no... words.)  To each his own, right?
Mike and Gobbles
Its feet are HUGE!
ok, enough.  I have another load of laundry and need to pack.  Annie and I are flying to the mountains tomorrow.  Yeah!  I'm not taking my computer, so I'll catch you up on the fun when I return.  


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Busy, busy, busy...

It's been 7 days.  Well, it was 7 days when I started this anyway.  A very busy 7 days I might add.   Seems like the story of my summer - busy, busy, busy.  :-)  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  I love it!  This has been a week packed full of fun.  

Saturday morning we picked Annie up from a sleepover and headed to the lake to see Al and Paula, Jack's folks
I love taking pictures of the sky.
Looks stormy ahead.
Unfortunately, I tried to take a panoramic view on a bumpy road.

We stopped in Sedalia for lunch.   

Jack wanted us all to have Goober burgers
- they have peanut butter on them. 
Jake liked it.  
Annie didn't try it.  
I didn't like it, the texture was weird.  

 Jake and Annie both really like grilled pb&j.

And they both liked playing video games. 
Jake multi-tasking...

Annie's a pinball wizard.
Well, not exactly but she had fun.

Our day was spent visiting with Al and Paula, watching the British Open and we went out to dinner.

Saturday night I was tired but D.J. and Melissa were in a Topeka hospital waiting for Sophie's arrival. Her labor processed through the night and I received periodic updates.  I didn't sleep very much. I got a text at 3:07 a.m. saying they there taking her in for a c-section.  I was awake.  I waited.  I heard nothing.  I sent Marlene a text at 4:05 ??? Nothing.I knew they were busy. So, I waited some more.  At 4:57 a.m. I received this picture...
Happy Birthday to Sophia Jo Anne
8 lbs 14 oz.  21.25" long

Snug as a bug.
Eyes shining bright.
What a beautiful baby!

My excitement gave way to much needed sleep until 8:30.  We had made plans to go visit our friend, Billy, who's folks have a place on the lake.  It had been years since we'd gotten the kids out on the water.  It was a little chilly, cloudy and sprinkled on and off - but that meant there were only a few boats on the lake.  

When did they get so big?

Jake's first - fifth attempts.
Bummer, maybe next time.

Annie tried... 
but got whacked in the face with a ski.
She got a little cut under her eye. 
She'll try next time.

Jack got up on his second attempt.
He was exhausted.

I got in on the fun, too!

Tubing fun.
Woo Hoo!

Wipe Out!
All I see are legs.

Annie wants to go faster!

Post wipe out smile.
Time to swim!

And playing in the spray.

Every time I turned around Jake was diving in...

After tubing and swimming we had lunch and the boys enjoyed an ATV ride over the hills and through the woods.  Annie and I sat on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine, breeze and lake sounds.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy just relaxing on the deck, watching the water and birds.  We had a great time.  I was exhausted.

Monday, the men got up early to play a round of golf.   I just happened to look out the window just as they were finishing a hole across the way, so Paula and I walked out to watch them tee off.   
Jack and Al

Off the tee...

While they were golfing we decided to check out some thrift shops.  Annie had recently purchased a cassette player and found a bunch of cassettes.  She was thrilled.
Checking out the dvds.

Jake wanted to take these home.
Umm, no.
But he did find an old, old Polaroid camera.

Paula took us out to lunch then it was back home.  We relaxed a bit then it was time to start packing up and heading home.  What a fun weekend!

Tuesday morning I got up early and colored my hair... I didn't want to meet Sophie with my roots showing.  Ha ha!  (I have to say... it was a bad idea.  It took longer than expected.)  As soon as I was finished we hit the road.  I encountered a backup on the highway, so I took the first exit and took a different route.  D.J. called to tell me they were being released (a day early) but he said they'd hang out for a bit.  Now the pressure was on.  I was using my GPS - not because I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to keep track of my ETA.  As I came over the bridge to get on I-70 I noticed the GPS was telling me to go straight... I thought that was odd but continued onto the highway.  
One lane open on I-70!

Yep, as soon as I got over the hill on I-70.  I was stuck.  Three lanes down to one.  I was supposed to stop by and see my Mom at the church - she quilts on Tuesday mornings.  I tried to call her unsuccessfully, so I called the church office and left a message.  I practiced a few deep breathing techniques.  I exercised patience...   

Hello baby girl!
Ohhh!  She is so adorable!

I shared with Jake...

And Annie.

Sophie has bright sparkling eyes, long fingers and long toes.  
She is beautiful and perfect!

We made a quick stop at my Mom's.  Then hit road again.  I had to work.  :-)

That night I met friends for dinner.  An old neighbor was in town visiting her parents and sadly it's the only time several of us get together.  (We are trying to plan a ladies weekend in Des Moines.  Fingers crossed our schedules work out and we make it happen.)

Wednesday... I can't remember what I did.  Jake worked.  ?  That's all I remember.

Thursday, Annie and I took Layla to Deanna Rose Farmstead.  

Layla loved feeding the goats.

Annie, not so much.

She had so much fun on the playground and digging in the sand.

And taking her first pony ride.

As much fun as we had, we missed the boys.
Last time Jake and Gavin (Layla's brother) joined us.
Gavin stayed in Tanzania with Mom.

Right before their family moved, I took all the kids.
It will be fun to take them all again in a few years.

After lunch Layla enjoyed some Jake time.

Jake and Annie spent the evening with the youth.  It was a goodbye party for Steve and Layla.  They had a great time but as we all know goodbyes are tough.  

Tears and questions about why we can't come to Tanzania.
That was a tough one to explain.

This brings us to yesterday... Friday.  The first day in a long, long time that we had no plans.  None.  I downloaded pictures and spent a while writing this.  I didn't get all the pictures uploaded to the site, which was one of the reasons it didn't get posted.  I went grocery shopping.  Jake spent most of the afternoon and evening with friends - skateboarding.  Hunter spent the night and they were up at 6:00 a.m.  I took them back to the park before 7:00.  I think he would have spent all day there except for Jake's band uniform fitting.  Oh how I'd love to sneak over and take some pictures.  But that's not gonna happen.

I have been looking for a small secretary or flip out desk for a while.  I found one on Craigslist this morning and called.  I had to leave a message.  By 9:30 I decided it must already be gone and wrote it off.  :-(  I got a call at 10, saying it was and got directions to go look at it.  The phone call woke Jack... he hadn't slept well last night so was enjoying the elusive sleep-in Saturday.  He got up and around and we went together.  It's got a lot of character.  I love it.  It's not in perfect condition but it's for me.  (I post a picture of it later.)  We stopped at a couple garage sales on the way home.  

This one had lots of tools.
The "homemade lemonade stand" 
with Minute Maid lemonade sitting on it
made me giggle.

A friend asked if I could make a couple tutu's.  I have been procrastinating (I work best under pressure) and just started them yesterday.  I plan to deliver them tomorrow.  

Making headway.
I'm a tutu maker.

Jake's uniform fitting was at 1:30.  We got there early, because in band speak early is on time.  The jacket fit.  The pants, not so much.  Jake holds the record for the day number of pants rejected - 8!  The first seven were too small, too too small, Jake has grown since the spring which caused us to start off on the wrong foot.  Some of the others had been taken in, a lot - inches.  It was kind of funny.  Jake was losing his patience.  For some reason that made it funnier to me.  
Final in pants that fit!

The hat was too big
but easily adjustable.

Losing patience with me again.
I took more than one picture.
Tee hee!

Ok, I think you're brought up to speed on life around here.  


Friday, July 19, 2013

A quick trip

We went to Topeka this morning.  

There were several reasons for our visit; of course we always like to check on my folks.  And Jake has wanted to help with the yard.  As soon as we got there Dad took Jake to the donut shop.  Jake said, "Grandpa was telling me stories about when he was in high school.  It was during World War II and he got all his information from magazines he read during study hall."  I think that made a big impression of my boy.  It is very hard to imagine, isn't it? When they got back Jake mowed the hill - his Grandpa had already mowed the rest earlier in the week.  Annie and I played a few rounds of Boggle and a game of Rummikub with Mom.  I can't believe we forgot to bring over Mom's garden seat.  I didn't even think about it until we were walking to their front door and Jake mentioned it.  Next time!  Next week.  

I left a gift for a special little girl that will be making her big debut sometime this weekend. D.J. and Melissa will soon be driving to Topeka.  Melissa is being induced tonight.  Hopefully, baby Sophie will be making her big debut tomorrow.  I hate to miss it but we will venture over to visit them next week.  Jake really wants to get to Manhattan before band camp starts.  I pray everything goes smoothly and they will soon be holding their sweet baby girl.  
And the final reason for our trip was to pick up a phone.  I posted this on Facebook, July 10th. Hey friends - if anyone has an old AT&T iPhone that is sitting around not being used, please contact me. We have missionary friends in Tanzania that could use it and would really appreciate it. Thanks!  I had a friend from elementary school graciously donate a phone.  She was happy to get rid of it and happy to send it to someone that truly needs it.  I have to say, I love the power of Facebook when it comes to stuff like this!       

My folks took us to a new restaurant - it's called the Kanza Cafe and it's on the grounds of the Topeka State Hospital that closed in 1997.  It is run by the school district and gives students in the New Step program (18-21 years old) a great learning environment.  We were all pleased with our dishes.  They are open for breakfast and lunch.  If you're interested in more information:
My lunch dates.

Jake drove us home.  He did great - and there were some crazy drivers out there today.  It's good experience.   
It's a beautiful summer day in Kansas!
(Sorry about the reflection of my hand.)

This is for you, Jack.
We got passed by a big smoker.

Annie had a birthday party this afternoon.  Even with the best plans sometime things don't go as expected.  We replaced the typewriter ribbon and it didn't work.  Oh NO!  She went to the party - well the first part is at the bowling alley - without a gift.  I worked on it for about an hour and I'm stumped.  Jack is coming home a little early and hopefully he'll have better luck.  I'm supposed to pick her up at 5.  I am hoping with a fixed machine.  

Jake didn't stay home long.  He is out skateboarding with friends.  I am so happy to have him out and about.  Hopefully today he'll return without needing more band-aids.  We may need to buy stock in that company soon.  ;-)    (I'm kidding!)
I hope you have a wonderful Friday!


Update:  I was able to fix the typewriter - all by myself.  :-)  I ended up finding the manual on-line and taking it apart many times - 5 times.  Thankfully the final time I must have done something different and it worked!  Woo Hoo!  It worked!  I wrapped it up and Annie was so excited, and relieved.  

Jack and I went out for Happy Hour and got some yummy appetizers.  Then we got Jake and his friend Hunter a pizza at Jake's favorite place, Mafia Mike's Southside Pizza.  

AND the biggest news of the day... I got a 2nd job.  Starting September 6th for 8 weeks I will be working with my friend Marena at Bringing Therapy Home on Friday mornings.  I've been helping her the last few Tuesday afternoons with therapy groups.  She is amazing and I am thrilled to be a part of her team.  If you're curious, here's her website:

Ok, busy day.  Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ready for school

Tuesday the kids had orthodontist appointments - at 8:30 a.m.  I was told that was "mean and wrong in the summer time"  Jake is supposed to be getting his braces off soon.  So far, soon is undefined.  But it's something to look forward to.  Annie is patiently waiting for her teeth to come in that were pulled two years ago.   (no pictures were allowed)

Yesterday morning at 9:00 a.m., Annie had her physical.  She is now 5' 2".  She's grown two inches this summer!  She's only an inch behind me now.  She weighs just over 100 pounds.  We all chuckled at that because she is bigger than Jack was when he was a freshman, wrestling in the 89 and under.  And he tells us he didn't have to worry about making weight... ;-)  (I didn't even try to take a picture.)

Jake had his physical this morning at 9:20.  He's 5' 9 1/2" tall and I'm pretty sure he's going through a growth spurt.  My little boy now towers over me.  :-(  He had to get the second of his Hep A shots.  The nurse asked him three times to relax.  Jake was tense through the shot and I'm sure he's going to have a big bruise.  She looked at me and gave the tiniest of smiles and said, "I tried."  I shrugged and smiled back.  Crazy teenage.

I snuck in this picture.
I kept thinking about when he and Annie were little 
and I'd make a tandem appointment.  
They would sit next to each other on the table...
I don't have any pictures of that - only in my mind.
It was sweet.

I don't know why they hang a mirror right over the chair in the exam rooms... but kids spent most of their time in the room staring at themselves.  Annie was more subtle, she played with her hair or smiled.  Jake was bold - he was a goof ball.  He was hilarious.  I couldn't watch him.  The nurse thought my reaction was hilarious.  I can only imagine the things she hears and sees - and it was clear we entertained her.  

Now we're done.  I am thankful for my two very healthy kids.  No more early mornings until band camp starts in a week and a half.    

I spent the evening with Sue (Aunt Sue).  We went to a craft class making lace cards - it was my belated birthday present.  It was so much fun to play with glitter!  I'm probably going to be pulling it out of my purse for months, since my purse was sitting on the floor under me. Here is what we made...

Our work space...

Sue working the glitter...

close up...
lace over sticker paper and covered with glitter.

Cute, aren't they?
(I can't turn it - sorry.)

Thanks, Sue!  I had a fun night.

Three weeks until school starts.  Sue goes back to work on Monday.  I'm not ready yet. 
Sue's not ready either.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The first time

Last night Jack and I went to an All Star game party.  Their son is Annie's age and he was out of town.  Just us.  No kids.  It was kinda weird.  There were a few kids there - other kids. But none of ours.  She thought it felt weird, too.  I'm sure this will be the first of many nights like this.  I only watched a little bit of the game.  Several other couples from our Sunday School class were there.  One couple had been at our house the night before.  I had pangs of guilt for not inviting more people, but thankfully those pangs passed like a gas pain.  I apologize if that offended anyone.  I only watched a little bit - maybe one at bat - that's it.  I chatted most of the time.  :-)  We had to leave before the game was over to pick up Annie at a friends house.  

We got home and relaxed.  It was nice.  Jake called at 10:00 asking if he could spend the night at a friends house.  Of course that meant we needed to come and get him to retrieve his stuff and take him back over. He offered to ride his skateboard - even saying he had a flashlight.  While I appreciated his offer I was nervous, since he's been a little bit accident prone and the lighting on our streets is dim.  If he would have said he was going to walk home I would have been ok with that...  but there was third friend there that was going right past our house on his way home and back and his Mom offered to bring Jake.  Once I heard that the answer was easy.  Sure!  He got home at 10:45 this morning.  Exhausted.  

I was fast asleep before 11:00.  I slept hard until 7:45.  Woo Hoo!  It was a good, hard sleep.  I don't think I dreamed.  I don't think I moved.  It was amazing!  I was the first time in too long!

Annie had a doctor's appointment this morning.  Just a well visit.  I was a little nervous she might need shots but I was wrong.  Annie was relieved.  She is now 5'2" tall!  She's gonna pass me up soon because she's definitely not done growing.  :-)  She was thrilled.  She's a very healthy girl.  No concerns what so ever.  

Jake worked this afternoon.  I dropped him off and come back to get a few things done around the house. The backdoor was open for Suzy.  I kept hearing weird sounds about every 5 minutes for a half an hour.  I couldn't really identify them.  The last one was loud and there was no doubt - thunder.  No lightning, just big boomers.  The sun was shining through it all - hard and fast and then it was over.  

I didn't have time to get the candles or tablecloth in.
I grab the towels and got soaked.
The raindrops were huge!

On my way back to get Jake I stopped by a little store looking for a piggy bank for baby Sophie.  I had asked Melissa a few days ago if there was anything she still wanted before Sophie's arrival and she gave me a short list.  I was so excited and found the perfect one.  I picked out a card and headed to the counter.  I'm guessing the cashier was in her last 50's.  She had a sweet smile.  She said something that caught me off guard... I blinked not sure I heard her correctly.  She repeated herself.  "Oh this is just adorable, will it be fore your first granddaughter?"  I smiled and blinked.  I slept great last night!  I look good today.  I fixed my hair and put on makeup, today.  ?  Finally I muttered, "Grandchild?  Umm, no."  I looked up and her eyebrows were almost touching her hairline.  She blurted out, "Well then, who's it for?"  I managed a weak smile and said, "my great niece."  She said, "well, isn't that special" and she sounded just like the church lady character from SNL.  This lady is a trip!  "Yes!  It is!"  I didn't laugh until I walked out.   I was so happy I was walking out smiling and not crying.  I'm trying to forget she thought I was a Grandma.  But it's hard.  The words are still swirling around in my head.  (:-/  It was the first time anyone had ever asked me that.  

A day of first.  Some I will remember.  One I hope to forget.  :-)  Isn't that always the way?
