Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's MAY! This is unbelievable!

It's May 2nd.... not February 82nd like I saw posted in jest on Facebook.  I also read the question:  If April showers bring May flowers, what does May snow bring?  And who would ever have guessed they'd be playing Christmas carols at Kauffman Stadium?  The game was postponed due to snow!?  It's crazy!
This is how it started.
They called them ice pellets.
I call it sleet!

On my way to pick up Annie from school this is what I saw...

A snow plow
salting the roads.
Uh oh!

I sent Annie off on her adventure.  She left at 4:00 p.m. with two friends (Grace and Arden) and one mom (Arden's Mom, Julie) bound for Chicago.  They are driving to the Quad Cities for tonight - where they will spend that night with Julie's parents.  Tomorrow morning they will get up early and meet Grace's Dad, Chris (who works in Chicago and usually flies home on the weekend.)  He be will hosting the girls and take them to a concert tomorrow night at the Sears Centre.  They were all over the moon excited.  I was nervous until I realized that Grace and Arden were/are very concerned about losing Annie and inquired about putting a leash on her.  LOL!  It should be noted that both girls are a good six inches taller than Annie.  The venue recently changed from a much smaller theater, I hope it doesn't change their experience.  Two of their favorite bands will be playing - Pierce the Veil and All Time Low.  More about that later. 

Now, back to the weather
Goodbye tulips,
the snow is starting to stick.

I see puppy paws!

And puppy tracks!

And the table is covered AGAIN!

(I just talked to Annie, there are about a half hour from the Quad Cities.  It's not snowing and they've had a good, uneventful trip, so far.)


Jack informed me this morning that I hadn't blogged since Sunday.  For some reason that made me laugh.  He knows everything I do but is obviously concerned that I haven't written about for all of eternity to read...  tee hee!

So, here are a couple things you missed ~ 
Monday, Annie went to school with me.
I was a bad Mom and forgot last Thursday was 
Take Your Kid to Work Day.
She was NOT in the mood for a picture, but I got one.
She had fun working with my class.

Yesterday, Jake drove my car for the first time.
He informed me that my taking a picture was a distraction.
Such a serious face.
(please notice, short sleeved shirts, 
sun shining, the windows were down...
sob, sob.  I miss it already!)

For the record, a snow day in May wouldn't be the worst thing... for me.  However, I'm anxious to see what tomorrow brings.  My sister and parents are supposed to drive out to Colorado to see Sarah and her family.  Please say a prayer!  Travel mercies for Annie and her friends, too.  


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