Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alive and well

Annie got a job cat-sitting last weekend.  When we arrived to get instructions Turbo bolted out of our friends arms.  Annie was excited because she has wanted a cat for a long time, however my allergies prohibit it.  This was a great opportunity for her to get in some much needed "cat" time.

We went over on Friday.  She put out fresh water, food and treats.  She looked and looked - but no kitty was found.

We went over on Saturday.  Again, Annie put out fresh water, food and strategically arranged treats.  There was evidence in the litter box, so she knew he was around but must be hiding.  Again, she looked and lo-(oked to no avail.

Sunday, Jack dropped her off for several hours.  She took books and studied for finals.  Annie was convinced if she settled in Turbo would come investigate.  Nope.  She studied then turned on the tv and sat on the couch.  Surely, he'll come out.  Nope. Still no kitty.  She again took a look around without success.  The treats and food were being eaten, water drank and litter box evidence left.  Hmmm?  Where could this little guy be?

Monday morning I returned with Annie.  We were bound and determined to find him.  We knew he was alive because of the evidence (eaten food etc.) but that was all we knew.  Annie looked.  I looked.  I meowed.  We settled in hour several hours.  Nothing.  ?  I coaxed with a cat toy.  I looked again.  This is so weird!

Last night our friends returned just before 10 p.m.  Turbo was located.  Shut in a closet.  (:-0  "I should have mentioned his hiding spot - but he doesn't go there very often. He's just fine.  Just very angry & clingy/needy."  I felt horrible.  I was the last one upstairs and must have closed a door by mistake.  

Deep sigh.  I am glad he was found, alive and well.  I'm trying to focus on that.

Annie has another cat-sitting job lined up starting Saturday for a week.  I'm hoping this one goes much better.  We've already been over for instructions and Lexi let Annie pet her.  I think we're already off to a better start.  :-)  


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