Saturday, May 25, 2013

My flower garden

Ever since I made my Day Zero project (, I have wanted to replant my flower garden.  As I posted a couple weeks ago we started removing the rocks next to the sidewalk out front.  Well, yesterday I decided it was time to get down and dirty.  I pulled out the rest of the rocks, raked out all the grass, weeds and dead plants.  And dug out lots and lots and lots of grape hyacinth bulbs.  Those little buggers had gotten way out of control.  They're everywhere!  I have hopefully gotten all of them into one area, but it will be interesting next Spring to see where they pop up.  Jack got out the roto tiller and the dirt looked beautiful!  I wasn't sure what we were going to plant other than replace the clematis.  I got a few perennials and a few annuals.  I can't give you the names... I just could be in full sun and looked good together.  They look a little pathetic right now, but I'm hopeful with a water and sunshine they'll grow big and strong in no time.  :-)

Mid project...

Pots are done! 

Freshly tilled.

Plants in...

Rocks in...

Finished, for now.
All it needs it sunshine, water and time.

I named her Pearl.

Next up...
the other side of the walk.

Annie went to a slumber party last night.  Spent a couple hours with friends mid-afternoon.  And is now with other friends hanging out until 10.  Busy girl!  And she is cat-sitting a cat that has yet to be seen, although she strategically placed food and treats and today when she went to check on it, the food had been eaten.  "All I know is he's alive."  She spent quite a while hanging out, hoping the kitty would show his face, but no luck.  She also went over to another friends house for cat-sitting instructions and a key for her next job.  This one won't start until next weekend but it will be a full week.  Annie really wishes we could get a cat, but no such luck.  I'm allergic.  It didn't help that we were at Walmart the other day and a pregnant kitty had shown up in the garden area and wouldn't leave.  They asked if we could take her home, "for free!"  Then another guy showed up and said, "only $5!"  Nice try, but no.  Annie convinced herself that it was best because she and Jake would probably fight over it.  (That made me laugh - again.)

She was so skinny.
One of the managers brought her a can of cat food 
and she was gobbling it down.

Poor Jake doesn't get to truly enjoy the long weekend because he has finals next week.  I am thankful it's only this semester and not full year final exams, but seriously.  Ugh!  I don't remember having three days finals - an hour and a half for each class.  Tuesday is Biology and Band.  Wednesday is Computer Applications, P.E. and Geometry.  And Thursday is German and Communication Arts.  He did make lunch for us today, hamburgers on the grill and fries in the oven.  :-)  He did a great job, too!  And he did some of his studying in the backyard under a tree this afternoon.  I wish I would have taken a picture.  

Jack played golf this morning.  His confidence was shaken a little because this course is his nemesis.  It doesn't have a driving range which I think messes with him a little.   I didn't let him relax too much.  He tilled, brought me dirt from the garden, helped me pick out plants and was a huge help putting the rocks back.  Thanks, Jack!

I am exhausted.  I am going to take a shower and call it a night.  


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