Wednesday, May 22, 2013

686 Days

Today was Annie's 8th Grade Farewell (or Graduation).  She is fortunate to have a truly great class full of compassionate, caring students.  It seemed they are really excited to start the next chapter and I didn't see any tears.  I thoroughly enjoyed the new Blue Valley West Principal taking time to come and talk to the students.  The theme of his speech was 686 days.  That's the number of days of school before they graduate.  Only 686 days.  'Make each day count.'  'Yes, there will be bumps and pot holes, but don't let them define you.'  '686 days seems like a lot now, but it will go quickly.'  He said something about allowing your parents to help guide you... but I can't remember his exact words.  I hadn't met him before and I was impressed.  686 days starts August 14th.  Annie will still be 13.  (:-(  Ok, that makes me a little scare and sad but she's ready.  :-) 

Ready to get the morning festivities started!
We're so proud of the young woman she's become.

Dr. Potts, BVW Principal

A little blurry, the students get handshakes/hugs from the 8th grade teachers.
Annie was getting ready to hug Mrs. Louis, her Science teacher.

My daughters, Annie and her friend Grace.
They're so beautiful!
(Grace will be moving to Maryland in a few weeks.)

After the ceremony I was lucky enough to get one last picture before the students quickly changed into casual clothes and headed off to do more celebrating at Power Play.  Annie  had a great time.

Jake had his first staff meeting tonight.  It was a little longer than he expected but he's excited to get started.  June 3rd is going to be a big day!  5 hours of art class and 4 hours as Junior Staff member at Parkwood Day School.  :-)

Jack's golf game is really turning around.  He and his partner played tonight in the 1st round of play-offs and won.  He was feeling very confident after going to the driving range last night and had his best practice yet.  :-)     

It's a busy week in preschool!  Yesterday was field day - thankfully with the help of our 5th grade buddies.  Today was kite day.  And tomorrow is bike day.  I'm exhausted!   Only 3 more days of preschool for this year and I can do it!  I can see the light!  (I still don't know what's going to happen next year.  It's weighing on my heart.  It wouldn't be so hard if I didn't love the kids so much.  I'm leaning in one direction but I'm still weighing my options.)  


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