Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Checking in

It's busy busy busy around here.

Last Saturday Jake attended the State German Competition at KU.  It was a full day event that started at 8 a.m. sharp and concluded at 4 p.m.  Jake read a poem.  He met kids from all over the state and everyone was supposed to speak German... but it wasn't quite the case.  He has a test on Thursday but it consists of reciting the same poem.  

Tomorrow he will be going with the Pep Band to Wichita to support the boys basketball as they play a sub-state game.  He get's checked out at 1:45 and won't return until after 10:00 p.m.  He is excited!  I am guessing he will return tired.  :-)  

Annie has been busy getting ready for the musical.  I got to see a bit of it yesterday when I picked her up for her orthodontist appointment.  We had forgotten it was sneak peak day for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders so I had to go find her.  She has had rehearsal every day after school until 5:30 making for some long days.  Today, she and Shelby (carpool friend) agreed they are ready for it be over!  :-)

Jack has been busy with a new project at work.  He's had a couple rough days and thankfully took out his aggression on a few golf balls before coming home.  He is still enjoying his golf lessons and practices several times a week.

Me?  I was a bit under the weather over the weekend but slept it off.  Now I'm back on a different routine - I go to sleep quick but can't make it all night.  I wake up between 2:30 and 3:15 and can't get back to sleep until 5.  It makes morning very tough.  Ugh.  I need sleep!  

I finally got my first photography project back last night.   The usual 2-3 day turn around was 6 days.  I was not very excited about that but anxiously read by feedback.  I was a little disappointed to get 8/10 points and was criticized on light and exposure that he even noted they hadn't covered yet.  ?  It seemed a bit ridiculous to dock me points on something I haven't been taught yet but live and learn, right?  Today, I was supposed to take pictures of something moving.  I was home alone and Suzy was napping.  It didn't occur to me until this very second I could have just turned on the ceiling fan.  (eye-roll)  Oh dear.  More living and learning.  Ha!
We have all been getting psyched up for our vacation.  I checked the weather in Cozumel today.  It looks beautiful!  We have are in the pre-vacation, pre-packing make sure everything fits stage.  I had decided to get a new dress for the adventure, I tried it on to get Jack and Annie's opinion... Jack said something just awful and Annie got really, really mad at him.  The dress was brown.  I don't usually buy brown things.  Jack said I looked like a turd.  NOT "that dress looks like a turd" which is why Annie got so mad.  Today, we were talking about it and Annie just kept saying, "Dad, you just said it all wrong."  Never the less, it was all wrong for me and I laughed it off.  I hope someday Annie will appreciate that Jack was (is) brutally honest and hopefully she'll find a man with that same honesty.  I just hope he can give her his opinion in the "right" way.  We had fun watching her try on dresses tonight.  She's finally grown in to several of her dresses and looks great.  She was so excited!  

Ok, that's enough for "checking in" - more soon!  And I'll post pictures.  Until then here's a picture of Suzy I turned in with my first project.  
Stay warm and dry!


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