Friday, March 29, 2013

Ships log - Day 6

It was a hazy day...
but still gorgeous on deck!

Our usual 9:00 a.m. breakfast date with the Pfeiff's was cancelled.  The Diemer's wanted to sleep in.  Well, that was the plan anyway... Jack and I were up early and walked a mile before meeting the other's for breakfast.  (Jake and Annie slept in until after 10:00.)  The ship does an event for the Children's Miracle Network calld Walk for Wishes.  Jack and I walked a second mile with the Captain and several hundred others before noon.  It really was something to see a steady mass of people walking for a cause.  They raised over $3000!  Woo hoo!

The kids got up, ate lunch and we didn't see them again until it was time to get ready for dinner.  (Their days were filled with foosball, air hockey, scavenger hunts, ice skating, rock wall climbing, movie watching, hang time at various locations and night time pool/hot tube time.  Due to sunburns, neither spent much time in the pool during the day.)

We watched the Belly Flop Competition.  Why do we find it so amusing?  I have no idea but it is.  :-) 

Lisa and I had another dance lesson.  I had a panic attack.  I didn't think there was any way I'd be ready for the evening performance.  BUT I held it together and Lisa and the other dancers were so sweet and I decided it didn't really matter if I wasn't perfect.  We were all having fun!  "OK, I can do this!"

It was our second formal night.  Lobster night!

I'm not sure why, but I love this picture of Annie.
Is it the way she's holding the glass?
Or the fact I can almost hear her laughter?

What a great looking family!
Love them! 

Annie ordered duck.
She loved it.
She did NOT like pate.
"It tasted like cat food!"

Red at night, sailors delight.
It was too hazy to get a picture of the sunset.

Jake took this picture of Lisa and I from outside.

And our table, through a dirty window.

And a few more pictures before dinner was over...
Jake and Annie

Justin and Nick

I wanted to take a few more pictures of the kids but Jake was anxious to get to his activities.  Bummer.  I really like the one above and it will have to do.  

Lisa and I had another rehearsal.  This time it was in Studio B with lights and video and everything.  Jack came to watch, which made me even more nervous.  Thankfully, we ran through the dance a few times because the first one was absolutely horrible - for me.  Jack couldn't say anything, but judging by the look on his face... Ugh!  By the time the rehearsal was over I was confident - except for one part - and very excited.

We had a bit of down time before Lisa came to our room for make-up.  What better opportunity to get a bit of liquid courage?  ;-)  We walked down the Promenade and ran into Annie.  "Mother!  You're just going to walk around drinking a beer?"  My response, with a glance at my beverage, "well, I guess so!"  Ha ha!

Back at the room this is what I came up with...

SO... what dance did we learn for me to look like this????  THRILLER!  We were zombies!  

It was hilarious walking down the hallway and into the elevator before the performance.  I'm guessing that most people had no idea what was going on because of the looks we got... but our laughter eased our fears.  We arrived to the meeting spot and everyone looked amazing!

I haven't seen the video yet but will post a link as soon as I find one.  And I will post a few more pictures when we get them from Lisa.  At some point it will probably be on YouTube - search Mariner of the Seas Spring Break 2013 (March 21).  I have to admit, it was so fun!  I was surprised to find out the kids were both there, too.  I walked by Annie at the top of the stairs and she said, "you only made the 'oops, I messed up face' once!"  Lol!

Saturday, March 30th  I just found the video on YouTube and I've attached it.  I am in the 3rd row on the right side.  I'm wearing a black shirt with the left sleeve pulled up.  After watching it for the first time I'm feeling much more comfortable with my performance.  Enjoy!

It was another late night!


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