Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ships log - Day 3


We were up early.  We planned an excursion of catamaran sailing and snorkeling through ShoreExcursioneer.  Our confirmation stated it was quick cab ride or 10 minute walk from the pier.  We ate our breakfast and headed out for our 10 minute walk.  We got to the market place on the pier and Jack realized he didn't have our confirmation.  We decided it would be best to have it - rather than need it and not have it.  Jack headed back to the room and the rest of us continued our walk.  We walked and walked and walked and walked and were convinced we had missed it.  We kept walking - close to 30 minutes later we arrived.  The kids played on the rocks and checked out the tide pools.  Jack arrived without any problems - agreeing that they miscalculated the distance.  "You couldn't run that distance in 10 minutes!"  We had applied sunscreen before we left the ship.  We found a shady spot and visited with several couples waiting.  We applied more sunscreen while we waited.  

Most of the other couples were on the Carnival ships docked next to ours.  Several asked if there was any way they could get on our ship.  I felt a little bad to say no.  Before long a man came out and announced the bar was open - even though they didn't have a door.  He thought it was funny.  We all got in line and checked in.  Before we boarded the catamaran, they asked us to take off our shoes.  The kids sat on the front, over the water on the rope part... I don't know what that part is called.  We found a place to sit and the sail went up in no time.  I think the sail was just for show because they used a motor most of the time.  I was really looking forward to sailing.  (Next time we do the America's Cup Regatta AND snorkel somewhere else!)  Anyway, back to our adventure... we really enjoyed the experience.  When we reached our destination our guide - Fernando - gave us a lesson and then we got to jump in.  It was awesome!  The water was 15-20 feet deep.  The fish were plentiful.  There were three guides in the water.  Several times the girl in front with the flag for us to follow, would dive down with a bag full of fish food and the fish went crazy.  Jake had a few technical difficulties but got the hang of it.  Annie was a little annoyed by all the people... it did feel a bit crowded at times - but we all survived.  

After about 30 minutes we got back on the boat and had fresh pineapple to get the salty taste out of our mouths.  Mmm!  We "sailed" with the motor going out a couple hundred yards and got back in the water, it was about 50 feet deep.  The fish were bigger.  It was still so cool!  Some people in our group were diving down but I didn't try that.  Jake said he dove down 10 feet once but didn't think of it as a successful dive, unlike when we were shallow water.  He didn't say it, but I think he came up with a mouth full of salt water.  It didn't matter, we all had a ball.  When we got out, we were greeted with drinks, chips and fresh guacamole.  None of us are big fans, but we were hungry and it was delicious!  As we arrived back to the dock Fernando made his request for tips - he said, "no tip, no shoes" - remember, we had taken our shoes off before we got on the catamaran?  ;-)  Jack and I had a chat and decided on an amount.  We got off, put our shoes on and after a quick pit stop started our trek back.  I'm not sure when or how we figured it out but Jack thought I tipped and I though he had.  I had forgotten I had all the money.  We were too far away to walk back so we felt badly, but didn't do anything about it.  I will be leaving a glowing review of his excursion.  That will have to be enough.  

There was a "professional" there taking pictures.
He had this print ready when we returned to the dock.
He wanted $10 but I only wanted to pay $5, so we walked away.
We were a quarter mile down the road and he chased us down.
When Jack first saw the picture,
he was convinced the fish were photoshopped in.  

Ha ha ha ha!

We did a bit of shopping on our way back to the ship.  We were starving!  Then in no time we were off again.
The port was busy!

Our catamaran.

I wish I had taken a picture showing 
the distance between the pier and here - our destination.
It was a LONG walk!  

After lunch we all enjoyed a little down time.
Jack picked the deck.

So did I.

Annie took the couch.

And Jake took the bed.

The experience was great and we were careful, but Jake still got burnt.  Not nearly as bad as last summer... thankfully he was wearing a shirt but the back of his neck, ears, nose, forearms and hand, and knees down were a little crispy.  :-(  Annie got it a little too, mostly on her shoulders.  I had only a bit on my back.  And Jack had none, lucky guy!

Dinner was casual.  The kids had a great evening.  And Jack and I took in a show with Brian and Lisa.  I wish I could remember the guys name.  He did impressions, including singers.  He's going to be in Vegas in the fall.  Since the kids had taken a nap we told them they could stay out until midnight.  It was IMPOSSIBLE for me to stay awake but I tried.  I woke up when they walked in and attempted to look like I'd been awake the whole time.  :-D  Isn't that what parents are supposed to do? 

What a fun day!

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