Thursday, March 14, 2013


Not to keep you in suspense but I will bring you up to speed since I haven't written for quite a while.  I will try my hardest not to ramble.  I just have a lot to say.  :-)

Saturday, Jake went with the pep band to Wichita, again.  (He had gone on Wednesday for a playoff game which we surprisingly won.  The bus trip was long and the bus driver made it miserable)  The BVW boys basketball team made it all the way to the state championship!  They played against rival BVNW, who was undefeated.  The game was a blow out.   We lost but Jake was glad he went.  He got home before midnight.  

We went to church that evening.  I can't find my notes but it was amazing.  We are studying the book of John and the topic was I AM.  What stuck with me most is I am the way, and the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)  Don't let your heart be shaken.  Believe in me.  Trust is fundamental.  In my Father's house... someday we will all be going home to God's house with many rooms.  Now, when I think of paradise I think of the Kings garden... God's garden.  I hope I see a glimpse of God's garden next week!  I'm looking forward to Easter.

We went to Topeka last Sunday to see my parents.  We went out to lunch and all ate way too much then headed over to their house for cards and Jack went to work swapping out Dad's printer.  We took one we had but weren't using.  Dad's printer worked but the copier feature had stopped working.  Jack worked for quite a while without success.  Bummer.  He had also brought a pair of speakers because Dad had given his away - or so he thought.  In his attempt to find a place to put the speakers Jack found a set - still hooked up.  And guess what?  They worked!  A nice surprise.  They decided to hook the Dad's printer back up.  Jack is someone that will always try to fix things so he was convinced he could fix the copier.  Well, another nice surprise, all he did was reconnect it and everything worked!  Hooray!  Dad had talked to several people that had him convinced it was un-repairable.  We rushed home and the kids were only a bit late to youth group.

Monday Jack was off to California for a quick business trip.  The kids and I held down the fort.  Jack and a colleague walked to work on Tuesday.  They walked using driving direction on one of their phones.  What should have been an easy miles walk was doubled.  And little did they know they walked straight through one of the worse parts of San Francisco.  Thankfully it was early in the morning and most of the druggies were sleeping, although Jack did say they saw a LOT of homeless people - none of which asked them for money.  They ate dinner a few blocks away from the office and this was their view (see below).  He arrived home safely last night.

It was a three hour view of the Bay Bridge.
Pretty amazing, huh?

While Jack was gone I took Jake shopping.  He had asked for a tie... a simple request... but it quickly turned into a teenagers version of the book "If You Give a Pig a Pancake."  I wanted to get him a nice button down shirt.  Which lead to Jake wanting a suit jacket.  Which lead us to suit pants.  Which lead Jake to new Converse tennis shoes - which he didn't get.  "But Mom... Converse look so cool with a suit."  My response was "no," "no way," "not gonna happen," and finally, "they don't allow tennis shoes in the dining room on the ship!"  He does look handsome!  

This is what I found this morning...
Tulips coming up amongst the weeds out front - and snow on the patio.
I so happy to see signs of Spring!

We have yet to start packing but we are all excited beyond belief.  I think we are in need of a week off the grid.  IF I have moments of internet connection I may share a few pictures.  But don't hold your breath.  ;-)

Take care!

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