Friday, March 29, 2013


I apologize for the trip interruption but a lot has been going on and I it deserves my time.

Monday we had school - even though our street didn't get plowed until almost midnight, the night before.  I admit it, I was really hoping for another snow day.
The roads were slick in the neighborhood.

We had two new students at school and Katie wasn't there - she only got as far as St. Louis and her flight was cancelled.  I had to leave at 11:00 a.m., so asked Jodi, a classroom para if she could help me out.  and thankfully she could.  About 10 minutes after school started we had a substitute show up to help us.  What a blessing!  They don't normally provide subs for Katie or myself.  We were so thankful to have her!!  The morning was right on the edge of total chaos.  Seriously.  It was mass hysteria.  Jodi arrived at 10:50 a.m. and I wasted NO time in leaving.  I checked in with the school nurse on my way out - because she needed to assist once student in my absence.  

I drove to Topeka.  The roads were great, traffic was light and I made it without any problems.  It was my job to act as "hostess" for the big event and decorate the table.  We have surprised my Dad several times with parties never Mom.  The day before had been my Mom's 85th Birthday and we thought she deserved something special.  Normally, March 24th is a big birthday day in our family.  It is shared by Mom, Dave (my brother-in-law), Isaac (my great nephew - and Dave's grandson) and Melissa (my nephews wife - Dave's daughter-in-law).  Isaac announced this year he wanted a party to himself, so everyone had gotten together on Saturday at his house for a party. It was before the snow storm hit, so my folks were able to make it over and back without incident.  

Anyway, back to my story.  We invited many of Mom's friends to lunch at Cracker Barrel.  There must have been a dozen show up.  Marlene and Melissa showed up at Mom's unannounced and had decided Melissa would say she was craving buttermilk pancakes.  (IF they had called to tell Mom they were coming and what Melissa was craving, Mom probably would have had pancakes on the stove when they showed up.) Mom gave her several options, other than Cracker Barrel, but Melissa just said that's what she wanted and we all know you can't argue with a pregnant woman.  ;-)  Dad let the girls go on without him saying, "it's a girl thing," but left the house right after they did and snuck back to the table while the girls were looking around at all the cute stuff.  Scott (my brother) was there, too.  When they finally made their way back to the table Mom was completely flabbergasted.  She first saw her friend, Conchita, who is very shy.  She was happy to see her but figure out why she would be with a bunch of women.  Then slowly it started to sink in.  
She was so surprised.
Marlene had brought a tierra for her to wear.
She's was so cute!!
I love that lady so much!

Here's the boys table.
Dad and Scott.

It was a great time enjoyed by all.  After I got home I called to check on Mom.  "I have a headache from all the excitement and I don't think my heart has slowed down a bit."  Poor thing.  Then she added, "don't ever do that again!  I don't like surprises."  ha!

Tuesday was an Early Release day.  Another blessing!  Katie was back but the needs of our classroom were more than the hands available.  Another day of making the most of a bad situation.  

Wednesday - I can't talk about school - it was awful - but here's a quick recap from a 1st grader in my friend Sherry's classroom, "I heard a little girl crying really loud in the hall by the bathroom and she said she was going to throw up.  A teacher ran towards the classroom and almost crashed into the other teacher coming around the corning in the hall!"   (:-/

My folks came over for Jake's band festival.  All the band student's from all the feeder school (grades 5, 6, 7, and high school) have one big concert together at the high school.  And there was a spaghetti dinner prior to the concert.  I don't think I had ever enjoyed the concert as much as this one.  Remember - this is our 5th time at this event.  It was delightful!  At the end all the bands play America together.  Jake had to play it five times.  The high school bands start and each time after another band is added.  We all loved it! 
Over 500 students playing America!

Tuba power.
Jake's in the middle.

After the concert Mom and Dad came home with us and we played cards until almost 11:00 p.m.  They don't like to drive at night anymore, so whenever they come over for an evening activity they spend the night.  

Annie didn't attend the concert and was feeling puny when we got home.  She went to bed early.

Thursday, Annie was still feeling yucky.  She wasn't running a fever or throwing up so I have her some allergy medicine and sent her to school.  Preschool - ugh!  Here's another comment from one of Sherry's students, "they went to the gym and 3 kids got away and were running in different directions and one went to the stairs and almost fell down."  "I don't ever want to teach preschoolers."  Thank goodness we don't have students tomorrow.  One of our new students was only with us for observation.  We were supposed to have him for two full weeks but got enough data - Mary told his Mom she could bring him back next Wednesday and Thursday only.  

I had gotten a call from the school nurse at 10:15 saying Annie was sick, but no fever... another thankful moment - Jack was available to go get her and drop her off at home.  There was no way I could leave until the students did.
But look what I found when I got home!
Spring is coming!!!

Annie's illness had me puzzled.  I touched base on my way home and she wanted food - preferably Sonic.  At least she had an appetite, right?  She laid around most of the day.  I'm not sure if it was sickness, girl drama or something else.  ?  After dinner when she had ants in her pants and was dancing around the kitchen.  :-)  

We got some unexpected news around 3:00 p.m.  Jake's band director is leaving.  He has been accepted as a Graduate Conducting Assistant at Northwestern University starting in the Fall.  Jake said, Mr. Kirk choked back his emotions as he made his announcement and  many tears shed.  I have mixed emotions.  I am sad for our band family but impressed by the example he is setting for all his students - find your passion and never stop learning.  

Jack has been feeling a under the weather since Wednesday night.  Please keep him in your prayers.  I'm pretty sure he has an ulcer.  He's taking medicine.  He's NOT looking forward to eating a bland diet.

Good Friday!  Thank you Jesus for dying for me and all my sins so that I can be with You.  

Annie was up early with contacts in, make up on, hair looking great and a cute outfit.  There was no question she was back to herself.  We had a productive morning with all three of us working hard.  It was a great day of reflection and team building.  We needed it!  Thank you God for giving me great people to work with and learn from and care about!  What a gift!  


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