Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ships log - Day 1

We had a great trip.  I have been busy going through pictures... but, it's time consuming.  In order to get this done in a timely manner I will give you bits and pieces over the next few days - maybe more than once a day.  Maybe. 


Last Sunday (March 17th) we watched and waited as people meandered off the ship.  We heard that the previous cruise had 4 days of rain.  ?  Oh dear, we hadn't even thought of that possibility.  Our friends had flown into Galveston the previous evening and found us without problem.  We waited together and enjoyed the antics of the cheery pre-cruise motivator.  She hooted and hollered and had the crowd chanting in St. Patrick's Day spirit.  She was delightful for about 10 minutes when her energy level started to wear on everyone except me.  I held out a good 30 minutes... after that she was no longer my friend.  She was exhausting!  

Our neighbors, Brian and Lisa and their boys, Nick and Justin, joined us on this journey.  It's always nice to travel with friends!

When we got onto the ship where do you think my lovely family headed first?   
Jack didn't know where to start.

I didn't think I'd have an opportunity to take pictures 
without the masses of people.

Yummy desserts.
Nick, Jake, and Justin.

Our view.
We didn't mind the "obstructed view."
Nothing like an aft cabin for us!
We LOVE it!

Our deck was HUGE!
There were three chairs to the right, as well as another table.

I had a little dance party
by myself.

Our first day was full of relaxing.  We ate dinner at one of the specialty restaurants - Chops -  with several people we had met on-line through CruiseCritic.   Every single bite was delicious!  I would love to show pictures but I didn't take my camera.  :-(  

Something that sticks out in my mind about this trip is dinner.  The kids were particularly adventurous eater and tried many new foods.  And Annie surprised everyone with her appetite.  Seriously, the girl must have a hollow leg!  On more than one occasion she had two starters (appetizers) and two desserts!  And she usually ate it all!  :-)  

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