Friday, April 25, 2014

Relish the moment

A friend recently told me she went on a trip to Hawaii and forgot her camera.  She said it was the best trip she'd ever taken.  She soaked in every moment.  Through her own eyes... not the lense of her camera.  


I know, not the best picture, but it was candid.
She would have been mortified if I asked them to pose.
His name is Astolfo... he's just a friend.
It was his first concert.

He's moving this summer.

Last night I took Annie and Astolfo to a concert in Lawrence.  They wanted to get there at least an hour before the doors opened, so we left early.  They wanted pizza from the pizza place across from the theater - so they waited in line and I brought it to them.  As the time neared they gave me money and said, "we'll text you what shirts we want."  They wanted to be as close to the front as possible.  The theater is a big space with a stage - no seats.  Had I realized I was going to get to hold their stuff all evening I would have brought my purse.  ;-) No worries.

The opening bands played... it was loud!  I came prepared with earplugs. (I'm learning)  I found a spot with a couple other parents.  As the time neared for the main band to play the place became crowded with college students.  Jam packed was more like it!  The music got even louder - which I didn't think was possible.  I could feel the bass thumping in my bones.  I can honestly say I didn't recognize a single song.  It was very interesting people watching.  It was crazy how many people were watching the concert through their phone screens - taking pictures, taking video, texting friends (I think that was the only way to communicate with the person standing next to you).  But they weren't just texting, they were checking Facebook (maybe to see who else was at the concert), Instagram ('wow, check out this picture from 5 minutes ago.' - yep, I read someones lips who said that!) or checking their email.  Yes!  There were so many people not present.  I watched as faces went from sheer excitement to... well, they could have been standing just about anywhere else, head down, focused solely on their electronics.  (I am laughing at myself right now.  I sound like an old fuddy duddy.  :-) Perspective.  shrug. ?)  There have probably been times when I could call myself out on this.  I should be ashamed.  We, as a society, are so wrapped up in not wanting to miss out on something we are forgetting to be present.  We are teaching our kids it's ok to do several things at once, not realizing we are teaching them it's ok to miss out on something very important, and precious - this moment.  Right now. (Ok, I went from fuddy dud to standing on a soap box in one quick motion.)  I'm so glad I have a captive audience.  :-)  Perspective!  

Will I take Annie to more concerts?  Without a doubt, yes.  I love hearing their chatter before and after.  I love people watching.  I will remember to wear shoes that are more comfortable.  ;-)


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