Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Heaven Is for Real

I read the book and when I heard it was being made into a movie I was very excited.  

I got to see it last Friday - Good Friday.

A friend and I met at the theater.  We got seated and settled in.  Immediately, I was smiling as I listened to the folks behind us.  Three "older" people visiting, a little louder than most. I'm guessing they were my parents age and I didn't mind a bit.  As the movie started one man inserted his commentary.  Again, I smiled.  It was sweet.  He didn't talk continuously but shared his thoughts time and again.  And he made me cry a bit harder when the tears started to fall and he blew his nose with a trumpeting blow.  I don't know why but it made the movie even more special.  The movie really was wonderful.  It was exactly what my soul needed.  It was full of assurance and hope.  

Never did I question it's validity.  Never did I think of it as fiction.  

This morning there was a segment on Good Morning America about the movie.  It was kind of a review but more-so asking the question, 'Do you believe in heaven or not?'  There were critics, calling it fiction.  There were religious experts sharing their skepticism to it's validity.  I have to say it hurt my heart a little.  If this movie does nothing more than give someone hope or comfort then I think it's a good thing.  Personally, I don't need proof of heaven's existence - because I choose to believe.  To me, it is REAL... just like 88% of the people that answered the poll on GMA.


Yesterday, Annie went to Gardner to participate in the East Kansas League Art Competition.  I dropped her off at school at 6:25 a.m.  She said they arrived early and had plenty of time to unload their supplies and settle in.  There was one school that arrived late and threw the schedule off but it didn't seem to bother her much.  The team divided up and she started on the chalk drawing.  It wasn't her design but they all worked on it together. She asked me to mention she was only on the first crew, "I only did a bit of background on the top."  All and all, I think it was a good experience... even if Annie said, "they told us, learn and laugh, but it was more like learn and lose self esteem.  Everyone was SO good!"

BVW won best chalk drawing.

Today, there was a by invitation only assembly for Freshman.  Annie had received an invite but wasn't exactly sure what to expect.  She received two awards.  Principal's Honor Roll for last Fall and an Art Department Award.  Teachers in each department nominate the students they feel are the best and brightest.  Annie was thrilled to get an Art award!

We're so proud of our girl!

I sat down this afternoon and drew pictures with a group of three 5 year old girls.  I was using unusual colors.  Sometimes I like to see what their reaction is to stepping outside the box.  One little girl looked over and asked what I was drawing.  I answered.  She looked at the others, then back at me.  "You should be embarrassed."  Hmh!?  I put my markers away and went to play with the other kids.  I think I'll stick to playing and drawing with the 3 year olds.

I haven't been sharing my progress on Reat's Challenge but today I was supposed to count how many people I made smile.  I think there were many more people who made me smile today than vice versa.  Thankfully, smiling is contagious.  

Jack and I are going to take a walk.  The day was beautiful.  Happy Earth Day to you.  I hope you were able to get out and enjoy it.


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