Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend!!

Christ is RISEN!

This morning started off bright and early.  Annie and the other confirmands helped with the first service, so we arrived a little before 8:15 a.m.  I greeted the Pastor and he responded, "Christ has risen indeed, but the computer is dead."  It's times like this we realize how dependent we have become on technology.  Jake tried to figure it out, to no avail.  Then Jack tried, again, to no avail.  We helped make copies of the Call to Worship and a song that wasn't in the hymnal.  There were so many people there we ran out of bulletins - a wonderful problem to have on ANY Sunday!  I think the average attendance is 10 or 12.  Today, I'm guessing it was around 40!  It wasn't a problem until Communion - which is served every Sunday at this service.  They ran out of bread!  The last few people took their Holy Sacrament with danish instead of bread.  Everyone agreed it was a wonderful problem to have and there were no complaints.

Being gone for many hours makes meal prep a bit tricky but we had it all worked out... or so we thought.  Jack and I and another couple showed up to Sunday School early and were visiting.  Jack was saying how he put the ham in the oven and was a little nervous about it turning itself on at the right time and cooking while no one was home.  Our friend said she was cooking her ham in the crock pot.  Immediately, Jack's eyes got wide and he said he didn't remember putting the ham in the oven.  He was leading Sunday School, so I hit the road.  I called and asked if he wanted me to go ahead and turn it on a lower temperature. "Yes!"  That way we would know it was on and cooking and there would be no other surprises.  I arrived back at church to find the class smiling and giving Jack a hard time.  No worries, crisis averted.  

I left class right before the closing prayer.  I thought I had seen my folks walking down the hall and wanted to greet them, it was not them.  I glanced around the narthex - nope, not here, either.  I found Jake at the West door greeting people as they entered.  I walked outside just as my parents pulled in. They said they had taken the scenic route.  Mom's words were, "we got off the highway at 9:55 and it's taken us this long to get here!" - nearly 40 minutes had past.  While I was a little concerned about their journey, I was glad/relieved they had arrived.  "Oh, we figured you'd been calling and we forgot our phone at home."  I'm sure glad I hadn't called, THAT would have worried me.    

We found seats in the second row.  The sanctuary was packed!  Annie did the "I do.  I will.  I will.  I do's." - which the class decided that summed up the question and answers.  And then Pastor Howard prayed for her.

God Bless our girl!

We're so proud of her!

The congregation was asking to bring fresh flowers 
and created a living cross.  It's to the left in the pictures.
It was beautiful!

The service was wonderful.  There's something about singing with a hymnal in your hand that fills me.  And the music was especially beautiful!  My Redeemer Lives!  

Jack and Jake got home ahead of the rest of us.  The ham needed to warm up a little more. The potatoes and rolls needed to go into oven.   I offered to my parents car home.  Dad questioned me.  I said, "I have no doubt you could get us there.  I just thought we could take a more direct route."  Mom chuckled.

Mom had an Easter Lily sitting in a bucket in the backseat.  Now it was my turn to laugh because I had gotten her one, as well.  "We'll just exchange them!"

We had some time before dinner was ready.  We recently bought the movie "42" so we started the show.  Wow, was a inspiring movie!  Mom and Dad had seen the movie before but gladly watched again.  We paused the movie when the food was ready.  The food was delicious.  I don't know if it's right or polite to say that about the food you've cooked, but it was.  It was wonderful to have my parents here to share Easter dinner with!  Everyone continued the movie while I made quick work in the kitchen.  

Mom, Dad, Jake and I played a few hands of cards.  The second game Dad got a little drowsy, I think it happened about the time Jack got comfortable in his chair and started snoring.  At one point Jake changed the channel off of golf and guess what, Jack woke up wondering why.  Ha!  Of course, he was asleep again in no time.  After the second game was over I asked if Dad needed a little couch time.  "No, but I think we should probably head home."  :-(  We helped them load up and gave them our usual goofy send-off.  Annie wanted no part of it this time.  ;-)  They were back within 20 minutes - Mom had forgotten her lily.   And Dad called when they got home, safe and sound.  Love them, so much!



Jake and I helped with the Egg Hunt and Festivities at church.  

Jake got to be the BUNNY!

He did not like making several little ones cry.

In the afternoon I got to get my picture taken... no, not my favorite thing, but it was pretty painless.  Very soon the Bringing Therapy Home website will have have all our gorgeous mugs on it.  And our name badges, too!  


Have faith!  Believe!  Hope!  

I am very happy to report that Lisa's Mom was released today and is resting at home.  She will meet with the oncologist on May 2nd.  They are confident that her team of doctors is working toward a common goal.

Our dear friend, Cathy, from church has made the decision to take her medical issues to Mayo Clinic.  It may take 6 months or more to get in, but she has found a calmness in her heart.  She received some honesty from her cardiologist and he said, "if you were my sister..."   She is feeling more at peace with her situation now, more than ever.   

Our friend, Pam, will be running in the Boston Marathon tomorrow.   We're praying for a safe and hope-filled day!

One last request, please pray for Marlene, Dave and Dave's Mom, Corinne.  Grandma Corinne (as I've always referred to her) is having some health issues and dementia.  While Grandma was in the hospital Dave would stay with her during the day and Marlene at night.  Now that she's been released this will be a full time commitment.  Please keep all three in your prayers for health, healing, comfort and strength.  


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