Thursday, August 29, 2013

One of those days

Is it possible to look at this picture and not smile?
I don't think so.

I didn't take this picture.
A friend posted it on Pinterest and I thought it was magical.
It made me take a deep breath, smile and relax.

I love daisy's!

Thursday is my Friday... and this week I couldn't be happier.  I really try to be as nice and helpful to the bus drivers as I possibly can.  This morning, I asked a bus driver to pull forward in front of the crosswalk to make room for more cars.  I was kind.  And I was told, "you can tell me whatever you want but I'll never remember it, I'm a sub!"  Ok, now repeat that in your head and use a LOT of attitude.  That's pretty close to what I heard.  !?  What the heck?  How would you respond to that?  I giggled to myself and thought, well, at least she's honest.   

After that encounter - somewhere between the front door and 9:00 (about 20 minutes) I dubbed myself the potty person - we don't usually have a potty person but I just had a feeling.  I don't know what it was about our day, but we had one tinkle accident on the rug, one stinky accident in the ball pit (thankfully it was contained to his big boy pants), one stinky diaper, and one stinky on the potty.  When I took the stinky on the potty boy to the bathroom we were joined by a friend.  The tag-along finished quickly and I left stinky alone in the bathroom (I told him "I will be right back.  Stay here.") while I helped tag-along wash his hands and get safely back to class.  I returned to see a full moon - stinky was standing outside the stall with his hands holding tightly to his ankles waiting for me to wipe his bottom.  I really wanted to laugh.  It was so hard to contain, but I managed, but oh my, what a sight!  I'm so thankful no one else entered the boys bathroom ahead of me.  I can honestly say, I have never walked in on that before. :-)

Disclaimer:  Ok, I don't want to offend anyone with this next part, but it's too funny not to share, so please keep an open mind.  We have a new student in the morning class.  He speaks Spanish and English.  He is a little brother, so his family added "ito" to the end of his name. For whatever reason, it's been tricky for me, and everyone else, to remember.  Yesterday, my friend that teaches 1st grade next door asked me if his name was Horacio, "because you never hear that name anymore."  That is not his name.  Then, we heard someone call him something that sounded like Doritos, again not his name.  And today in a very crowded hallway, I called him Mojito ~ which, if you're not aware, is a rum drink.  We were all laughing.  I have never had such a hard time remembering a name!  Oh My Goodness! 

What a crazy day at school!  Did I mention I was glad it's my Friday?

And so so happy that I get four days off?  

Just because.  

It's hard to believe we've only been in school two weeks and two days.  

I keep repeating, "I love my job!"  "I love my co-workers."  "I love these crazy kids."  

I do.

It was just one of those days.

Jack has been busy fixing up the kids car.  He changed the oil last night - it was 2.5 quarts low.  Took it in and had the manual transmission fluid changed tonight - it was a quart or two low.  He has ordered new parts and pieces and plans to replace the oxygen sensor - which will hopefully get rid of the check engine light.  Once the pieces and parts come in we want to get it all cleaned up on the inside.  We are planning on getting the tags tomorrow, I didn't realize until this evening that tomorrow is the last day of the month and I am hoping and praying it doesn't turn into an all day affair.  

Both kids are taking photography classes.  Jake's is old school Photography I.  He is using a film camera and will get to learn all the ins and outs of developing images from negatives.  He has even learned how to roll his own film.  He gets to use school owned equipment.  Annie is taking Digital Imaging.  She will learn how to use a DSLR (digital single-lense reflex) camera. I have a DSLR which she will use and just take the memory card to school - not the whole camera.  I am hoping to learn a few things through them this semester and I have to admit I'm more than a little excited!

A spoof on Star Wars.
Old school and new age film.
Funny stuff!

Jake got in my car tonight and was shocked to hear the Alternative Rock station playing on the radio and me whistling along.  I think in his mind, it was all kinds of wrong.  Annie prefers this station and is sneaky about changing stations without my knowledge.  I guess somewhere along the way her music has seeped into my brain.  And maybe I just don't pay that close of attention anymore.  Which is not a bad thing, really.  There are a few artists and songs I don't like, but not many.  It's been fun to see the kids bond over music.  Sometimes its like they're talking a foreign language, talking about various groups and people.  Maybe every parent goes through this, I'm guessing they do. And I'm guess this is just part of the "oh, just wait" that other Mom's always warn you about.  ;-)

All of a sudden I have a flash in my memory of a movie clip from Finding Nemo.  Marlin (the Dad) is getting instructions from Crush (the little sea turtle) and Marlin says "Look, you're really cute but I can't understand what you're saying."  

I've thought that a lot lately, at home AND at school.  Lol!  :-)  

I love that movie!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Homecoming and band

Annie was asked to Homecoming this morning by a friend.  She hasn't shared the specifics, yet.  She said he asked her in French - and I ruined that moment because I said, "but you are taking Latin!?"  An obvious error on my part because now she won't share anything else.  :-(  Darn it!

Jake is wanting to ask 'someone' to go out that night but not to the dance.  Dinner and video games!  ?  He and Annie were talking in code but when she said a name -- he said no and left it at that.  Annie and I played the guessing game, receiving only a "no" response or were flat out ignored.  Bummer!

We were chatting about other things - their day, homework, talking teachers - asking for information, help, whatever.   Then I threw in "so what's her name?" 
Jake smiled and said, "wouldn't you like to know!"  :-)  
"Hey, a mom's gotta try, right?" :-D


Other stuff...

Jake really likes the new band directors but has been having a bit of trouble with another student.  And it has significantly changed his attitude about band and taken the fun out of it. (I can't remember if or how much I've written about it, so if I'm repeating myself, forgive me.)  There is a freshman, who is also playing contra (tuba).  He's bit of a wild card. He's been in school with Annie since kindergarten.  Actually, he went to our church and I remember teaching him in Sunday School, even back then he was hard to handle.  He's disrespectful.  He doesn't know the value of anything.  And even as a little boy he was a master manipulator.  He is making band anything but fun for Jake.  Last Thursday night during rehearsal on the field, the boy intentionally tripped Jake and caused him to fall to the ground with his instrument in hand.  Jake was angry, probably angrier than he's ever been in his life and he took a swing at this boy.  He did not connect.  He punched the air right in front of his face.  The boy screamed.  No words were exchanged.  Jake was done.  Unfortunately none of the adults saw what happened because no one said anything.  As Jack stood watching at the end with several other Dads, Jake walked by and a girl ran up to him and practically begged him to do something about the situation.

Jake had band early Friday morning.  He didn't say it, but I could tell he didn't want to go. But he did.  I got all my information second hand, I had been gone the night before and Jack filled me in.  I had been trying since the beginning of band camp to give Jake suggestions and tips on how to deal with the situation.  Jack hadn't seen Jake fall but he had watched part of practice and knew how tight the boys were in formation.  And he said the other boy stuck out like a sore thumb.  He was reckless on the field.  Now it wasn't a matter of "my kid is having problems" and escalated to just plain unsafe, in my opinion.  For whatever reason, I am not someone who can call teacher unless it's absolutely necessary and we had reached that level. I did not call the new band director, I called Jake's instructor - who is also the low brass adviser in marching band.  I was open and honest and shared my experiences with his boy.  I said I did not feel Jake was safe.  It was a hard conversation.  Jack had to tell me to pull it together a couple times.  I am horrible at confrontation in any form.  Thankfully Mr. Banks was candid and honest with me.  He was also feeling frustrated because he had gotten the boys contra repaired before band started and it was already in horrible shape.  The bell looked like smooshed aluminum foil from being dropped so much.  He had witnessed enough to know the boy was not honest and sincere.  I was trying to find my inner Mama lion - protector.  I was not gossipy.  I was focused and real and that's all I can be.

Jake had band early yesterday morning but they worked on game music, not show stuff.  

Jake had lessons last night.  Mr. Banks came out for a chat while Jake put his instrument away.  He wanted to make sure Jake was feeling good about "stuff".  I was honest and said it was a little too early to tell, which made him laugh.  He asked if the director had talked to Jake.  - I hated to say not that I was aware of.  He laughed again.  I was full of useful information.  ;-)  No matter, I felt good about the gesture and know Jake felt his support.

Today, Jake came home from school and announced the boy would now be playing baritone. I don't want to say I'm happy - because that might be rude - but I am relieved to know something was done.  Maybe this boy will learn that actions do have consequences.  I sure hope so!  

Wow, that was a long story.  


Monday, August 26, 2013

Let's do the bunny hop!

There is a certain right of passage in learning how to drive a stick shift.  Tonight, Jake decided he was ready to give it a go.  As I drove over to the COR parking lot I gave him some pointers.  I asked if he had any questions - nope, none.  He was excited.  As we pulled in the drive we saw a lot of bunnies.  Jake thought it was cute how they'd hop into the tall grass.  

Jake slid into the drivers seat and assured me he knew what to do.  "I watched a video."  I giggled to myself.  I told him to relax and tried to explain the art of maneuvering the clutch, even though Jake wasn't listening. I turned off the radio, even though Jake objected.  Nope, no radio.  I then tried to make myself as loose as possible - I didn't want all my muscles tight... I put on my seat belt.  I knew what was about to happen.  

The parking lot was not perfectly flat so Jake had a bit of gravity helping him along, since we were pointing downhill.  

Attempt #1 - hop, hop, the car died.

I was calm and said, "you can do this!"  

Attempts 2 - 5 - hop, hop, jerk, jerk, and the car died every time.  

I wish I would have taken a picture.  His eyes were huge and he was a little concerned at this point.

Again, I was reassuring.  "Try, try again."

This time he did it!  

"Ok, now stop and let's do it again."  

He looked a bit worried but he did it.  We had a wide range of bunny hops and peel outs.  He shifted into second - sometimes without even so much as a hop.  :-)   

We spent the better part of 45 minutes wandering from parking lot of parking lot, never venturing out on any roads.

There was a guy and his Mom driving around is a big red truck.  We saw them several times but never shared a parking lot.  We were kind of making a figure eight between two parking lots, adding frequent starts and stops.  We came up to the intersection and were blind to the left.  Thankfully Jake was driving fairly slowly.  Out of nowhere the red truck showed up just ahead of us.  Both boys slammed on the brake.  Jake forgot to push the clutch, did a couple hops and the car died.  We both burst into a fit of nervous laughter. Both vehicles sat still for an uncomfortable amount of time.  I waved the big red truck across in front of us. Jake started the car, made the turn and did pretty well getting around the corner.  

He drove to the top of the hill and called it a night.  He said, "this is going to be a little harder than I thought."  I remember that feeling.  I think it was a bit humbling for him.   

As I drove home I had him hold the shifter under my hand.  He turned the radio back on and I turned it off wanting him to listen to the engine.  I told him for a while it would be best to keep the radio off.  He needs to focus and listen.  At this point he completely agreed.

I had to jockey the cars around so he was in the house well before me.  

I thought he did a great job for his first time.

I don't know what he told Jack, but my take was all positive.  I don't have whiplash.  I didn't raise my voice at all.  I did giggle a little - not just tension release but he got the funniest looks on his face.  It's just gonna take some time, but he'll get there.  



Sunday, August 25, 2013

Looking good!

Today, I was up early and walked in the 11th annual Head for the Cure 5k.  My friend Sarah lost her dad to brain cancer many years ago and formed a team the very first year.  The team has grown every year and we had 52 people supporting Sarah and her family.  We were Team Sauce and Sarah designed a t-shirt with some of her Dad's favorite things on it - dogs, ribs (bbq) and golf.  

Cottonwood Point Elementary Ladies
front: Sarah in the middle and Alysia
back: Jill, Amy, me, Katie, Marena
(I don't know where Mary and Kim were.)

It was a hot, humid morning but full of laughter and dancing for us. Mary was our trainer trying to convince us that walking felt even better after a little jog.  Ha! Katie, Kim and I were not convinced.  :-)

I did not make it to church.  I was hot and sweaty and I would have been late.  So, I went home.  But I missed it.  Jake told me the youth directors husband will be home on Labor Day - "he's in America!"  What a joy indeed!  May God watch over Wes and bring him the rest of the way home safely.

Jack did a bit more work on the door today.  It still needs trim on the inside but it looks amazing.  He did a great job - especially after realizing our builder did not do a good job.  :-( It will be interesting to see how much we save on our heating and cooling bills.

We got a new door bell button/cover, too.  The old was was showing it's age.  This afternoon Jack changed it out while I took a little nap.  Every once in a while he noticed Suzy would bark but he didn't know why.  All he knew was when it was time to take the kids to youth group I was in a mood.  The new door is amazing.  It really reduces sounds.  So much so that every time he rang the doorbell he didn't hear it.  !?  Which made taking a nap almost impossible.  I thought he was doing it on purpose and it annoyed me.  Well, in true house project fashion, the doorbell wires are short - really short and he had to use needle nose pliers just to get a hold of them.  There must have been a short because every time he got a hold of the wires the doorbell would ring but he couldn't hear it so he had no idea.  Well, that's what he's telling me.  I'm not convinced.  (I'm thinking... Hello!?  Suzy doesn't bark without being provoked!)  Oh well, I'm over it.  Sort of.  ;-)
Tonight, we were surprised to see it lit up!
It may seem small and insignificant
but we were kind of excited about it.

Jake met up with friends and got some exercise.  They have really been having fun skateboarding.  I am so proud of Jake wearing a helmet, sunscreen and staying hydrated, especially in this heat!

Jack is exhausted and sore.  We are both so relieved to get to enjoy our evenings this week. It seems like we were making runs to look for cars almost every night for the past three plus weeks.  We may have found the deal on the car - and gotten the friends and family discount on the door but Jack definitely put in LOTs of sweat equity on both.  

One the way home from youth group I said something about Jake's car and quickly corrected myself and said "your car" - waving my arms around toward the backseat.  Annie said, "you can call it Jake's car.  It's like my own personal taxi!"  :-) What a great perspective!    


Saturday, August 24, 2013

D Day

Door Day 
New Door Day, that is.

Our door was finally delivered just over a week ago.  And since the car search is finally over, today was the day.  Well, even if the car search hadn't been over, it would have been put on hold.

I'm jumping to the end.
This was before the handle was put in.
I will post another picture when the trim is complete
and the window above is clean.
Isn't it beautiful!
We LOVE it!

Bright and early this morning
Jack didn't waste any time.

goodbye orange door

hello temporary door -
used to keep the flies and mosquitoes out.

The builders did a horrible job.
Jack had to redo most of the door opening.

He did lots of sweeping
on this HOT day.
getting closer
time to put the tape down.

I just love the new sidelights!

Great job, Jack!!!

This morning I was watching the news and heard of an organization called Band of Angels. They take old instruments, fix them up and donate them to kids interested in music but are financial unable to purchase one.  Jake's trumpet has been sitting around and I couldn't let this opportunity go by without doing something.  I checked with Jake and he agreed.  We took it in and they greatly appreciated it.  It's good to know it will go to good use.  

While Jack was working Jake and Annie (and a friend) decided to wash their car.
it helped them cool off...

both kids got busy

Annie was a perfectionist.

Jake was thorough, too.

Gotta love it!

The kids got to spend time with friends today, which is always nice.  Their clean car is tucked safely in the garage.  Jake is spending the night at a friends house.  I picked Annie up at 9. Guess what she did tonight?There no way you'll guess it... HOMEWORK!  She and her friend had plenty of fun breaks but they are prepared for a test they have next week.  :-)  


Friday, August 23, 2013

YEAH! Finally!!!

DEEP sigh!  

I can finally share our news!!!

After weeks and weeks of looking.  And many, many, many trip here, there and yonder. We have done it.  We have found our families third vehicle!  

I was the first one to call...
We told the kids we were taking ANOTHER "trip to Home Depot"
it was kinda funny that we never came home with an anything
but the kids didn't ask.
It passed the test drive test.

Jack looked it over - ALL over and under, too.

Meet Eddie!
Yep, it has a name.

Jake was with friends and we asked him to come home - he thought he was in trouble.
We told Annie we were having a family meeting.
And we wouldn't answer any questions.

We caused a lot of anxiety.
tee hee!

We didn't really have a plan, so we walked outside and Jack threw Jake the keys.
Annie stood quietly - I think she's in shock.
Annie had asked Jack flat out a couple weeks ago if we were car shopping.
He had to lie to her and say no. 

Keys in hand...

so excited...

It's a 1997 Nissan Maxima.

with lots of miles on it,

in good shape,

very nice looking,

and it has illegal - too dark - tint on the windows.

We will be getting it taken care of soon.

Annie said, "that car is so Jake..."
and got really excited when I told her they would be sharing it.
Of course, she immediately checked out the radio.
And asked if we could put in a cassette player.


Calling to share his news with friends...

Jake checking out the backseat...
still a little shocked and amazed.


Oh, and I have something else to share!  Last night I went out with several friends from school - three of them are now doing other things but we agreed to get together and celebrate each others birthdays.  Sarah chose painting, so we ventured to a place called The Thirsty Palette.  Me met early for appetizers and drinks - which turned out to be M&M's, popcorn and pretzels.  ?  Very disappointing, for sure!  And drinks were not included, which was our understanding, so we sat around and visited for an hour.  It may have been a bigger deal if we hadn't seen each other in a month.  We got started right on time and each put our own spin on the task at hand.  We actually had a great time - even though we might have annoyed the teacher with our laughter and chit chat.  Here's a picture of us with our masterpieces.
According to the teacher
none of us did it right, but I think we did great!
Front row - Megan and me
Back row - Patti, Katie, Marena, Sarah and Mary

So fun!

I love these ladies!

We were all hungry so we went over to Houlihan's, only to be told the kitchen was closed.  So, we called next door and we were told we had 30 minutes.  I say next door, but the term is relative.  It was the closest restaurant - separated by an access road and two big hills.  We decided to hoof it.  The hill wasn't so big as it was steep but we made it.  We had lots of yummy food and much more laughter. 

We walked back to our cars and the hills were steeper and bigger than we'd remembered. Marena - my favorite friend with little to no filter - decided she just couldn't pass up the opportunity, so she rolled down the hill like a log.  Marena was wearing a skirt.  It was kinda short.  I think we were all in tears.  The funniest thing was Marena was stone cold sober.  She is such a kid at heart and loves life each and every day.  She's the speech-language pathologist who owns her own business and I hope to work for in the future.

I am so grateful for my good friends and laughter!  


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Too tired...

I have not gotten in the swing of working full-days yet.  The morning class consists of five busy, very loud, somewhat needy boys.  The afternoon has five girls and two boys - all fun, energetic, and excited to be at school.  Still, they are both exhausting.  I have tried to go to bed early but have been having a hard time turning my brain off.  BUT I am enjoying it, I feel like I am making a difference and I LOVE working with Katie!  She is doing a great job! 

There has been one other thing sucking my energy - but unfortunately I can't go into it.  I had hinted about sharing something a couple weeks ago but it didn't work out.  I am still trying to remain cautiously optimistic.  Don't worry, it's nothing bad.  I am losing a little faith in humanity, but that makes it sound worse than it is.  Again, I hope to share something soon.  I'm longing to share, believe me!!!

Tonight is back to school night - at the high school.  I got an email from one of Annie teachers saying she won't be present but wants parents to sign in - so she knows who she missed.  ?  I found that a little odd.  

I have so much I want to say but just don't have enough time to go into it right now.  Soon - I hope.


Saturday, August 17, 2013

How can she be FOURTEEN!?

Happy Birthday to Annie! 
Today, she is 14 years old.  
Yes, 14!  

I took the ringing phone in to wake her with a birthday song from Leenie.  There's no better way to wake up but with a song.  :-)  Little did I realize she actually got up after the call and went downstairs.  I was still laying in bed and got a text from Annie asking where everyone was.  Oh dear!  The birthday girl is downstairs and I am not!  I quickly dressed and came down and gave her a big birthday hug and kiss.  As requested I made mini-cinnamon rolls...

As good as ever!

She opened one box...
It was her favorite cookies - frosted animal crackers.

Then she opened the second present...
another box of frosted animal crackers?

No way!
There must be something else in this box...

You're right, this one had a prize in the bottom.
A new iPod Touch with 4x as much memory as the one she has with a cracked screen.
She was beyond shocked - surprised - excited -
Over joyed!

Annie meet friends for lunch at Jose Peppers.  

Annie and I went to Lauren's bridal shower in the afternoon.
Lauren was so sweet and had a tiara waiting for the birthday girl.
Seriously, how sweet is that?

I just can't help but smile at this picture.
"Mom, I really don't want this much attention."

Annie was surprised with not one but two cupcakes.
One from her friend, Arden.
And the other was dropped off by our sweet friend, Miss Dorothy.
What a surprise!

14 cupcakes!
And friends came over tonight for movies, music, pizza and laughter.
Maddy, Eric, Annie, Jenny and Arden.
What better way to spend your birthday evening?

Annie was asked to babysit tonight, but she declined.  Jake graciously offered to take her place, so I am up waiting to go get him.  (And he didn't realize he'd have to pass up an opportunity to spend the evening with his friends - that was tough but he survived).  Friends from church were in a bind and their little boys were very excited to spend their evening with a boy!  

Fourteen and a freshman in high school... it does seem crazy.  Crazy and so exciting.  I could make a list of adjectives to describe her but it would be never ending.  She is so much more than I ever could have imagined.  She is a blessing!  For her, I wish the moon.  And I can't wait to see what the next year holds.  


Friday, August 16, 2013


I've had a couple people ask what classes the kids are taking. SO, here ya go!  

1) Symphonic Marching Band
2) Chemistry
3) Western World History
4) English Language Arts 10
5) German 2.0
6) Algebra II
7) Photography I

1) Latin 1.0
2) Digital Imaging
3) PE
4) Honors English Language Arts 9
5) Contemporary Issues
6) Honors Biology
7) Geometry

They work on block scheduling, which means Monday and Wednesday they have 1, 3, 5, 7 and Tuesday and Thursday 2, 4, 6 with Tuesday afternoon study hall and Thursday morning late arrival.  And Friday's are frantic with all seven classes.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hit the ground running

Just a few pictures to bring you up to speed on life around here...

Monday was the band picnic and preview.  Lots of fun!

Tubas look strong!
I'm looking forward to the show.
(Jake is in the middle with his shirt un-tucked and wearing black socks.) 

Annie at the bus stop.
No picture was allowed before freshman orientation.

After school...
so pretty!
She was in a crazy, hilarious mood.
We went to the grocery store and laughed so much!
She danced with a coconut.
And practiced bounding (BIG skipping) through the dairy section.
Too funny!

And this morning.
This was the first picture...
Ba ha ha ha ha!

Ok, that's better!
Two amazing kids!
Fun loving, generous and thoughtful, most of the time anyway.

Then, they were off...

and this is how close to the bus I was allowed.
You can just barely see it through the trees at the next stop.
ha ha!

(*Sorry, I'm having technical difficulties getting my pictures to download.
I will add pictures tomorrow as soon as I can.)

I touched base with the Annie, when she was still on the bus.  I could tell she was frazzled. She was trying to switch her schedule and realized she didn't do it correctly.  I can only imagine how overwhelming that was - every student wanting to change their schedule in a hall way with the counselors - tables and a huge sheet of paper on the wall with all available classes divided into sections.  In my head it spans 20 feet or more.  Annie stressed HUGE.  I commented about organized chaos and she tried to explain that it was very organized - just too many people - very loud... sounds miserable to me.

Jake and I went through his schedule class by class.  What do you think of the teacher?  Do you know anyone in the class?  Who'd you sit by?  And so on...  He seems pretty happy and is already talking about what he wants to take his junior year.  !  ?  (seriously!  lol!)

I survived my first day.  We only had students during a morning / afternoon meeting that lasted about an hour - although the afternoon parents weren't in any hurry to leave.  We enjoyed catching up with them as much as they with us, but we had lots to do and not a lot of time to do it.  It was so good to see those faces!  It is crazy to think when we met some of these families our students siblings were tiny babies and now they are almost 3 and ready to join our class.  What a true joy and blessing to watch them all grow.  I am very thankful to be working Monday - Thursday.  And I'm looking forward to a quiet Friday - driving carpool at 6:30 a.m., cleaning house, making cupcakes, wrapping presents and doing a bit of returning (you know, the opposite of shopping)!  ;-)
