Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alive and well

Annie got a job cat-sitting last weekend.  When we arrived to get instructions Turbo bolted out of our friends arms.  Annie was excited because she has wanted a cat for a long time, however my allergies prohibit it.  This was a great opportunity for her to get in some much needed "cat" time.

We went over on Friday.  She put out fresh water, food and treats.  She looked and looked - but no kitty was found.

We went over on Saturday.  Again, Annie put out fresh water, food and strategically arranged treats.  There was evidence in the litter box, so she knew he was around but must be hiding.  Again, she looked and lo-(oked to no avail.

Sunday, Jack dropped her off for several hours.  She took books and studied for finals.  Annie was convinced if she settled in Turbo would come investigate.  Nope.  She studied then turned on the tv and sat on the couch.  Surely, he'll come out.  Nope. Still no kitty.  She again took a look around without success.  The treats and food were being eaten, water drank and litter box evidence left.  Hmmm?  Where could this little guy be?

Monday morning I returned with Annie.  We were bound and determined to find him.  We knew he was alive because of the evidence (eaten food etc.) but that was all we knew.  Annie looked.  I looked.  I meowed.  We settled in hour several hours.  Nothing.  ?  I coaxed with a cat toy.  I looked again.  This is so weird!

Last night our friends returned just before 10 p.m.  Turbo was located.  Shut in a closet.  (:-0  "I should have mentioned his hiding spot - but he doesn't go there very often. He's just fine.  Just very angry & clingy/needy."  I felt horrible.  I was the last one upstairs and must have closed a door by mistake.  

Deep sigh.  I am glad he was found, alive and well.  I'm trying to focus on that.

Annie has another cat-sitting job lined up starting Saturday for a week.  I'm hoping this one goes much better.  We've already been over for instructions and Lexi let Annie pet her.  I think we're already off to a better start.  :-)  


Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Day to Remember...

Today, I picked up my folks and took them down to Marion, my Dad's hometown.  We enjoyed the ride, visiting and listening to music.  I think they both enjoyed satellite radio - specifically Pops and Bluegrass.  I caught Dad directing the band a few times.  :-)  He loves a good banjo tune!  We stopped in Emporia for brunch.  Dad and I both had pecan waffles.  YUM!  I think Mom must have eaten too much because she fell asleep as soon as we got back in the car.  Dad doesn't think she sleeps very well, so he was glad to see her resting.

We dropped Mom off at her brother Dave's place to do some mending and visiting.  Then Dad and I headed over to his sister Marilyn's house.  Aunt Ginny was already there, ready and waiting.  The siblings go around to area cemetery's and decorate graves of their loved one.  I remember doing this when I was younger but it's been years.  I am so glad I joined them!  Aunt Ginny didn't want my car on the gravel roads, so I drove her car.  It was already loaded with flowers.  I wasn't exactly sure where we were going but the girls gave me turn by turn instructions.  We started out at Youngtown, where my grandparents, Uncle John (Dad's brother) and other relatives are buried.  Then into town to the Marion Cemetery, where Uncle Bob (Marilyn's husband) and several extended family members rest.  
Dad with two of his sisters
Aunt Marilyn (left) and Aunt Virginia (right)

At Youngtown Cemetery
Dad and Aunt Marilyn reminisce.

My grandparents headstone - Walter and Dorothy Hayen
and Dad's brother, John, to the right.

Uncle Bob's (and Aunt Marilyn) headstone.
He loved the mountains.
He had a great smile!

It was very unique.

More stories to share.
I'm so glad I got to be a part of this!

Back to get Mom and a short visit, then on the road again.  Dad said, "I may go to sleep but be sure to stop at Braum's in Emporia.  I'm gonna need a little treat."  He never went to sleep.  I don't know if it was due to the anticipated ice cream cone or music, but he didn't miss it.  We all got cherry pecan cones.  Yum!  I asked if they wanted to stay and enjoy their treat and Dad asked, "what?  Are we not allowed to eat in your car?"  I had to laugh.  So, back in the car we went.
Mom and her brother, Dave
Take 2 - take 1 was even worse!
(I told her I was going to put it on the World Wide Web!)

Much better!
I stretched my legs and made a pit stop at their house.  Mom and I walked out on the deck and talked about the different kinds of plants she has in the backyard.  She inquired about what kinds I had planted yesterday and I had to laugh and admit I didn't have a clue.  I asked her about a couple different plants and she kept saying "oh, I can get you a start of that!"  My Mom has a green thumb.  I really need to educate myself and find mine!

I am thankful that I got to spend the day with my family.  It was a very special day remembering our loved ones. 


Saturday, May 25, 2013

My flower garden

Ever since I made my Day Zero project (http://dayzeroproject.com), I have wanted to replant my flower garden.  As I posted a couple weeks ago we started removing the rocks next to the sidewalk out front.  Well, yesterday I decided it was time to get down and dirty.  I pulled out the rest of the rocks, raked out all the grass, weeds and dead plants.  And dug out lots and lots and lots of grape hyacinth bulbs.  Those little buggers had gotten way out of control.  They're everywhere!  I have hopefully gotten all of them into one area, but it will be interesting next Spring to see where they pop up.  Jack got out the roto tiller and the dirt looked beautiful!  I wasn't sure what we were going to plant other than replace the clematis.  I got a few perennials and a few annuals.  I can't give you the names... I just could be in full sun and looked good together.  They look a little pathetic right now, but I'm hopeful with a water and sunshine they'll grow big and strong in no time.  :-)

Mid project...

Pots are done! 

Freshly tilled.

Plants in...

Rocks in...

Finished, for now.
All it needs it sunshine, water and time.

I named her Pearl.

Next up...
the other side of the walk.

Annie went to a slumber party last night.  Spent a couple hours with friends mid-afternoon.  And is now with other friends hanging out until 10.  Busy girl!  And she is cat-sitting a cat that has yet to be seen, although she strategically placed food and treats and today when she went to check on it, the food had been eaten.  "All I know is he's alive."  She spent quite a while hanging out, hoping the kitty would show his face, but no luck.  She also went over to another friends house for cat-sitting instructions and a key for her next job.  This one won't start until next weekend but it will be a full week.  Annie really wishes we could get a cat, but no such luck.  I'm allergic.  It didn't help that we were at Walmart the other day and a pregnant kitty had shown up in the garden area and wouldn't leave.  They asked if we could take her home, "for free!"  Then another guy showed up and said, "only $5!"  Nice try, but no.  Annie convinced herself that it was best because she and Jake would probably fight over it.  (That made me laugh - again.)

She was so skinny.
One of the managers brought her a can of cat food 
and she was gobbling it down.

Poor Jake doesn't get to truly enjoy the long weekend because he has finals next week.  I am thankful it's only this semester and not full year final exams, but seriously.  Ugh!  I don't remember having three days finals - an hour and a half for each class.  Tuesday is Biology and Band.  Wednesday is Computer Applications, P.E. and Geometry.  And Thursday is German and Communication Arts.  He did make lunch for us today, hamburgers on the grill and fries in the oven.  :-)  He did a great job, too!  And he did some of his studying in the backyard under a tree this afternoon.  I wish I would have taken a picture.  

Jack played golf this morning.  His confidence was shaken a little because this course is his nemesis.  It doesn't have a driving range which I think messes with him a little.   I didn't let him relax too much.  He tilled, brought me dirt from the garden, helped me pick out plants and was a huge help putting the rocks back.  Thanks, Jack!

I am exhausted.  I am going to take a shower and call it a night.  


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

686 Days

Today was Annie's 8th Grade Farewell (or Graduation).  She is fortunate to have a truly great class full of compassionate, caring students.  It seemed they are really excited to start the next chapter and I didn't see any tears.  I thoroughly enjoyed the new Blue Valley West Principal taking time to come and talk to the students.  The theme of his speech was 686 days.  That's the number of days of school before they graduate.  Only 686 days.  'Make each day count.'  'Yes, there will be bumps and pot holes, but don't let them define you.'  '686 days seems like a lot now, but it will go quickly.'  He said something about allowing your parents to help guide you... but I can't remember his exact words.  I hadn't met him before and I was impressed.  686 days starts August 14th.  Annie will still be 13.  (:-(  Ok, that makes me a little scare and sad but she's ready.  :-) 

Ready to get the morning festivities started!
We're so proud of the young woman she's become.

Dr. Potts, BVW Principal

A little blurry, the students get handshakes/hugs from the 8th grade teachers.
Annie was getting ready to hug Mrs. Louis, her Science teacher.

My daughters, Annie and her friend Grace.
They're so beautiful!
(Grace will be moving to Maryland in a few weeks.)

After the ceremony I was lucky enough to get one last picture before the students quickly changed into casual clothes and headed off to do more celebrating at Power Play.  Annie  had a great time.

Jake had his first staff meeting tonight.  It was a little longer than he expected but he's excited to get started.  June 3rd is going to be a big day!  5 hours of art class and 4 hours as Junior Staff member at Parkwood Day School.  :-)

Jack's golf game is really turning around.  He and his partner played tonight in the 1st round of play-offs and won.  He was feeling very confident after going to the driving range last night and had his best practice yet.  :-)     

It's a busy week in preschool!  Yesterday was field day - thankfully with the help of our 5th grade buddies.  Today was kite day.  And tomorrow is bike day.  I'm exhausted!   Only 3 more days of preschool for this year and I can do it!  I can see the light!  (I still don't know what's going to happen next year.  It's weighing on my heart.  It wouldn't be so hard if I didn't love the kids so much.  I'm leaning in one direction but I'm still weighing my options.)  


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Smiles and tears

Last night was Annie's final choir concert.  I say final because (at this point) she doesn't plan on taking any music classes in high school.  Marlene brought my folks over again.  I am so glad they could come and enjoy the evening with us.  I had been weary of them traveling with the wicked weather and had been keeping my eye on the radar and told them all that if the weather was suspect I wanted them to stay home.  I had said that before the tornado hit Moore, Oklahoma.  

As the 8th graders entered and took their seats our group cheered as Annie walked by.  Then, every time she went past we did something, deaf clapping (silent with hand waving), hands together with pointer fingers clapping, the wave.  On the back of the program was a list of concert etiquette. We didn't break all the rules... but a few.  ;-)  Annie was a little embarrassed.  The girl that was right in front of her LOVED our antics.   The concert was enjoyable.  It's interesting to see the difference between the 6th graders and 8th graders.  Even with 106 6th graders, the 40+ 8th graders were louder and more confident singers.  There a few technical difficulties but it just made it more (or less) memorable.     

OH MY Goodness!  I just realized I did a totally dumb thing... I took LOTs of pictures last night.  But I didn't have the memory card in the camera and none were saved.  :-(  I feel ridiculous!
Here is the one picture I had taken on my phone.
Annie is in the front row on the right.

Here are a few pictures from youth group on Sunday...
Annie and Samurai Jack

then Samurai on the move!
He scampered right up her onto the couch.

Building a log cabin just like on the outside of the Lincoln Log container
- without directions.
Great team work Melanie and Jake!
Annie had a tough time being a team player.  
"I can do it all by myself!"
Better luck next time, Anne.

I felt like I've been in a bit of a fog since the news broke.  The tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma and OKC is hard to comprehend.  Today, I've shed many tears.  Reports are now stating it was an EF-5!  Wow.  I am holding on to stories like this:  God answered two prayers!

Here's another video I found today - unrelated to the storm:  A touching goodbye

Please say a prayer for Jake.  He is giving a speech tomorrow in one of his classes.  He practiced in front of  me.  I gave several suggestions.  He got all teenagery and angry.  I had him practice it again and I video taped him, then we discuss a couple parts that confused me and he made a couple changes to the presentation.  We talked about the books he was comparing.   I had him give his presentation again and recorded it again.  He did a lot better.   After that I had him watch the two videos.  His confidence is still a bit shaky but he could see the difference in the two.  :-)  

Appreciate each day.  Tell people you love them and give hugs freely.  Make others happy!  


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Annie and stuff

Next Wednesday, Annie will graduate from 8th grade.  Where did the time go?  Today, we went shopping for a dress.  As we began I told her I didn't want her to be indecisive today.  Let's make some choices!  She wanted to start at Forever 21.  The last time we were at the mall together this particular store gave Annie horrible anxiety.  It was loud and crowded and very disorganized.  BUT she went there in Chicago and wanted to give it another try.  Her friend, Grace, was with us and they picked out 9 dresses.  Here are some of her choices...
Cute but "too hard to get on"

Birds and flowers ~ 
~ cute but a little big.

Annie in DOTS!
(She loved it too, Sarah!!!)
But, too big.

It fit her perfectly.

The unanimous winner!
SO cute!

I loved this one too, but Annie?
Not so much.

She ended up getting a couple dresses.  So cute.  I'm a little jealous.  Honestly, she looked adorable in everything she tried on.  Her biggest problem was a few were just too big on her little body.  Must be rough, right?  I think she needs to work the camera... she looks less than thrilled in every picture.  ?  (ha ha!)

No trip to the mall would be complete for Annie without a stop at Barnes and Noble.  She wanted to get the books required for her Summer reading for next years Honors English class.  (Again I had to wonder, who is this kid?  I love that she's so excited about reading!)  I had to talk her out of getting the books and convinced her we would order them on-line tonight.

While we were at the mall, Jack and Jake did a number on the trees out front.  It seems like over the last two weeks the trees have gone nuts.  So much so, you could hardly see the front door front the street.  It was no small job!  And now it looks great!



No tree was safe.
I went a little crazy on the magnolia tree.
That hole will fill in, in no time.

I had called and asked Jack to put out some frozen pork chops to defrost for dinner.  He put them on the deck table.  It must have taken her a good long time but somebody got them... and then had the nerve to bring one in the house!  

Bad dog!

We'll have to find something else to eat for dinner.  Crazy dog!

We also attended two graduation parties today.  One was a friend from church and the other we don't know ~ her Dad works with Jack.   Jack thought it was hilarious as we walked in and she just looked at us with a blank stare.  What a meany!  I suppose I should start taking notice of things I like when going to graduation parties.  All too soon it will be Jake's turn.  (deep sigh

Did you buy a lottery ticket?  Na?  We didn't either.  Jack said we'll buy two if there's no winner.  :-)


Friday, May 17, 2013

In Celebration of...

That was the "title" of Jake's Spring Band Concert last Tuesday.  The directors didn't usually like to name their concerts but this time it seemed fitting.  Marlene picked up my folks in Topeka and met us at the high school.  (Usually they would join us for dinner but Marlene is on a tight schedule and we were just tickled they could join us.)

Patiently awaiting an evening of music...

Concert Band
Beautiful music was enjoyed by all.

Jake was the second tuba on the right.

Goodbyes are never easy.
Many tears fell.

Grandpa, Leenie, Jake and Gram

Jaden, Mr. Longabaugh, and Jake

There was a reception after, but our guests didn't stay.  The crowd and sweets couldn't compete with Sonic's Happy Hour... on a recent trip to Colorado it was discussed but they were never out late enough to take advantage of it.  I think Dad's mouth was watering all evening in anticipation.  ;-)  

A special thank you, to Marlene for coming and bringing Mom and Dad!  I appreciate it.    


Monday, May 13, 2013

Celebrating Jake

Today, was the Band Awards Banquet.  We went as a family.  Jake ditched us as soon as we walked in.  :-)  He sat with friends.  :-)  We sat in the back.  No problem.

We watched the DVD and both Jack and I were surprised it didn't include the marching band show, The Next Step.  Lots of pictures.  Lots of memories.  :-)

Wow, there is a lot of talent in our band!  I found myself even more impressed than I was already.  Jake got his pin for achieving a 1 rating on his solo at State.  :-)  He lettered in Band.  :-)  AND he received a certificate.  :-)
Jake's letter, band pin
and the 1 rating pin he received is on the far left.

Jake lettered in Band.
Countless hours of practice and sweat equity.

7 students received this recognition.
Mr. Kirk said, "I'm very proud of these individuals and 
it just goes to show how much dedication is in this band and
that it's so important to push yourself."
All 7 are amazing musicians, I might add.

Sorry it's a little blurry, he was far away.
When Jake stood up he said, 'someone's been eating cake' 
because Jake's lips were black from frosting. 

Mr. Kirk, on the left and Mr. Longabaugh, on the right.
Passing out awards, celebrating the Seniors and sharing stories.
They will be missed!

What a fun night!
I'm so proud of my boy!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

errands -- cookies -- gratitude (Mom's Day weekend)

Is it just me, or is it a Mom thing?  Have you ever had a weekend when you were very busy but when someone asks you, you can't remember exactly what you did?  I've had that kind of weekend.  It seemed like I was consistently busy starting Friday afternoon but I can't tell you what I've done or what I've accomplished.  Ha ha!  I hate those kind of weekends.   

Looking back at my calendar it makes a bit more sense now.  :-)

Friday afternoon I was busy chatting with a friend when I realized it was time to get Annie.  From that point until dark it was a blur of errands and driving.  I had to be back to the high school at 5:00.  Saturday is a fundraising event called Drive and Ride and we were picking up the vehicles.  It worked out so much better to get the vehicles Friday night, as opposed to 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning.  Instead of Ford, this time we went going through a Buick, GMC, Cadillac dealer.  Basically, you tell everyone you know to stop by and take a test drive and the band gets $20 for each one.  Seriously, the easiest fundraiser ever - as long as you get people to show up.
A nice touch!

We actually had 12 cars to choose from...

Saturday morning was lazy.  Jack and I made out way out to the high school and took our lap.  He drove a GMC truck.  I drove a Cadillac SRX crossover.  All I can say is, too fancy for me!  My ride partner was a band Dad I hadn't met.  We got off to a great start because neither one of us knew how to start it.  We called the sales rep over and he asked one simple question, "is your foot on the brake, when you press the button?"  Oh.  Whoops!  Tee hee!  Obviously, Band Dad doesn't have a fancy car either.  His son's name is Ethan.  There are like 12 Ethan's in the band, so I was clueless.  Both boys are freshman so we had a good chat about what's working and not working in the life of teenage boy parenting.  

When we got home I called Jake, who was out and about with the neighbors, to see when he was going to make the rest of his cookies for the church youth fundraiser.  "Oh!  Um... I'll be home soon," was all he said.  Luckily, it's quick work making chocolate dipped Oreos and Jack helped by adding the sprinkles.  

We arrived at church to find ourselves locked out.  Annie walked around the church checking every door.  Nope.  We only had to wait a few minutes.  We had 13 youth/adults signed up to make 6 dozen  cookies each.  The plan was to be at church at 1:00, assemble the plates and wrap them up nice and pretty.  Elizabeth had burned her last batch of cookies, and in her rush to get out the door dropped cookie sheet number 2, so she had had to stop and buy cookies because she only like one cookie sheet survive.  They looked so good too, sugar cookies with jelly in the middle!  Poor thing.  We had 12 people show up to help with assembly and we all went to work.  The main challenge was getting 4 guys to put 18 cookies on the plate.  Not 14, 15 or 16 but 18.  Annie's OCD shown through as she looked at the plates assembled by boys.  You could say they looked a little willy nilly.  Big cookies on top of little cookies.  She spent quite a bit of time rearranging.  Jack did a count and realized we had a whole lot of cookies and no more plates... ?  We were six plates short to be exact.  After a bit of detective work it was discovered that six nicely wrapped packages had two plates.  Of course, the girls blamed the boys  Ha ha!  I really felt like I needed to add a disclaimer to the plates.  :-)  

We went out to dinner and enjoyed the rest of the evening together watching the movie, Life of Pi.  It was not what I expected, but enjoyable.  

Today, we got to church early.  We passed out cookies and attended Sunday School.  Our class only had a few attending, due to Mother's Day, so we shared joys, concerns and fellowship.  We passed out more cookies and went to Nuts and Bolts to get bedding plants for my planters and clematis, since the drought last year did mine in.  

I had visions of getting a big list of to-do's completed today but that didn't happen.  I DID get a great nap and even snored, according to Jack.  And Jack did get a big job accomplished and booked our Spring Break 2015 plans made.  :-)  More about that later...

Yes, I already have a countdown clock started!

Today, I'm celebrating all women, not just Mom's.  I think about all of the women in my life... they have encourage, supported, loved me through good times and bad.  I am so blessed to have so many amazing women to walk through life with.  I would not be the person I am without all of you!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  
