Sunday, March 31, 2013

Christ the Lord has risen today!

Christ is risen!                  He has risen, indeed!                     Hallelujah!   


I haven't been to an Easter sunrise service since I lived in Topeka.  Sarah and her family have a tradition of going to Red Rocks Amphitheatre.  She describes it as magical.  They arrive in the dark and take the journey from the parking lot to the theater in near silence.  (If you've ever been there, the walk is truly a journey with steep hills.)  I can't imagine watching the sunrise with around 10,000 others and seeing doves released.  It does sound magical... and beautiful.  Some day I will join her.  Someday!

This morning was quiet.  Yesterday, we decided we would go to COR at 5:00 p.m this evening.  I got up early and put together goodies for the kids.  I didn't hide eggs.  I didn't even get their baskets out of the attic this year.  I won't make that mistake again.  They didn't say anything -  no complaints or comments at all, bless their hearts.  Fear not kids, I won't do that again! 

The middle of the day was weird.  I was feeling a bit foggy.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it was because I was missing my parents.  I think today was the first time we didn't share Easter dinner together.  I had thought about going over, but I was there on Monday and they came over here on Wednesday, so I didn't think it would be a big deal.  Maybe my feelings were compounded by the fact that we are in church limbo and we didn't go to morning service.  I don't know.   

I'm sad to admit that I wasn't feeling particularly excited about going to church.  BUT I put on a dress and took a picture of the kids...  
they're growing up TOO FAST!
(Jake loves those green shorts!)

This could be a first, Annie and I both wearing floral dresses.

The service was perfect and overflowing with courage, joy, hope and peace.  It started with a 3 minute video of the Crucifixion and darkness and lead into light and beautiful music.  Pastor Adam spoke of what heaven might look like - a huge celebration with music and food, friends and family, dancing and laughter!  He likened it to a wedding celebration that lasts for a week.  Then he said something I had never heard before... when Jesus died for us, He reversed the curse put upon us in the Garden of Eden.  In the Garden of Eden, God was dressed like a gardener, giving instructions which Adam and Eve broke.  When Jesus came to Mary after His resurrection, she mistook him for a gardener.  Full circle, if you will.

He spoke of our fascination with near death stories - Heaven is for Real and Proof of Heaven being two.  He was going to take some excerpts but shared some stories that church members have shared over his 25 years as a pastor.  It was powerful stuff!  But he also added he doesn't want us to live like one older parishioner who told him, "I no longer buys green bananas."   Pastor Adam's response?  "God isn't done with you, yet!"  

The second part of the sermon was full of challenge to keep the spirit of Easter alive all year long.  What if the 10,000+ people that listened to this sermon this weekend woke up everyone morning and recognized that you have an opportunity?  An opportunity to be a blessing or a curse.  How could we change the world if we all made the choice daily to be a blessing?  Let's restore the garden together!  

Here I am Lord!                                 Send me!                                    Use me!                    

My spirit is filled.   

As we were walking to the car after church there was a family behind us talking to their little boy about the celebration Pastor Adam had spoken.  I never saw the little boy, I only heard his little voice.  Here's a snippet of their conversation:
Little Boy: "Do you think there will be cake?"  
Mom: "Oh, I think there will!"  
Little boy: "no, I don't think there'll be cake."  
Dad: "I'm sure there'll be cake!"  
Little boy: "well then, what about presents?"
Parents: "yes, cake AND presents, too."

I didn't get to call my folks until after church - around 6:30 p.m.  The phone rang and my Mom's groggy voice answered.  I said, "Christ has risen!"  And she replied, "WHAT!?"  That was not the response I expected but I had woken her up.  She had spent part of the afternoon pulling weeds.  She couldn't tell me the last time that had been done.  I've been thinking about doing some gardening, too, even before tonight's service.  I have LOTS of weeds to pull (figuratively and metaphorically speaking.   

Jack and I are finishing the day watching the third episode of The Bible.  Wow!  Talk about powerful.  It's a bit graphic for me but very well done.  We just finished the Philip Yancey book, The Jesus I Never Knew, in Sunday School and it has been interesting to see how Jesus was portrayed in film over the years.  

I have again been heavy on my rambling.  Please, forgive me.  As I told Annie's friend, Grace, yesterday at the mall after I embarrassed Annie.  "I'm just trying to make a memory."  


Saturday, March 30, 2013

On the road again... homeward bound

It was an early morning and a LOONNGG day!

We set the alarm for 5:45 a.m. and were in the Windjammer when it opened at 6:30 for breakfast.  For the first time all week none of us had much of an appetite.  ;-)   We went back to the room to get our bags.  At one point the ship pitched sharply to the starboard side.  Jack was convinced we'd been pushed by a tug boat.  Brian and Lisa had been walking down the Promenade and a cart full of donuts had gotten away from it's pusher.  The thought of a run away cart gave me the giggles.  We never did hear what had happened but all was well.

We made our way down the hall with all our bags and were lucky to find an empty elevator.  Down to the 4th floor we snaked around and into the casino where a line had already formed.  There was a delay due to fog and strong winds.  We had hoped to be off the ship and on the road by 7:30... that wasn't going to happen.  There were only about 100 people in front of us.

I was thankful to find somewhere to sit.

A tired girl...

and a tired boy
rested their heads on a poker table.

After about 45 minutes the line started to move.  Ever so slowly we meandered through a mass of people waiting in gridlock.  It was a bit claustrophobic.  Now there were hundreds of people behind us.   We could all breath easier when we got into the dining room.  We went into the back area and...

Jake had to lay down.
The sign above says DIRTY NAPKINS.

Then outside we went for the final - d'oink of our SeaPass card.  It was over... except for customs. 
It's hard to see but there is a long line of people under the lifeboats and off to the right.

We had never self tendered before.  We are usually relaxing and waiting until the last possible minute to get off the ship.  So, I don't know if this is usual or not but it seemed like there were hundreds of people anxious to get off the ship.

And the post cruise sadness set in.

We were on the road by 8:45 a.m.  The temperature was 59 degrees.  We got through Houston in no time - less than 40 minutes to our turn off!  We made good time.  It was amazing how much the Texas landscape had changed in a week.  So many beautiful blooms - trees and flowers - including lilac, lily and iris.  At one point the median was covered in yellow, orange and purple flowers. 
I don't care if they're weeds -
it was gorgeous!

As we headed North the temperature started to fall.  We knew it had snowed at home... 6-8 inches.  Where exactly we'd run into it, we weren't sure.  We did not stop for seconds at what Annie appropriately nicknamed Beetlejuice BBQ. 
We played a game of chicken with the gas tank.
In the middle it didn't give us miles to empty - it only said LOW.
And the needle on the right was below E.

We saw the first bits of snow near Miami, Oklahoma and it was 20 degrees colder outside.

Called ahead and made a quick stop at Chicken Annie's in Pittsburg.  Two orders to go, please - one meal for my folks and one for us.  We didn't have time to stop and eat and eating in car wasn't a possibility, so we got food for Monday night.  We grabbed burgers and ate on the road.

It didn't get slick until Louisburg, Kansas, but slow and steady got us home safely.  Jack and Jake made quick work of shoveling the driveway while I went and got Suzy from my dear friend, Mary.  

After cleaning out the rental car in 25 degree weather, Jack and I headed to Sprint to get his truck and on to return the car.   I was so glad we decided to return it that evening, rather than fight the traffic in the morning!  It made for a late night but all was well!

What a fun trip!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Ships log - Day 7


The kids slept in, since it was their last opportunity.  Jack and I met the Pfeiff's for breakfast, then Lisa and I staked out our place on deck.  We wanted to watch Grease sing-along version on the big screen.  It was a bit cloudy and windy, too.  Brr!  I ran to the room and got our beach towels.  We bundled up and made the best of it.  Jake, Nick and a group of girls came running to us at one point.  They were playing a game and needed me to hide a black and white bandana under my hat with some hanging out.  The girls said, "thanks, Ma'am!"  And then they were gone a quickly as they came.  Lisa and I laughed about getting Ma'am'd.  We went back to watching our movie and singing along - with our teeth chattering.  The other team came down and looked for the hidden bandana without success.  I felt a little guilty.  Jake came running to retrieve it as soon as his team found the one the other team had hidden somewhere else on the ship.  Lisa and I continued to sing along... I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure we were the only ones actually singing along.  :-D  It was AWESOME!

After lunch we went to the art auction.  No, I had no interest in buying anything but it's a fun thing to say I've done.  Then Jack and I took a walk about.  We went to the bow of the ship.  Then up above the bridge.  It's fun to explore and since we've been on this ship before it was like walking back in time.  I remember the kids running around with Molly and Michael on the bow.  And could see pictures in my mind of them posing for pictures in front of this or that... what wonderful memories!  And now more to file with the old.  :-)

Now it was time to head back to the room and start packing.  :-(  I knew our room steward was busy and had determined by now that he was fairly new - and possibly overwhelmed.  The kids were up and out of the room by 9:30.  They put the "make up room" card in the slot.  It was now after 2:00 p.m. and I couldn't get the suitcase out from under the bed because the kids bed was still out.  !?  He had seen Jack leave at one point and told him he would be bringing us an evaluation form and an envelope, if we wanted to give him something extra.  I had one bag on the bed and another on the floor when he knocked and asked if he could make up our room.  I let Jack handle it.  I thought his timing was ridiculous.  Jack asked if he could make up the kids bed.  I don't want you to think I was being petty... his guy had really been slacking.  BUT I didn't let him put a damper on our fun. 
This was from earlier in the week but I just found it.
It made me laugh.

All too soon it was time for our last dinner...
Annie was looking adorable, as usual.

And I love this picture of Jake. 

Annie making her selections.
Renante was awesome!

Then Jake took the camera for a bit...

I gave him a little show.


We all enjoyed the dining room parade. 

Ummm, how many dessert are you having tonight, Jack?
-No more than my daughter!

Which one are you going to start with Annie?
Ummm.  ?
Ha ha!
Another hazy sunset.

Jack and I went to the Farewell show.  It was... eh.   We had decided we were going to self tender in the morning so we didn't need to set out our luggage.  

We called it a night fairly early for everyone.


Ships log - Day 6

It was a hazy day...
but still gorgeous on deck!

Our usual 9:00 a.m. breakfast date with the Pfeiff's was cancelled.  The Diemer's wanted to sleep in.  Well, that was the plan anyway... Jack and I were up early and walked a mile before meeting the other's for breakfast.  (Jake and Annie slept in until after 10:00.)  The ship does an event for the Children's Miracle Network calld Walk for Wishes.  Jack and I walked a second mile with the Captain and several hundred others before noon.  It really was something to see a steady mass of people walking for a cause.  They raised over $3000!  Woo hoo!

The kids got up, ate lunch and we didn't see them again until it was time to get ready for dinner.  (Their days were filled with foosball, air hockey, scavenger hunts, ice skating, rock wall climbing, movie watching, hang time at various locations and night time pool/hot tube time.  Due to sunburns, neither spent much time in the pool during the day.)

We watched the Belly Flop Competition.  Why do we find it so amusing?  I have no idea but it is.  :-) 

Lisa and I had another dance lesson.  I had a panic attack.  I didn't think there was any way I'd be ready for the evening performance.  BUT I held it together and Lisa and the other dancers were so sweet and I decided it didn't really matter if I wasn't perfect.  We were all having fun!  "OK, I can do this!"

It was our second formal night.  Lobster night!

I'm not sure why, but I love this picture of Annie.
Is it the way she's holding the glass?
Or the fact I can almost hear her laughter?

What a great looking family!
Love them! 

Annie ordered duck.
She loved it.
She did NOT like pate.
"It tasted like cat food!"

Red at night, sailors delight.
It was too hazy to get a picture of the sunset.

Jake took this picture of Lisa and I from outside.

And our table, through a dirty window.

And a few more pictures before dinner was over...
Jake and Annie

Justin and Nick

I wanted to take a few more pictures of the kids but Jake was anxious to get to his activities.  Bummer.  I really like the one above and it will have to do.  

Lisa and I had another rehearsal.  This time it was in Studio B with lights and video and everything.  Jack came to watch, which made me even more nervous.  Thankfully, we ran through the dance a few times because the first one was absolutely horrible - for me.  Jack couldn't say anything, but judging by the look on his face... Ugh!  By the time the rehearsal was over I was confident - except for one part - and very excited.

We had a bit of down time before Lisa came to our room for make-up.  What better opportunity to get a bit of liquid courage?  ;-)  We walked down the Promenade and ran into Annie.  "Mother!  You're just going to walk around drinking a beer?"  My response, with a glance at my beverage, "well, I guess so!"  Ha ha!

Back at the room this is what I came up with...

SO... what dance did we learn for me to look like this????  THRILLER!  We were zombies!  

It was hilarious walking down the hallway and into the elevator before the performance.  I'm guessing that most people had no idea what was going on because of the looks we got... but our laughter eased our fears.  We arrived to the meeting spot and everyone looked amazing!

I haven't seen the video yet but will post a link as soon as I find one.  And I will post a few more pictures when we get them from Lisa.  At some point it will probably be on YouTube - search Mariner of the Seas Spring Break 2013 (March 21).  I have to admit, it was so fun!  I was surprised to find out the kids were both there, too.  I walked by Annie at the top of the stairs and she said, "you only made the 'oops, I messed up face' once!"  Lol!

Saturday, March 30th  I just found the video on YouTube and I've attached it.  I am in the 3rd row on the right side.  I'm wearing a black shirt with the left sleeve pulled up.  After watching it for the first time I'm feeling much more comfortable with my performance.  Enjoy!

It was another late night!



I apologize for the trip interruption but a lot has been going on and I it deserves my time.

Monday we had school - even though our street didn't get plowed until almost midnight, the night before.  I admit it, I was really hoping for another snow day.
The roads were slick in the neighborhood.

We had two new students at school and Katie wasn't there - she only got as far as St. Louis and her flight was cancelled.  I had to leave at 11:00 a.m., so asked Jodi, a classroom para if she could help me out.  and thankfully she could.  About 10 minutes after school started we had a substitute show up to help us.  What a blessing!  They don't normally provide subs for Katie or myself.  We were so thankful to have her!!  The morning was right on the edge of total chaos.  Seriously.  It was mass hysteria.  Jodi arrived at 10:50 a.m. and I wasted NO time in leaving.  I checked in with the school nurse on my way out - because she needed to assist once student in my absence.  

I drove to Topeka.  The roads were great, traffic was light and I made it without any problems.  It was my job to act as "hostess" for the big event and decorate the table.  We have surprised my Dad several times with parties never Mom.  The day before had been my Mom's 85th Birthday and we thought she deserved something special.  Normally, March 24th is a big birthday day in our family.  It is shared by Mom, Dave (my brother-in-law), Isaac (my great nephew - and Dave's grandson) and Melissa (my nephews wife - Dave's daughter-in-law).  Isaac announced this year he wanted a party to himself, so everyone had gotten together on Saturday at his house for a party. It was before the snow storm hit, so my folks were able to make it over and back without incident.  

Anyway, back to my story.  We invited many of Mom's friends to lunch at Cracker Barrel.  There must have been a dozen show up.  Marlene and Melissa showed up at Mom's unannounced and had decided Melissa would say she was craving buttermilk pancakes.  (IF they had called to tell Mom they were coming and what Melissa was craving, Mom probably would have had pancakes on the stove when they showed up.) Mom gave her several options, other than Cracker Barrel, but Melissa just said that's what she wanted and we all know you can't argue with a pregnant woman.  ;-)  Dad let the girls go on without him saying, "it's a girl thing," but left the house right after they did and snuck back to the table while the girls were looking around at all the cute stuff.  Scott (my brother) was there, too.  When they finally made their way back to the table Mom was completely flabbergasted.  She first saw her friend, Conchita, who is very shy.  She was happy to see her but figure out why she would be with a bunch of women.  Then slowly it started to sink in.  
She was so surprised.
Marlene had brought a tierra for her to wear.
She's was so cute!!
I love that lady so much!

Here's the boys table.
Dad and Scott.

It was a great time enjoyed by all.  After I got home I called to check on Mom.  "I have a headache from all the excitement and I don't think my heart has slowed down a bit."  Poor thing.  Then she added, "don't ever do that again!  I don't like surprises."  ha!

Tuesday was an Early Release day.  Another blessing!  Katie was back but the needs of our classroom were more than the hands available.  Another day of making the most of a bad situation.  

Wednesday - I can't talk about school - it was awful - but here's a quick recap from a 1st grader in my friend Sherry's classroom, "I heard a little girl crying really loud in the hall by the bathroom and she said she was going to throw up.  A teacher ran towards the classroom and almost crashed into the other teacher coming around the corning in the hall!"   (:-/

My folks came over for Jake's band festival.  All the band student's from all the feeder school (grades 5, 6, 7, and high school) have one big concert together at the high school.  And there was a spaghetti dinner prior to the concert.  I don't think I had ever enjoyed the concert as much as this one.  Remember - this is our 5th time at this event.  It was delightful!  At the end all the bands play America together.  Jake had to play it five times.  The high school bands start and each time after another band is added.  We all loved it! 
Over 500 students playing America!

Tuba power.
Jake's in the middle.

After the concert Mom and Dad came home with us and we played cards until almost 11:00 p.m.  They don't like to drive at night anymore, so whenever they come over for an evening activity they spend the night.  

Annie didn't attend the concert and was feeling puny when we got home.  She went to bed early.

Thursday, Annie was still feeling yucky.  She wasn't running a fever or throwing up so I have her some allergy medicine and sent her to school.  Preschool - ugh!  Here's another comment from one of Sherry's students, "they went to the gym and 3 kids got away and were running in different directions and one went to the stairs and almost fell down."  "I don't ever want to teach preschoolers."  Thank goodness we don't have students tomorrow.  One of our new students was only with us for observation.  We were supposed to have him for two full weeks but got enough data - Mary told his Mom she could bring him back next Wednesday and Thursday only.  

I had gotten a call from the school nurse at 10:15 saying Annie was sick, but no fever... another thankful moment - Jack was available to go get her and drop her off at home.  There was no way I could leave until the students did.
But look what I found when I got home!
Spring is coming!!!

Annie's illness had me puzzled.  I touched base on my way home and she wanted food - preferably Sonic.  At least she had an appetite, right?  She laid around most of the day.  I'm not sure if it was sickness, girl drama or something else.  ?  After dinner when she had ants in her pants and was dancing around the kitchen.  :-)  

We got some unexpected news around 3:00 p.m.  Jake's band director is leaving.  He has been accepted as a Graduate Conducting Assistant at Northwestern University starting in the Fall.  Jake said, Mr. Kirk choked back his emotions as he made his announcement and  many tears shed.  I have mixed emotions.  I am sad for our band family but impressed by the example he is setting for all his students - find your passion and never stop learning.  

Jack has been feeling a under the weather since Wednesday night.  Please keep him in your prayers.  I'm pretty sure he has an ulcer.  He's taking medicine.  He's NOT looking forward to eating a bland diet.

Good Friday!  Thank you Jesus for dying for me and all my sins so that I can be with You.  

Annie was up early with contacts in, make up on, hair looking great and a cute outfit.  There was no question she was back to herself.  We had a productive morning with all three of us working hard.  It was a great day of reflection and team building.  We needed it!  Thank you God for giving me great people to work with and learn from and care about!  What a gift!  


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ships log - Day 5


Another gorgeous day!!!

The ship docked, so getting on and the off wouldn't be an issue.  Jack and Brian decided they just wanted to go for a walk.  Justin had NO interest in leaving the ship, so he went to Adventure Ocean.  That left Lisa and I with 3 kids.  Ok, we can do this!
As soon as Jake handed the flag back, the guy on the right
said, "for your trouble" with his hand out.
Jake had no idea, smiled and walked away.
The guy then looked at me and spoke a bit clearer.
Blank stare...
"Ma'am!" he said sharply, then repeated himself.
"Oh, ok, sorry!" I said, handing him a dollar.

Unfortunately, that's pretty much how the days adventure went.  Royal Caribbean built the pier at Falmouth, so we were the only ship there.  I had decided before we left the ship where I wanted to go... over there by the blue tents.  I thought it looked like a market area.  

We got off the ship and there were a few stores in the courtyard area.  There was a flea market area under a roof.  As well as a few more vendors with their items laying on the ground outside of several other businesses.  Except for the man on stilts the people were soft spoken and very kind in this area.  Just beyond the last building was a large black fence, with a gate and guard.  I thought we needed to go out.  However, I was not prepared for what happened next.  As soon as we crossed the street everyone wanted to know our names and take us to their "shop" to show us their "good stuff!"  We met Sally and Stacy and Cheap Charlie and a couple soft spoken women.  EVERY single woman wanted to braid Annie's hair.  And, "no thank you" was not an acceptable answer.  I told everyone they would get their turn and let one lead us.  They were not patient.  I would not say they were kind.  Pushy, yes.  Almost mean, at time.  Everyone was desperate for us to buy what they were selling.  At one point an American woman with two teenage girls asked if she could walk with us.  I agreed but she got whisked off before she could resist.  Later, I saw them briefly going in the opposite direction.  They all looked frazzled.  I tried to keep our little group of 5 together.  More than once I'd say a name and would hear someone say, "Oh, she's over there." or "No worries, he's right here."  We were guilted into a couple minimal purchases.  Jake, who has a collection of unique instruments, found a cool "thing" made from bamboo.  It's a steel drum/violin thing.  Jake bargained a bit.  We walked away once, then came back later and got it.  Annie bought a cat carved out of wood.  I bought a bracelet.  Lisa and Nick also bought a few things.  We didn't make it too long though.  It was overwhelming!  Annie was walking around with her head down avoiding eye contact with everyone.  As we walked back Nick turned his pockets wrong side out to prove his had no money left.  I would have loved to taken pictures but I thought better of it.  Back inside the fence we all breathed a little easier but had we check I'm sure all our blood pressures would have been elevated.  I'm guessing our adventure lasted only about 30 minutes but it seemed much MUCH longer.

Jack and Brian also had an adventure on their walk about... they first discovered the route Jack wanted to take was not allowed.  The gate they wanted to exit was only for vehicles.  So, they ventured out into the wild through the same gate we went through.  As soon as they got across the street many people approached them.  One guy in particular would not let them be.  Jack made it clear they were just going for a walk.  The guy persisted and followed them for several blocks, "It's Jamaica, we go nice and slow."  He told them all about a church - but Jack said they never saw it.  Jack also said, "everyone wanted to sell us marijuana or find us a woman."  Ha!  When the guy finally got the hint he said, "a little something for my trouble."  Jack's response?  "I'm sorry, but I told you we were just out for a walk!"  Jack said, he thinks the guy was literally stalking them and giving him money would only encourage bad behavior.  (I sure wish I would have looked at it that way!)  The guys returned feeling much like us - anxious.  So much for a relaxing walk about.
Jake took this picture.
The foliage was beautiful!

I can't remember if we took naps that afternoon but I'm willing to bet we did.  If I was going back to Jamaica I would not venture outside the fences.  (I was talking to Melissa about it the other day - she and DJ spent their honeymoon in Jamaica.  "if you're going to Jamaica, go to an all-inclusive resort and never ever venture outside of it!"  For whatever reason her comment made me laugh.)  It was an adventure and I don't think any of us will soon forget.

Poor Jake took a picture of his burned feet.

Lisa and I had our second dance lesson.  It's coming along nicely, although the group was less than half of our first.  I guess it's normal for each class to be about half the previous.  I didn't have it down perfectly yet it's coming along.  I'm so excited!!

Another casual night at dinner.

Three hungry men.

And finally a nearly sunset picture.

The craziness of the day and late nights caught up with me.  I was asleep by 8:30 p.m.  Jack went to the Love and Marriage Game Show, alone.  The kids returned just before midnight and I woke up.  Everyone was sleeping in no time.  Well, everyone except me.  It was 3:00 a.m. before I got back to sleep.  Ugh!  That's one thing I would have happily left at home.

Ships log - Day 4


We arrived at 10:00 a.m.  There is no pier, so we had to take a tender to shore.  We planned on finding a beach so took our time getting off the ship.  (Brian and Justin decided to take an excursion to feed the sting rays and do a bit more snorkeling, so they left an hour before us.)  We should have gotten our tender number before getting ready, but that was not our instruction so we did as we were told and got ready first.  We were on tender #10.  
We sat and waited and waited and waited.  
If you've never taken a cruise, that is one thing you must pack a lot of - patience!  
We made the most of it, sat on the Promenade.

Jake had brought his skim board from home.
I wanted proof that we had it on the ship - so I took a picture.

Then Jake took my camera for a bit... 
He and Nick decided to be creative.

We finally made it on a tender...
Jack, Jake, Lisa, Nick, Annie and I.

As we pulled away I took a picture of our ship.

Jake tried to hide his fragile skin.

And once we arrived he turned his towel into a head wrap for protection.

Nick thought it was a good idea.

We walked to the library (after a brief detour)
and took public transportation to 7 mile beach.
There were 16 people in this van.
We had the driver stop at the public beach access point.

But after Jack did a bit of negotiating, we found a nice spot at Tiki Beach.
The normally $44 per person resort was ours for $50 for the 6 of us, 
since none of us wanted to sit in the sun or under an umbrella.

Annie got in the water for a bit but her sunburned shoulders and tiredness 
made the lounge chair too inviting to pass up.
(How cute is that swimsuit?  Adorable!)

Jake had fun with his skim board.

And Jack had to give it a try.
Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful.

What a view!

We waited patiently for public transportation.  A bus stopped and asked if we wanted a ride.  Jack asked, "how much?" then, "no thanks."  The bus drove around the corner, did a quick turn around and took us back for half price.  Gotta love someone who's not afraid negotiate!  

We found a candy store on our way back to the pier.  Everyone found something we thought we needed.
Jack found Gummy Bacon.

Annie found her favorite, Toxic Waste candy.

Jake found a 5 pound box of Gummy Bears.
And I thought these were hilarious.

We walked out with empty hands.
They made the ships prices look cheap.

Jake couldn't resist buying a coconut.  "You can drink the milk right out of it."
Everyone took a taste.
And EVERYONE had the same reaction as Nick.

Back to the ship for a bit of relaxation and then another dinner filled with laughter!   Brian started it off by announcing that Justin touched a butt.  Both Jake and Nick repeated it loudly.  (If you've ever seen our favorite movie - Finding Nemo - you'd know that Nemo touched a butt (that's what they called a boat.)

Goofy boys hamming it up for the camera.

The kids barely made it through dinner.  They wanted to get changed and start their evening activities.  The adults took in the show featuring a juggler.  Then off to the Captains Upper Tear event for frequent cruisers.  After Jack and I walked in - with crew members on either side to greet us, we decided next time we needed to do a little dance, like soul train.  They had champagne, a fruity rum drink and goodies.  I was too stuffed from dinner but made a plate to take back to the kids.   Mmm, chocolate covered strawberries are a family favorite!

It was another late night.  Jake came back about an hour before Annie.  She went to a party that he couldn't get into.  "They had security 'carding' kids to make sure they were the right age.  They wouldn't let me in!"  It seemed a little extreme but I am confident it was for everyone's safety.  When it was time for Jake to go, he was too tired.  :-(   Bummer!  BUT he sure enjoyed some of the treats I'd brought back!