Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wild Hair

Before I start - here is a quick update in the closet.  The floors are in and look AMAZING! Jack and I worked together and got it installed on Sunday night.  


I noticed it a while back... maybe a year ago.  Who knows, maybe longer.  

I have one, crazy, wild, kinda long, ugly hair that is growing out of my neck.  It's halfway between my chin and collar bone, right smack dab in the middle.  


I pull out that sucker every time I get a glimpse of it.  

Jack calls it my 'Billy Goat Gruff.'  

A term of endearment?  I don't think so.  

Whether it's a real hair or a personality trait, a pet peeve or personal imperfection, we all have "wild hairs" that we aren't particularly fond or proud of.  To tell you the truth I can't believe I'm writing about this, but I'm going with what's on my mind.  And today's this is it.

Hopefully, you will never actually see it, but if you do, please, please, please tell me!  Great, now everyone's going to be looking at my neck... just don't make it obvious, ok?  

This crazy, wild, sometimes long, really nasty hair does not define who I am.  

THANK goodness!  


Today, I had a tough day at work.  The worst since I started.  I got pinched, scratched, hit, kicked and almost bitten (twice).  I had to use my Crisis Prevention Intervention training, which I am very thankful I have.  This kid is making amazing progress but then we have days like today.  From what I'm told these kind of days were much more frequent before I started. I couldn't help but think, the honeymoon is over, since his wild hair truly got the best of him.  Even on this tough day.  This horrible day.  I have to admit I love this kid.  And I'm so very glad I get to tell him I do and that God does, too.  It's my favorite thing about my new job.  I get to sing about God and talk about God and once a month, we go to Chapel.  (Chapel wasn't today.  It was last Thursday.)  On this day, amid the stress, I felt God working through me.   Maybe it's wasn't as bad a day as I thought.


Sometimes one of my own children gets a wild hair.  Yep, they are normal like that.  They do something that gets themselves in trouble.  And we ground them.  Yes, people still do that. And grounding means losing car privileges.  

Ya know, I would really like to meet the person that came up with this whole cockamamie idea.  Why?  Because while losing privileges is punishment for the teenagers with cars, it's much more painful for the parent that has to get up extra early and take the teenagers to school early in the morning.  And pick them up after school because they have this or that... 

deep breath.      

The worst part is, I can't remember exactly how long it was decided the car would be off limits.  I'm pretty sure it was more than three days... ugh!   Jack and I will have to discuss that later.   It will not be long enough to get my Mom taxi bumper stick back out.  (No, I don't really  have one of those.)


I'm getting a little rambly and tired but before I close I have a couple requests.  

Please continue to pray for Peggy.  There will be some tough days ahead for her and her family.  Prayers for peace and comfort would be appreciated.

Also, please pray for my dear friend Katie.  She's going to see a neurologist next week.  They don't know what's going on but she had a scary event this weekend and prayers for heal, healing and answers would be great.


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