Thursday, February 5, 2015

Prayers for Peggy

Some of you know my dear friend, Lisa.  Lisa's mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer back in April.  

Here is the post from Caring Bridge from earlier tonight.  (Erin is Lisa's sister)

Results February 5, 2015
Well.  If I had updated this journal earlier today (or earlier this week), I would have had much different words for you to read.  We thought the appointment Monday was almost "good enough" news.  Not quite "good" news but we thought the results given weren't discouraging.  The mentality of *no news is good news* maybe?  We never heard "bad" or "unsettling" news from the doctor at the appointment, but we all left with an uncertain feeling...  After Monday, we learned that there is a definite cause for Mom's loss of blood somewhere in the GI tract.  She has appointments next week for upper and lower GIs. We were going to wait and see what comes from those tests...until this evening.  

Now, we know more. 

Mom got a call from her oncologist. (not the nurse but the actual-real-deal doctor!)  He shared completely unexpected news with her.  Monday's lab work came back.  The tumor marker test shows a significant increase and the doctor told Mom he was very worried.  He told her she still needs to get the GI tests done and in the meantime he is going to consult with the surgeon we first met back in April right after Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  The doctor who started the major Whipple surgery and made the decision to stop the surgery once he found her liver so full of disease that he was afraid of Mom's ability to recover from such a major surgery.  Oncologist and surgeon deciding whether or not Mom's body would be able to fight on trying this major surgery once more.   

Mom learned that reconsidering the Whipple surgery is her only option since chemotherapy and radiation therapy were both unsuccessful.  Very shocking. Very shocking!  We will wait and let you know when we know.  

If ever a time we ask for prayers, thoughts, messages, positive words for my sweet, kind, and loving Momma, now is that time.  One more sudden, sharp curve down this nasty journey called cancer.   

~Erin and all~ 

Please keep Peggy, her husband Bob in your prayers.


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