Saturday, February 21, 2015

Progress at a snails pace

A few weeks ago we decided the time had come to renovate our closet.  Top to bottom.  Ok, not the ceiling be everything else.  Even the floor!  Goodbye twisted, janky shelves. Goodbye nasty carpet.  

I think I wrote about my first attempt at preparing for the renovation... I walked into the closet, quickly became overwhelmed, turned around, shut the door and pretended it wasn't THAT bad.  

Last weekend, Jack and I did a huge purge.  HUGE!  We got rid of 75% of the clothes that were hanging.  A decade and a half worth of ugly shoes.  T-shirts galore.  I had a jacket from the 80's.  I had maternity clothes - that none of my pregnant friends would be caught dead in.  Those were easy to get rid of.  I found myself thinking:

'Oh My Goodness!  THIS is hideous!'  

'WHY did I keep this or that?'  

'Will this come back into style?'  No.  

'Even if it did, would I dare?'  Never!  

'Let's be honest, would they even fit?'  No words, just laughter.  (the answer was no, by the way.)  

You'll be happy to hear the hideous things are gone.  Jack might argue I snuck a few in, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?    

I found baby clothes.  

I found pictures of our house, before we moved in.  

I found LOTS of things.  

Lots of treasures. 

It was like stepping back through time.  Sarah called it a time capsule. What a perfect description!

It was liberating.  

That lasted until Jack got a little judgmental.  I said, "this is a no judgement project.  Please stop."  

If he continued his comments at least they were kept in his head and I appreciated that but I could feel it.  (I'm weird that way.)

We picked out a great paint color.  It's called Icy Teal.  It's a muted blue or green, depending on the light.  It looks amazing compared to the builder beige.  I like it so much I would love to paint the bathroom the same color.  Jack thinks it might look too beachy, but I disagree.  Who know, I might change my mind by the time I'm ready to tackle that project.

Here are a few pictures of the project so far:

(don't judge me)
Painting is more than half done...

And the carpet is gone!

I know one thing for certain.  Our closet is huge!  It really had gotten smaller and smaller over the years.  I am very excited about what Jack and I have designed.

Even at a snails pace, progress is progress and I can't complain about that!


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