Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Goodness for My Kids

One week ago today I enrolled the kids in school- for next year.  

I enrolled a High School Junior.  

AND I enrolled a High School Senior.  


HOW could that be?  

I have no idea.  

It doesn't seem possible.

Yet it does.  

And it is.

Fast forward one week...

Today, Jake was notified that he was accepted into the Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) program in Filmmaking next year!  He will take four classes at school, then spend the other three blocks either at CAPS or an area business.  We are so proud of Jake for taking advantage of this opportunity.  Whether or not it's something he wants to study in college, it will give him some direction and great experience.

If you are interested in knowing more about his course: Filmmaking (click on it, Dad).

Jake in his new specs
"Wow, I can see!"

kinda nerdy, but he loves them.


This evening Annie got her first taste of having her work in an Art Show.  She donated several pieces for the Relay for Life Art Show and Auction.  I went with her and Jordan.  

I can't even put into words all the emotions that were swirling within me... it was overwhelming but I felt so proud.

Annie had 4 pieces in the show and 1 up for auction.  I asked her if I could bid on it, she said "NO!"  


Oh well, I tried.

 Two of her pieces...
 Annie's abstract unfinished 
her teacher loved it just the way it is...
Annie never signed it.

(If you don't understand abstract art you're not alone.)

she spilled tea for this one.
It's artsy and people love it.
I love it, too.


I'm really starting to get excited about what the future holds for both kids!  

I have a feeling the next two years will be a roller coaster ride.  Ups and downs.  Twists and turns.  And undoubtedly a few loopty loos thrown in.  Am I ready for this ride?  Probably not.  But ready or not, here it comes.  We will crest the top of the hill in August.  I am so grateful for friends and family to take this journey with us.

And most importantly, it's a good thing I love roller coasters.


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