Sunday, February 8, 2015


I broke a golden rule in our family this morning...

during worship I got out my phone (a family no-no).  And I took this picture..

This is our friend Henry.  Jake and Annie babysit for Henry and his brother, Max.  The kids frequently sit together during worship.  Today, Henry fell asleep on Jake and it was just too sweet.  He slept for about 45 minutes, through singing, Boy Scout speakers, and the sermon.  Jake sat with him the whole time.  
Jake worked close to seven hours yesterday.  At some point he plugged in his phone and then put it in his pocket.  When he walked away his phone flew out of his pocket and his screen was cracked.  As you can imagine, he was pretty upset for making such a silly mistake.  Today, he and Jack went to the Sprint Store to see about getting a new phone.  This was a big deal because it's Jake's first brand new phone.  Jack is no longer able to get us set up with pre-production phones.  Jake was going to have to purchase it, too. The first good thing was he was up for an upgrade but the phone he wanted was not available.  They went to a second Sprint Store and although he didn't get the phone he wanted he got a "cooler" phone with lots of extras for... FREE!  What a lucky boy!     

Honestly, I'm just so happy when this kid catches a break.  


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