Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wild Hair

Before I start - here is a quick update in the closet.  The floors are in and look AMAZING! Jack and I worked together and got it installed on Sunday night.  


I noticed it a while back... maybe a year ago.  Who knows, maybe longer.  

I have one, crazy, wild, kinda long, ugly hair that is growing out of my neck.  It's halfway between my chin and collar bone, right smack dab in the middle.  


I pull out that sucker every time I get a glimpse of it.  

Jack calls it my 'Billy Goat Gruff.'  

A term of endearment?  I don't think so.  

Whether it's a real hair or a personality trait, a pet peeve or personal imperfection, we all have "wild hairs" that we aren't particularly fond or proud of.  To tell you the truth I can't believe I'm writing about this, but I'm going with what's on my mind.  And today's this is it.

Hopefully, you will never actually see it, but if you do, please, please, please tell me!  Great, now everyone's going to be looking at my neck... just don't make it obvious, ok?  

This crazy, wild, sometimes long, really nasty hair does not define who I am.  

THANK goodness!  


Today, I had a tough day at work.  The worst since I started.  I got pinched, scratched, hit, kicked and almost bitten (twice).  I had to use my Crisis Prevention Intervention training, which I am very thankful I have.  This kid is making amazing progress but then we have days like today.  From what I'm told these kind of days were much more frequent before I started. I couldn't help but think, the honeymoon is over, since his wild hair truly got the best of him.  Even on this tough day.  This horrible day.  I have to admit I love this kid.  And I'm so very glad I get to tell him I do and that God does, too.  It's my favorite thing about my new job.  I get to sing about God and talk about God and once a month, we go to Chapel.  (Chapel wasn't today.  It was last Thursday.)  On this day, amid the stress, I felt God working through me.   Maybe it's wasn't as bad a day as I thought.


Sometimes one of my own children gets a wild hair.  Yep, they are normal like that.  They do something that gets themselves in trouble.  And we ground them.  Yes, people still do that. And grounding means losing car privileges.  

Ya know, I would really like to meet the person that came up with this whole cockamamie idea.  Why?  Because while losing privileges is punishment for the teenagers with cars, it's much more painful for the parent that has to get up extra early and take the teenagers to school early in the morning.  And pick them up after school because they have this or that... 

deep breath.      

The worst part is, I can't remember exactly how long it was decided the car would be off limits.  I'm pretty sure it was more than three days... ugh!   Jack and I will have to discuss that later.   It will not be long enough to get my Mom taxi bumper stick back out.  (No, I don't really  have one of those.)


I'm getting a little rambly and tired but before I close I have a couple requests.  

Please continue to pray for Peggy.  There will be some tough days ahead for her and her family.  Prayers for peace and comfort would be appreciated.

Also, please pray for my dear friend Katie.  She's going to see a neurologist next week.  They don't know what's going on but she had a scary event this weekend and prayers for heal, healing and answers would be great.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Progress at a snails pace

A few weeks ago we decided the time had come to renovate our closet.  Top to bottom.  Ok, not the ceiling be everything else.  Even the floor!  Goodbye twisted, janky shelves. Goodbye nasty carpet.  

I think I wrote about my first attempt at preparing for the renovation... I walked into the closet, quickly became overwhelmed, turned around, shut the door and pretended it wasn't THAT bad.  

Last weekend, Jack and I did a huge purge.  HUGE!  We got rid of 75% of the clothes that were hanging.  A decade and a half worth of ugly shoes.  T-shirts galore.  I had a jacket from the 80's.  I had maternity clothes - that none of my pregnant friends would be caught dead in.  Those were easy to get rid of.  I found myself thinking:

'Oh My Goodness!  THIS is hideous!'  

'WHY did I keep this or that?'  

'Will this come back into style?'  No.  

'Even if it did, would I dare?'  Never!  

'Let's be honest, would they even fit?'  No words, just laughter.  (the answer was no, by the way.)  

You'll be happy to hear the hideous things are gone.  Jack might argue I snuck a few in, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?    

I found baby clothes.  

I found pictures of our house, before we moved in.  

I found LOTS of things.  

Lots of treasures. 

It was like stepping back through time.  Sarah called it a time capsule. What a perfect description!

It was liberating.  

That lasted until Jack got a little judgmental.  I said, "this is a no judgement project.  Please stop."  

If he continued his comments at least they were kept in his head and I appreciated that but I could feel it.  (I'm weird that way.)

We picked out a great paint color.  It's called Icy Teal.  It's a muted blue or green, depending on the light.  It looks amazing compared to the builder beige.  I like it so much I would love to paint the bathroom the same color.  Jack thinks it might look too beachy, but I disagree.  Who know, I might change my mind by the time I'm ready to tackle that project.

Here are a few pictures of the project so far:

(don't judge me)
Painting is more than half done...

And the carpet is gone!

I know one thing for certain.  Our closet is huge!  It really had gotten smaller and smaller over the years.  I am very excited about what Jack and I have designed.

Even at a snails pace, progress is progress and I can't complain about that!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Sar Bear all grown up!

Yesterday was Sarah's birthday.  She turned 36 years old.  She is now a grown up.  Ha ha. That's what she informed me when we chatted.  It's always good to hear her voice.  Matt got her a vanity table.  She has sat on he floor in front of her full length mirror and applied her makeup for most for her life.  She has stood in front of the bathroom mirror from time to time, but not anymore.  Now, she has a place to sit... like a grown up.  (I have to admit, I kind of want a vanity now.  I stand in front of the mirror...)  

Many years ago I got her a Care Bear for her birthday.  I don't remember which bear... but whichever it was the name stuck and she's been my Bear or Sar Bear.  Even in my phone her name is simply, Bear.  If I leave her a voice mail message I don't call her Sarah.  It's always "Hi Bear, it's me."      (I have no idea why this paragraph is larger... it's not intentional.)

It's kind of crazy to think of Sarah as a grown up.  She will always be 20 something to me. I'm not sure why, maybe because that's when we became close friends.  Our relationship isn't simply aunt and niece.  It's so much more than that.  We can go weeks without speaking and pick up right where we left off.  When we are together we can be chatty or sit in comfortable silence. We can talk honestly.  No judgment.  No topic off limits.  

Going back through pictures several weeks ago it was so fun to see all the trips I have taken to Colorado to see her.  She moved out West when Annie was a little baby - maybe 5 months old. Once, twice, sometimes three times each year I have made the journey.  Annie is 15 years old.  That's 30+ trips!  Wow!  I am so lucky, fortunately, thankful, add whatever adjective you'd like... I AM!  WE are!  Jake and Annie have grown up making that trek to Breckenridge, Golden, Centennial, and Castle Rock.  (I never made it to her apartment in Highlands Ranch.)  The drive doesn't seem quite so long with familiar landmarks.  Every rest stop has a memory.  I remember potty training stops along the highway.  The first time the kids decided they wanted to "KEEP DRIVING" instead of taking a break and running around in a play-place jungle gym when given the option.  Wow.       

My birthday wishes for Sarah haven't changed much over the years, I wish the moon for her. Whatever her heart desires.  She continues to be one of my favorite people on the planet.  I can't think of her without smiling.  And I can't hear a song on the Dixie Chicks, Wide Open Spaces CD without singing along at the top of my lungs.  That is OUR music.  Goodness I love that girl so much!  All grown up.  I am so incredibly proud of that girl woman!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Goodness for My Kids

One week ago today I enrolled the kids in school- for next year.  

I enrolled a High School Junior.  

AND I enrolled a High School Senior.  


HOW could that be?  

I have no idea.  

It doesn't seem possible.

Yet it does.  

And it is.

Fast forward one week...

Today, Jake was notified that he was accepted into the Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) program in Filmmaking next year!  He will take four classes at school, then spend the other three blocks either at CAPS or an area business.  We are so proud of Jake for taking advantage of this opportunity.  Whether or not it's something he wants to study in college, it will give him some direction and great experience.

If you are interested in knowing more about his course: Filmmaking (click on it, Dad).

Jake in his new specs
"Wow, I can see!"

kinda nerdy, but he loves them.


This evening Annie got her first taste of having her work in an Art Show.  She donated several pieces for the Relay for Life Art Show and Auction.  I went with her and Jordan.  

I can't even put into words all the emotions that were swirling within me... it was overwhelming but I felt so proud.

Annie had 4 pieces in the show and 1 up for auction.  I asked her if I could bid on it, she said "NO!"  


Oh well, I tried.

 Two of her pieces...
 Annie's abstract unfinished 
her teacher loved it just the way it is...
Annie never signed it.

(If you don't understand abstract art you're not alone.)

she spilled tea for this one.
It's artsy and people love it.
I love it, too.


I'm really starting to get excited about what the future holds for both kids!  

I have a feeling the next two years will be a roller coaster ride.  Ups and downs.  Twists and turns.  And undoubtedly a few loopty loos thrown in.  Am I ready for this ride?  Probably not.  But ready or not, here it comes.  We will crest the top of the hill in August.  I am so grateful for friends and family to take this journey with us.

And most importantly, it's a good thing I love roller coasters.


Sunday, February 8, 2015


I broke a golden rule in our family this morning...

during worship I got out my phone (a family no-no).  And I took this picture..

This is our friend Henry.  Jake and Annie babysit for Henry and his brother, Max.  The kids frequently sit together during worship.  Today, Henry fell asleep on Jake and it was just too sweet.  He slept for about 45 minutes, through singing, Boy Scout speakers, and the sermon.  Jake sat with him the whole time.  
Jake worked close to seven hours yesterday.  At some point he plugged in his phone and then put it in his pocket.  When he walked away his phone flew out of his pocket and his screen was cracked.  As you can imagine, he was pretty upset for making such a silly mistake.  Today, he and Jack went to the Sprint Store to see about getting a new phone.  This was a big deal because it's Jake's first brand new phone.  Jack is no longer able to get us set up with pre-production phones.  Jake was going to have to purchase it, too. The first good thing was he was up for an upgrade but the phone he wanted was not available.  They went to a second Sprint Store and although he didn't get the phone he wanted he got a "cooler" phone with lots of extras for... FREE!  What a lucky boy!     

Honestly, I'm just so happy when this kid catches a break.  


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sweetheart Dance

Tonight is Sweetheart Dance.  It's the same as Sadie Hawkins, the girls ask the guys.  It's kind of a big deal to make a production of asking, so it came as no surprise to me when Annie called Jordan and asked, "hey, ya wanna go?"  It gave me a little giggle.  I'm just happy their going.

Jordan had to buy a suit.  His mom, Heidi, asked to see a picture of Annie's dress, so she could match his tie.  She was very excited to hear they were going, too.

Here are a few pictures...

Corsage time!

Now for the boutonniere.

What a cute couple!

Waiting on the other couples...
A smile with teeth!
I love it!

The girls - Aubrey, Annie and Nia

Nia, Jack, Aubrey, Trevor, Annie and Jordan

They were off for sushi before heading to the dance.  


Jake didn't go to the dance.  He's actually working tonight.

Jack and I are in the process of designing our new closet.  When we moved in there were no extras added in that area.  The top shelves have twisted over the years.  And the hanging rods are just as bad.  I have to admit I'm looking forward it!

Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Prayers for Peggy

Some of you know my dear friend, Lisa.  Lisa's mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer back in April.  

Here is the post from Caring Bridge from earlier tonight.  (Erin is Lisa's sister)

Results February 5, 2015
Well.  If I had updated this journal earlier today (or earlier this week), I would have had much different words for you to read.  We thought the appointment Monday was almost "good enough" news.  Not quite "good" news but we thought the results given weren't discouraging.  The mentality of *no news is good news* maybe?  We never heard "bad" or "unsettling" news from the doctor at the appointment, but we all left with an uncertain feeling...  After Monday, we learned that there is a definite cause for Mom's loss of blood somewhere in the GI tract.  She has appointments next week for upper and lower GIs. We were going to wait and see what comes from those tests...until this evening.  

Now, we know more. 

Mom got a call from her oncologist. (not the nurse but the actual-real-deal doctor!)  He shared completely unexpected news with her.  Monday's lab work came back.  The tumor marker test shows a significant increase and the doctor told Mom he was very worried.  He told her she still needs to get the GI tests done and in the meantime he is going to consult with the surgeon we first met back in April right after Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  The doctor who started the major Whipple surgery and made the decision to stop the surgery once he found her liver so full of disease that he was afraid of Mom's ability to recover from such a major surgery.  Oncologist and surgeon deciding whether or not Mom's body would be able to fight on trying this major surgery once more.   

Mom learned that reconsidering the Whipple surgery is her only option since chemotherapy and radiation therapy were both unsuccessful.  Very shocking. Very shocking!  We will wait and let you know when we know.  

If ever a time we ask for prayers, thoughts, messages, positive words for my sweet, kind, and loving Momma, now is that time.  One more sudden, sharp curve down this nasty journey called cancer.   

~Erin and all~ 

Please keep Peggy, her husband Bob in your prayers.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015

It's Super Bowl Sunday.  And I'm home watching a movie with Annie and enjoying it!

I spent a long weekend in St. Louis with Aunt Sue.  I left early (I mean eeeeearly) Friday morning and left my car at Sue's.  We stopped in Columbia for breakfast and made it to our hotel around 10 ready to craft, scrapbook and in my case, organize pictures.  I started with a scrapbook from our trip to North Carolina last summer.  I would have finished it but I didn't have enough pictures.  I completed a scrapbook from Jack and I's trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in 2003.  And started a little one for pictures of Suzy.  Jack confessed he wasn't ready for a book of Suzy pictures, so I'm glad I didn't get that one going.  I organized years of pictures by child and by year.  I didn't get them put into chronological order, but years of pictures are just a few steps away from organized.  Our weekend was filled with late night and sleeping in... until 8.  We ventured out yesterday afternoon for lunch and stops at Walmart and Michael's for supplies.  We didn't go to the pool.  It was SO fun!  Relaxing and productive!  We even signed up to go again next January!

Sue and I surrounded by creativity!

My projects...
(I'm not sure why I can't get it straight!?)
All packed up and ready to head home.
These are just my supplies.

We left at 1:00 today, hoping to make it home for the Super Bowl.  We made two stops and encountered some slick roads East of Odessa, Missouri but made it home safe and sound.  

The kids and Jack had a good weekend, too.  Jake worked a few shifts.  Annie hung out with friends. And Jack smoked a 16 pound brisket and made dinner - fulfilling a BBQ dinner for 16 he sold last year during the youth group silent auction benefiting their mission trip - for a Super Bowl party. What do you think my chances are that he's going to bring me home some burnt ends?  I'm thinking little to no chance.  That's ok.


There have been some big changes in my world.  I changed jobs.  I am now teaching Pre-K at Parkwood Day School.  I am a creature of habit and this change has not been easy.  I have found that my body needs a daily amount of music and movement, which is not included in our schedule.  And I miss Katie terribly.  Going from a Special Ed classroom to a peer based class has also been tough.  I always felt overwhelming support from Katie and our therapists.  I am working to build a relationship with my team but our Special Ed teacher and therapists are only in the building twice a week.  The best way to explain how I feel is prepared but oddly ill-equipped.  This too shall pass.  I can do this.    

Now turn on your volume and watch the following...

Wimpy Goat (remember Dad, just double click on it)

I hope that made you smile.  I just love it.
