Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mission Trip

Hi all!  So, I fell short on my challenge.  Boo.

We leave Saturday on the Mission Trip and here is the blog link; Red Bird Mission Trip Blog

Here are a few pictures from June for your entertainment.

Sue steaming off wallpaper.

Trying to decide our next step...


Looks great!

Enjoying the sunshine.

Annie helping Grandma Cate pull weeds. 

I can't remember but this makes me laugh.

Playing On the Farm with Marlene and Mom on my birthday.

Annie and Henry - on his birthday.
He's a friend from church she babysits.

Henry asked Jake to sit with him during the Children's Sermon.
Jake babysits sometimes, too.

Have you ever seen such big pancakes?
Jake ate every bite... over two meals. 

Pilot got a haircut.

A quick visit with Grandma.

Pilot waiting for Annie...

My beautiful girl!


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