Monday, July 13, 2015

Home - safe and sound

Wow!  What a week! 

We spent our first night at Trinity UMC in Winchester, Kentucky.  Annie and I were in charge of devotions.  We played a game called Identity Crisis where everyone had to pick an identity and asked to write it down.  It could be anyone - a real person, tv/movie personality or cartoon character.  I broke everyone into teams of four and each took turns guessing who was who.  While remembering the all the names.  I read through the list only twice.  It was fun and everyone enjoyed it.  

Afterwards Annie read Mark 8: 27-30.  And I asked the question - Why didn't Jesus want the disciples to tell about him?  I'm not sure what stirred in me but it definitely struck a cord. The answer is because Jesus wanted to tell his story in his way, in his time. It's too easy to misunderstand his message is.  I became overwhelmed and the tears fell.  As a Mom, how often do I answer for my children?  We, as human, want to tell what we want to share and it isn't always the whole store.  I asked a couple other questions but didn't wait for responses and answered them myself.  I wrapped up quickly and forgot to end in prayer.  Granted, I was very tired and used it as my excuse, but the whole truth wasn't something I could articulate at the time.  I was called the crier for the next few days - but it was all in love.  And fun.  And truth.  I deserved it.

We stopped at Henderson Settlement for a tour.  Howard and his wife, Lois were missionaries there for two years in the 70's (I think).  It was raining but Howard enjoyed catching up with several old friends.  

Our youth.

We arrived safely at Red Bird Mission Work Camp at 4:00 p.m.  We had orientation after dinner and everyone was ready for lights out at 11:00 p.m.  Our crew leaders had gotten their work assignments days before and after a quick meeting Monday morning during breakfast we were off to our assignments. 

Here is our team.
9 youth and 8 adults.

I am so thankful that our family was able to take this trip together.  Jack and Jake were on one crew and Annie and I were on another.  Jack rode in one van, Jake in another and Annie and I rode together most of the time.  

Wednesday was our day off and we went to Cumberland Falls.  Several in our group had been there before and said they'd never seen the water so high or so muddy.  

Awkward photo - they thought it was hilarious.
Jake, Annie, Susan and Jenna

(Incidentally, they are the only ones to have been on the last three mission trips)

High School girls
Susan, Annie, Jenna and Kristin

I don't know what was my favorite part.  Devotion and communion Friday night at Beverly United Methodist Church was very meaningful.  The building is amazing, with a beautiful chestnut ceiling. It was hot and muggy - so much so my eyes were sweating.  I just kept thinking about my grandparents and parents sitting in those pews.  Probably one of the reason for the eye "sweat". Did I mention how amazing the ceiling was?  

Amazing, huh?!

If you followed the blog you know what jobs were had and have read our reflections.  If not, go read the blog.  (Leawood UMC Mission Trip 2015)

We picked up Pilot yesterday.  He was so happy to see us - but was very well taken care of by friends from church.  He got taller, his hair is longer and his baby teeth are gone.  He now has big chompers!   

I have been doing laundry all day.  Gross, stinky, sometimes wet laundry.  Yuck!  

Jack went back to work and had a day full of meetings.  He said had a good day.

Jake may have gotten a job.  At Taco Bell.  He's supposed to take in his Social Security card and sign papers on Wednesday morning.  He had an interview at Urban Air last night and he'll find out tomorrow if he got it.  Fingers crossed.  It's a trampoline park just down the street.  

Annie spent the day at home.  Well, she had a dental appointment.  She has two cavities that will get filled in three weeks.  These two cavities were found a year ago but they couldn't fill them because of her braces.  And there's still a bit of cement they couldn't get off her teeth so the dentist will try again.


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