Friday, July 31, 2015

Senior Year - step 1

TODAY, was Senior Portraits.  Not to be confused with senior pictures.  This will be his official picture in the yearbook, along with his classmates.  Today's picture was to be "more formal".   Jake will be getting his Senior Pictures taken in about a month and a half.

 He liked the fact that he could wear nice clothes on top with shorts.

This guy got a genuine smile out of Jake.

I went back to school on Wednesday.  Training started on Tuesday but I had a conflict so I joined them on Wednesday.  Yesterday and today I have spent over 14 hours in the classroom prepping.  We start our Fall Semester on MONDAY!  ?  How can that be?  We are a private day school, that's how.  (Wednesday I would have told you, 'I'm not ready.' But after the last two days it's hard not to jump on the bandwagon.  Here are a few of my bulletin boards...

Inspired by the movie - Up
It says "Where our adventure begins" 
and lists all the students and teachers on balloons.

This is Our Family Tree
Each student will bring in a picture of their family.
(Yes, I should have made the branch second from the bottom extend.)

On the left it says, 'Away we learn' instead 
of away we go.
And in the yellow box attached to the house.
 in the bottom left corner, it says,
"Student artwork coming soon!"

For the first 5 weeks we will have a star student sharing 
their "All about ME!" posters each day.  
The five students will get to display their posters inside the box for a week, 
then they'll be moved to the outside area. 

Laura and Shelby were both super excited that I tackled the bulletin boards.  After I finished I got to label everything in the classroom.  It Was Torture!  I could tell I was getting tired when I accidentally labeled the smocks bin the smokes bin.  I laughed.  And I left it there.  I really doubt anyone ever see's it. 

Wednesday night, Annie and I (Jake was supposed to go but he bailed so we took Annie's friend, Aubrey) to see Mary Poppins at Starlight Theater.  We had a great time!  We had great seats that were right next to the sound engineers area.  Annie thought it was great to sit so close.  "I know how to use that!" she said more than once.  And ever time there was a minor sound problem she would immediately look to see what he was doing and how stressed out his was.  She would giggle every time she caught him singing or speaking along with the actors on stage.  Aubrey had never been to Starlight before so it was extra special.  The production was AMAZING!  
Aubrey had no interest in getting her picture taken.

And yesterday Jack celebrated his 25th Anniversary with Sprint!  He got this with a letter from Marcelo (he's the big cheese)!
AND Jack gets a party.
And if I play my cards right maybe I'll get to go!

Ok, I'm exhausted.


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