Monday, July 7, 2014

What a day!

If you didn't read the updates I added to my last entry, the kids made it to Shiprock, had devotions and got settled in a 2 A.M.!  It was a crazy long day but they were all doing well. They had planned to sleep in until 9 on Sunday... they had no idea what a good idea that would be.  :-)  Here are a few of their pictures:
What a beautiful sight!
Jake doesn't know why there are big fences around them...

Jake called last night.  He said he had a very good day.  The group went to the Four Corners Monument.  I think Jake was underwhelmed, "it's just four squares." - which made me laugh.  He added, "I wore my hat and didn't need sunscreen because it's so big it shades my whole body... at noon."  Big hat, skinny kid, we both laughed.  They had an orientation and introduction to the Navajo Nation.  Jake said, "it was really interesting!"  He and Danny will be hanging dry wall.  We didn't send any masks but he will get one, no need for concern.  I didn't get to talk to Annie but Jake said, "she'll be painting a shed... all four sides."  That kid cracks me up!  

While the kids were getting situated in New Mexico, Jack and I enjoyed a day of celebration.  We picked up my parents and headed to Manhattan.  Addy's 4th birthday - her Golden Birthday - was July 4th and she wanted to celebrate in Kansas.  Due to her Papa's work schedule they couldn't get here until Saturday, so the Sunday party was perfect.  The party was in City Park, in Manhattan, right next to the Splash Park.  There were big trees to provide much needed shade on the hot day.  
The birthday girl!


Addy's Great Grammy, Cate the Great, gave her a Minnie Mouse pinata!
The kids loved it.  Here Sam's taking a swing while Isaac watches.

It was HOT and Sarah joined Addy in a run through the sprinklers. 

 Yesterday, was my Dad's 87th Birthday, so had much to celebrate!    
You look great, Dad!

lighting the candles was tricky.


{Marlene made all the cakes.}

What a group!  I'm so blessed to call them my family!

D.J. and Melissa announced they will be adding to their family in March!  We are so excited for them!!
Yes, Sophie will be a big sister soon!  

It was a fun day!  The kids were missed at the party but I know they are where they should be.  


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