Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kids Update

We got to talk to both kids last night.  They had a busy, hot, long day.  Dry or humid - hot is hot.  If you are following their blog (LUMC YMT 2014) then you know what they're up to but it was still good to hear their voices.  Jake said the church he is working on is tiny, a little smaller than our garage.  I don't want you to think they're working too hard, Jake took an hour and a half long nap.  I asked if he slept on the ride back, since his work site is an hour away and he said, "no, it's so beautiful.  I slept when I got back."  Annie is doing great. She's enjoying all the lizards and cute rabbits - "they don't look like the rabbits at home, they're tiny and really fast!"  I would suspect that's because the slow rabbits have already been eaten, but I didn't tell her that.  I asked if Annie worked at the Day Care today and she said, "nope, it was all hard labor."  

Shiprock is on sacred ground but they got permission to explore and climb near it.  If you want to know more about Shiprock, click here.

Here are a few pictures Howard and Elizabeth posted on Facebook.

At this point they were all walking.  And panting.

What a team!
Leawood Youth and the Pastor

Jake and Annie love to climb on rocks!
And take time to enjoy the view.


I am so thankful they are getting this experience.


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